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Complex Continued Fractions With Restricted Entries
This article studies special infinite iterated function systems derived from complex continued fraction expansions with restricted entries.
Determinant Identities and the Geometry of Lines and Circles
This article focuses on the nontrivial determinant identities which typically underlie the complex analytic proofs of all the results in the plane geometry of lines and circles.
Interpreting genomic data via entropic dissection
Article on interpreting genomic data via entropic dissection.
Newton flow of the Riemann zeta function: separatrices control the appearance of zeros
This article applies the continuous Newton method to the Riemann zeta function and discusses the emerging patterns emphasizing especially the structuring of the non-trivial zeros by the separatrices.
A novel statistical method for rare-variant association studies in general pedigrees
In this paper, the authors discuss a novel statistical method for rare-variant association studies in general pedigrees for quantitative traits. This method uses a retrospective view that treats the traits as fixed and the genotypes as random, which accounts for complex and undefined ascertainment of families.
The Riemann hypothesis illuminated by the Newton flow of ζ
This article analyzes the Newton flow of the Riemann zeta function and rederives in an elementary way the Riemann-von Mangoldt estimate of the number of non-trivial zeros below a given imaginary part.
Testing rare variants for hypertension using family-based tests with different weighting schemes
This paper proposes 4 weighting schemes for the family-based rare variants test (FBAT-v) to test for the effects of both rare and common variants across the genome.
Unconventional height functions in simultaneous Diophantine approximation
This article discusses three examples of nonstandard height functions, computing their exponents of irrationality as well as giving more precise results.
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