Search Results

BOV - a web-based BLAST output visualization tool
Article discussing research on BOV, a web-based BLAST output visualization tool.
Catalytic Tuning of a Phosphinoethane Ligand for Enhanced C-H Activation
Article discussing research on the catalytic tuning of a phosphinoethane ligand for enhanced C-H activation.
Functional Characterization of the Arabidopsis AtSUC2 Sucrose/H+ Symporter by Tissue-Specific Complementation Reveals an Essential Role in Phloem Loading But Not in Long-Distance Transport
This article discusses functional characterization of the Arabidopsis AtSUC2 Sucrose/H+ Symporter.
Improving Saccharification Efficiency of Alfalfa Stems Through Modification of the Terminal Stages of Monolignol Biosynthesis
Article on improving saccharification efficiency of alfalfa stems through modification of the terminal stages of monolignol biosynthesis.
Low Coordinate, Monomeric Molybdenum and Tungsten(III) Complexes: Structure, Reactivity and Calculational Studies of (silox)3Mo and (silox)3ML (M = Mo, W; L = PMe3, CO; silox = tBu3SiO)
This article discusses low coordinate, monomeric molybdenum and tungsten(III) complexes.
Onset of Ferrielectricity and the Hidden Nature of Nanoscale Polarization in Ferroelectric Thin Films
Article on the onset of ferrielectricity and the hidden nature of nanoscale polarization in ferroelectric thin films.
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