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Extreme Empiricism: John Howard, Poetry, and the Thermometrics of Reform
This article examines an outpouring of printed poems and biographical publications in the 1780s and 1790s that sought to shape the public image of the celebrated prison reformer John Howard
Who Cares If Rhetoricians Landed on the Moon? Or, a Plea for Reviving the Politics of Historiography
This article discusses a plea for reviving the politics of historiography.
THATCamp: The Humanities and Technology Camp
Presentation for the first Open Data Hackathon at UNT, organized as part of International Open Data Day. This presentation discusses The Humanities and Technology (THAT) Camp.
Strengthening Graduate Student Preparation for WPA Work
Article on strengthening graduate student preparation for the Writing Program Administration (WPA) work.
Harvard, Again: Considering Articulation and Accreditation in Rhetoric and Composition's History
This article discusses considerations in articulation and accreditation in rhetoric and composition's history.
Institutionalizing Normal: Rethinking Composition's Precedence in Normal Schools
Article on rethinking composition's precedence in normal schools.
Considering the Impact of the WPA Outcomes Statement on Second Language Writers
Book chapter on considerations on the impact of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA) Outcomes Statement (OS) on second language writers. This chapter examines the extent to which the WPA OS reflects (or does not reflect) the presence and needs of second language writers.
Episodic or Novelistic? Law in the Atlantic and the Form of Daniel Defoe's Colonel Jack
Article discussing the form of Daniel Defoe's 'Colonel Jack.'
Neoliberal Dispositif and the Rise of Fundamentalism: The Case of Pakistan
Article discussing neoliberal dispositif and the rise of fundamentalism.
William James, Gustav Fechner, and Early Psychophysics
This article examines aspects of William James's thought such as his "transmission theory" of consciousness, his ideas on the "knowing of things together," and "the compounding of consciousness," which suggest his working toward a naturalistic understanding of consciousness.
Convict Transportation and Penitence in 'Moll Flanders'
Article discussing convict transportation and penitence in 'Moll Flanders.'
Circuitry in Motion: Rhetoric(al) Moves in YouTube's Archive
Article on YouTube and how YouTube videos have become an influential source of argumentation, suggesting that they often serve a highly rhetorical function.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's 1854 "Address to the Legislature of New York" and the Paradox of Social Reform Rhetoric
Article on Elizabeth Cady Stanton's 1854 "Address to the Legislature of New York."
A Problem of Publics and the Curious Case at Texas
Article on the problem of publics and the curious case of Texas.
The Consumption of Simulacra: Deconstructing Otherness in Katherine Anne Porter’s Mexican Conceptual Space
This article explores the ways in which Katherine Anne Porter's fiction uniquely supplements cultural narratives of Mexicanness, Americanness, and the implications of their co-existence.
The Rhetoric of Democracy and War on Terror: The Case of Pakistan
Article discussing the rhetoric of democracy on the war on terror. It offers a brief analysis of United States (U.S.) policy toward Pakistan during the last days of General Pervez Husharraf's unconstitutional regime.
Salman Rushdie: Reading the Postcolonial Texts in the Era of Empire
This article discusses Salman Rushdie and reading the postcolonial texts in the era of empire. Using the first three novels of Salman Rushdie, this essay articulates a different conceptual framework for reading the postcolonial texts.
Joseph Conrad: The Question of Racism and Representation of Muslims in his Malayan Works
Article discussing Joseph Conrad's alleged racism beyond 'The Heart of Darkness,' and highlighting the importance of Conrad's Muslim characteristics in his Malay novels.
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