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The Mechanism of Action of Immune Guinea Pig Serum in Staphylococcus Infection in Mice
It is the aim of this work to study the role, if any, of C'4 in the immune response against Staphylococcus aureus infections.
Mechanization of Aircraft Performance
The purpose of this paper is to describe the mechanization of the basic equations of motion for the performance and maneuver characteristics of an airplane with some simplifications which render solutions more practicable. The results of a study made to program these equations for calculation by the IBM MODEL 650 digital computer are presented as well as the steps to be taken in using this method of calculation.
Medicine in Tudor and Stuart England: a Study in Social History
Prior to the sixteenth century very little progress had been made in the science of medicine since the Galenic age in Greece. The advent of the Renaissance with its revival of learning produced far-reaching changes in all branches of knowledge. In medicine and science the impact of the new forces was particularly significant. This thesis shows the development of medicine during this time period.
The Melodic Use of the Augmented Second in the Eighteenth Century
When a particular phase of music theory is omitted from the contents of a treatise or textbook on that subject, the omission can usually be ascribed to one of two causes. Either the omitted phase is of little importance or it is not used in the music of the period on which the treatise or textbook is based. It is the purpose of this research study to discuss a particular phase of music theory that has been omitted or avoided by numerous counterpoint and theory textbook authors. The material in the contents of this work is based on a discussion of the melodic use of the augmented second in the music of the eighteenth century.
The Mercury-Sensitized Photochemical Reactions of Cyclohexane
This study is about the mercury sensitized photochemical reactions of cyclohexane.
Mercury-Sensitized Photochemical Reactions of Isopropyl Alcohol
This thesis discusses the mercury-sensitized photochemical reactions of isopropyl alcohol.
Mercury-Sensitized Photochemical Reactions of Isopropyl Alcohol
This thesis describes the reactions of mercury-sensitized isopropyl alcohol when bombarded with 2537 Angstrom radiation.
Mercury-sensitized Photochemical Reactions of Isopropyl Alcohol
The nature and scope of this problem is to determine from the irradiation of isopropyl alcohol with 2537 A, the behavior and mechanism of the reaction, since it is known that a reaction does occur.
The Mercury-Sensitized Photochemical Reactions of Isopropyl Benzene and Methylcyclohexane
This thesis describes the theoretical results of mercury-sensitized photochemical reactions of isopropyl benzene and methylcyclohexane. The reactions are carried out and the results are analyzed.
The Messenger in Shakespeare
Examines the functions of messengers in six plays by Shakespeare.
Metabolism of Hydrocortisone by X-Irradiated Rat Liver Tissue as Determined by the Porter-Silber Chromagen Method
The present study may be considered endocrinological and radiobiological in nature. The endocrinology phase was concerned with studying the changes in endocrine function following the application of a stress agent. X-irradiation was chosen as the stressor in order to determine any difference in effect of this stressor from others which have been studied, e. g. heat, cold, metabolic poisons. Liver slices taken from rats at various time intervals following whole body X-irradiation were tested for their ability to metabolize hydrocortisone from a Krebs-Ringer solution.
A Method for Approximating the Distributed Loads of an Airplane by Sets of Point Loads
This paper gives the derivation of a method for determining the forces to be applied to these points which will simulate the load distributed over all the airplane.
A Method for Calculating Foil Depression Factors
As disc-shaped detectors are one of the primary means of measuring the neutron density, a better solution is desirable if the error due to the depression factor is to be made negligible. In this paper, an attempt is made to solve this problem in the oblate spheroidal co-ordinate system which most nearly describes the disc-shaped detector, so that solutions may be obtained that describe depression factors for detectors of varying thicknesses and radii.
A Method of Analyzing Linear Perspective for Presentation to Junior and Senior High School Students
The general purpose of this study is to develop a series of peep shows, or visual models, which will enable the young student to understand what the laws of perspective are, how they were found, and why his drawings will appear to have three dimensions if he follows the rules. The study is based upon a widely accepted idea--that it is much easier for most people to understand and remember a principle when they can actually see how it works. When rules are merely memorized, one is not assisted by reason, which is essential for useful retention.
Methods Used to Classify Men Students Enrolled in the Physical Education Required Program at Selected Colleges and Universities in Texas
The purpose of this study is 1. to determine methods currently used by institutions surveyed by the study to classify men students enrolled in physical education required programs; 2. To evaluate methods in use by institutions surveyed by the study to classify men students enrolled in physical education required programs.
Metric Spaces
This thesis covers fundamental properties of metric spaces, as well as completeness, compactness, and separability of metric spaces.
A Microbial Survey of Raw Ingredients Used in Finished Products at Kraft Foods Company, Garland, Texas
The purpose of this investigation is to determine through routine checks the number of organisms present in the various raw ingredients used for the preparation of foods. The problem has consisted of, first, a determination of the total bacterial population by numbers; second, a determination of the incidence of colon bacteria in the samples examined; third, a determination of the presence of yeasts and molds; and fourth, an attempt to utilize this information obtained in judging the methods of handling the raw ingredients before they are used in the processing of foods.
Microbial Utilization of a Certain Hydrocarbon Insecticide
This problem includes, first, the isolation and identification of microorganisms which utilized the hydrocarbon insecticide as a sole source of carbon and energy; second, a determination of the effect on plants sprayed with the hydrocarbon medium as compared with the effect on plants sprayed with the hydrocarbon medium containing a good growth of hydrocarbon-utilizers; and third, a determination of the ability of laboratory stock cultures of organisms to utilize or remain alive in the hydrocarbon medium.
Military Campaigns of the Texas Revolution
This thesis contains information pertaining to the events that led up to the Texas Revolution as well as the military campaigns and battles that ultimately led up to the secession with Mexico.
Military Reconstruction in District Five
"As the American Civil War was brought to a close in April, 1865, the entire nation was plunged into an era which was characterized by unrest and turmoil. The North had before it the task of reconstructing the former Confederate states so that they would be able to resume their former positions in national councils, while the South was called on to adjust to a way of life which was drastically different. In military District Five, formed as a result of congressional control, as in the rest of the South, continued post-war controversy has tended to becloud appraisals of the period of military reconstruction. A fair evaluation requires examination of the primary sources inasmuch as secondary works on the era have continued to reflect sectional viewpoints. Such an evaluation reveals the need for a comprehensive re-interpretation of the entire era of military control of reconstruction under the congressional plan. This analysis of military government in District Five represents such a re-interpretation of one area of the post-war South."-- leaf iii.
Modality in Three of the Choral Works of Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G Minor, Five Tudor Portraits and Te Deum in E Minor
To summarize in general the use of modes by Vaughan Williams, it could be said that the works that have been analyzed are characterized by frequent use of the traditional modes, but in a very free manner. The "Kyrie" of the Mass, "Pretty Bess," "Jolly Rutterkin" and Te Deum are confined somewhat closely to given modes, with some changes of mode, changes of tonality and use of altered chords. The "Gloria," "Credo," "Sanctus," "Osanna I," "Benedictus," "Osanna II" and "Agnus Dei" of the Mass, however, contain many striking chromaticisms. These chromaticisms are the result of use of many altered chords, a good deal of modulation and much combining of modes, often with startling cross-relations. The use of seventh chords in "Pretty Bess," "Jolly Rutterkin" and Te Deum further complicates the picture from that of the sixteenth century.
Modern Architecture in Dallas, Texas
The purpose of this study is to show that an awareness of modern architecture is developing in Dallas, Texas. This will be shown by an analysis of several recently constructed residential, civic, and commercial buildings. The contributions of American and European architects who have influenced our contemporary architecture are reviewed to in order to develop a background for this study. This will be shown by an analysis of several recently constructed residential, civic and commercial buildings.
Modern Trends in the Interpretation of Falstaff
The different interpretations of the character of Sir John Falstaff have been so controversial that at no time since the presentation of the Henry IV plays have critics been able to agree as to his precise qualities. He has been called the greatest humorous character in all literature by even those critics who have spoken adversely of his other traits. George Bernard Shaw called him "a besotted and disgusting old wretch," an opinion added to those of others who have seen him as a coward, liar, cheat, thief, glutton, and rogue. There is no denying that he is one of the most captivating and controversial of all characters in English literature.
Monthly Average Prices of Cattle at Fort Worth, 1951-1952, With Some Consideration of Factors Involved in the 1952 Price Drop
This report consists of a presentation of prices paid for the various classifications and grades of cattle sold in the Fort Worth Livestock Market during 1952; a comparison of 1951-1952 prices showing a sharp decline in the price of all grades and classifications which began in June of 1952; and an examination of some of the major factors contributing to the decline in cattle prices as reflected in the Livestock Market, Fort Worth, Texas. From a study of cattle prices that prevailed in the Fort Worth market during 1951 and 1952, and a consideration of some of the factors contributing thereto, the following conclusions are drawn: First, prices of all grades of cattle soared to unusually high levels during 1951, thereby accentuating the drop in price which occurred in the latter part of 1952. Second, the withholding of cattle from slaughter, during a cattle build-up process, rather than a scarcity of cattle in this country was primarily responsible for extremely high prices in 1951. Third, cattle production in this country has progressed in cycles of eight to ten years duration of each; the period under consideration was on the build-up side of the present cycle which began in 1949; and prices for 1951 and 1952 were definitely affected by cyclical influences.
The Moore-Smith Limit
It is the purpose of this thesis to indicate in more detail how various limits defined in analysis, as well as other concepts not ordinarily defined as limits, may be obtained as special cases of the Moore-Smith limit.
The Morality and Wit of Congreve and Sheridan in the Comedy of Manners
Considering the comedies of the Restoration, and those of Congreve in particular, as the prototype of the comedy of manners and as the model for Sheridan later to revive and emulate, this thesis proposes to point out how the concepts of morality and wit have been a major obstacle to literary critics in analyzing the comedy of manners from its very beginnings, to discuss morality and wit as the basis of a proper evaluation of the comedy of manners both from the standpoint of seventeenth-century precepts and those of a century later, and, finally, to show how, during the early periods in which the comedy of manners flourished,--that of Congreve, 1693-1700; and of Sheridan, 1775-1779--morality and wit were modified and used to suit the divergent sociological and psychological conditions of each period.
Morphological and Physiological Changes in Micrococcus Pyogenes Var. Aureus during Development of its Resistance to Terramycin
The problem in this investigation consists of, first, the procurement of several strains of Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus; second, the comparison of the degree and rate of development of resistance of these organisms to terramycin; and, third, to study the morphological and physiological changes which occur during the development of resistance.
Music and Information
The application of information theory to music may provide both a means for measuring the information content of the messages .of the system and for studying the effects of such messages in the field of psychology of music (e.g., the group at Iowa University which is carrying on work commenced by Carl Seashore 3 ). Before the techniques of information theory may be applied to a study of music much statistical data about the music system must be compiled. Masking data must be compiled dealing with many simultaneous tones as are encountered in music; the effects of timbre in overcoming or adding to masking effects must be investigated; the effects of masking on and by the singing voice must be tabulated; and similar data must be compiled dealing with the effects of other types of tonal interactions. This data of the effects of tonal interactions may be used both to reduce the effects of such auditory phenomena and to determine which components of a message pass through the communication channel (i.e., the ear). The masking problem, as illustrated in Figures 19 and 20, may be so acute in some compositions that the part of the signal carrying the information content may be obliterated. These illustrations indicate, however, that effects of masking and other forms of tonal interactions may be reduced This study has indicated, further, that elimination of the effects of tonal interactions is impossible if a wide range of dynamic intensities is used, but that these effects are limitations of the transmission channel and thus restrict the choice of tones of the musical system which may be used at one time.
Music and the Child in the Texas Congregate Homes
This thesis describes how music affects the group dynamic of children living in congregate homes in Texas
Music in the Fiction of Willa Cather
This thesis explores the use of music in the literary works of author Willa Cather.
The Musical Value of Ten Band Class Methods for Junior High School Level
The purpose of this thesis is to present a detailed evaluation of the musical value in ten leading class band methods suitable for use in the junior high school. Presentation of tone production, mechanics of the instruments, and placement of beginning tones are discussed only when the value of the music is directly involved.
Naphthoquinone Studies
This thesis describes a series of naphthoquinone reactions employing pyridine carboxylic acid derivatives (nicotinic acid derivatives). The products of these reactions will be tested by Parke, Davis and Company for their activity against the tubercle bacillus and other pathogenic microorganisms.
The Napoleonic Wars in the English Novel, 1820-1880
This thesis is a study of the novelists of the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns (veterans and non-veterans), the novelists of the naval war, and the novelists of the home front in the Napoleonic Wars.
The National Labor Relations Board's Interpretation of Interference, Restraint and Coercion
This study will endeavor to present an analysis of the process in which the National Labor Relations Board gave specific meaning to "interfere with, restrain or coerce" found in section 8(1) of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. Under Section 8(1) of the Act, the Labor Board, subject to judicial review, has the authority to declare illegal any management procedure which in its opinion involves interference, restraint or coercion.
Naturalism in the Novels of Theodore Dreiser
The author's purpose has been to trace in a very broad and general manner the trend of naturalism up to this point where the central figure of our study, Theodore Dreiser, enters into the picture. This survey is designed primarily to give the reader an indication of what naturalism is, both in philosophy and method, and a very brief historical background of the movement.
Naturalism in the Work of Stephen Crane
A critical study of naturalism and its influence in the works of Stephen Crane.
The Nature and Scope of the Treaty-Making Power
It is the purpose of this study to determine the scope of the powers of the national government in view of the existence of the treaty-making power. The primary objective is to determine what strength the internal prohibitions of the Constitution against action by the national government have in the face of the external powers recognized to exist by International Law and the Supreme Court of the United States.
The Nature and the Extent of Errors in Written Language and the Possible Relationship between These Errors and Certain Factors
The purpose of this study is to show possible relationships between certain environmental, personality, and scholastic factors and difficulties in written language.
The Nature of Individual Differences and Ways of Taking Care of Them, With Emphasis Upon Arithmetic in the Higher Grades at the Elementary Level
The over-all purpose of this study is to determine the ways in which children differ from one another as related to the instructional program in the school, to point out ways of taking care of individual differences in the learning situations in the classroom, and to apply these principles to the teaching and learning of arithmetic in the higher grades at the elementary level.
The Nature of the Group Structure of the Parkland Hospital School of Nursing
This study is designed to investigate the nature of the group structure at the Parkland Hospital School of Nursing, Dallas, Texas.
The Need for a Comprehensive Physical Education Program and Proposed Plan for Marietta, Oklahoma Public Schools
The purpose of this study is not only to show the need of a comprehensive physical education program but to submit a proposed plan to fulfill the need and correlating this plan of improvement with the traditional subject-matter type of school curriculum.
Needed Improvements in the Office Management of the Goodyear Retail Stores
It is the purpose of this study to analyze certain basic problems of office operations and personnel administration in the Goodyear Retail Stores, and to make recommendations as to improvements most needed. Specifically, this study is undertaken with the intention of determining to what extent proper planning, more efficient operating procedures, and improved personnel relationships can aid in the success of office management in the Goodyear stores.
Neutron Density Depression Due to an Oblate Spheroidal Detector
In this paper, two projects have been undertaken. First, Workman's calculations have been checked to a higher degree of approximation to determine the accuracy of his method. Second, a new set of boundary conditions has been developed for obtaining solutions of the neutron diffusion equation which do not depend on the solution of the equation inside the detector.
Newer Methods of Removing Taste and Odor Compounds from Water Supplies
This thesis discusses the causes and methods for removing taste and odor compounds from water supplies.
Nitration of Thiophene Analogs of DDT
Since thiophene very often yields compounds that are analogous to benzene derivatives in general physiological properties, it was decided to attempt to prepare the nitro and amino derivatives of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(2-thienyl)-ethane (V) as well as the nitro and amino derivatives of 2,2,3-trichloro-1,1-bis-(2-thienyl)-butane (VI).
Nitrogen Derivatives of I-phenylazimidoquinone
A series of analogous reactions employing as a nucleus I-phenylazimidoquinone has been investigated.
Nitrogen Derivatives of Naphthoquinone
This thesis investigates nitrogen derivatives of naphthoquinone.
Nitrogen Derivatives of Naphthoquinone
A series of nitrogen derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone, which are structurally similar to the compounds of Hall, has been prepared by this worker. In general, the amido groups are those of the long-chain, fatty acids, and it is believed they will have increased physiological activity. These compounds are to be tested for medicinal activity by Parke-Davis and Company.
The Nocturnes of Chopin
John Field (1782-1837), an Irishman, was the first composer to use the French term "nocturne," and was the inventor of the nocturne for piano. It can be seen with a glance at the scores that the orchestral notturni by the eighteenth century composers were very different than what is generally thought of today as a nocturne. Field introduced the idea of the nocturne that has remained much the same since. Frederic Chopin enlarged and improved the genre invented by Field, but it was Field's originality that brought this type of piece to piano literature. Indeed, John Field is hardly remembered today except as the inventor of the nocturne for the piano and for his influence on Chopin's Nocturnes. For that alone musicians will remain indebted to him.
Las Novelas de Gregorio López y Fuentes
This thesis considers the novels of Gregorio Lopez Y Fuentes.
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