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Cabo de Hornos: un parque nacional libre de especies exóticas en el confín de América
Article discussing research on Cape Horn, a national park free from alien species in southernmost South America.
Ecological theory and values in the determination of conservation goals: examples from temperate regions of Germany, United States of America, and Chile
This article discusses ecological theory and values in the determination of conservation goals, as well as the interdisciplinary and interagency cooperation required for the success of conservation work.
Implicaciones éticas de narrativas Yaganes y Mapuches sobre las aves de los bosques templados de Sudamérica austral
This article discusses the ethical implications of Yahgan and Mapuches narratives of the birds of the temperate forests of southern South America.
Late-Summer Presence of the Patagonian Tyrant, Colorhamphus Parvirostris (Darwin) on Navarino Island, Cape Horn County, Chile
This article discusses the late-summer presence of the Patagonian tyrant, Colorhamphus parvirostris (Darwin) on Navarino Island, Cape Horn County, Chile.
Ten Dimensions of a Biocultural Conservation Approach at the Austral Tip of the Americas
This article discusses ten dimensions of a biocultural conservation approach at the austral tip of the Americas.
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