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A Stylistic Analysis of Béla Bartók's "Mikrokosmos"
Bela Bartok's art is a perfect microcosm of the art of the twentieth century. It is interwoven with the musical conceptions and techniques of the great Western European masters, without in any way obscuring the individuality, the national consciousness, and the personal style and originality of the composer's own musical language -- a language rooted in the glorious tradition of his people. In the six volumes of the Mikrokosmos, or "little world," Bartok has presented a series of progressively difficult pieces designed -- if not intentionally, at least effectively -- to introduce to the piano student a technical approach to piano playing in the modern idiom. Admittedly, the etude does not cover every pianistic technical problem. It clearly shows that Bartok fully appreciates the worth of the great wealth of piano literature, and does not prescribe his method as a "cure-all" for the technical problems of piano playing.
To Determine a Sound Curriculum for the Junior High School Based on the Psychological, Sociological, and Democratic Needs of Youth
The purpose of this study is to provide a sound curriculum for the junior high school based on the psychological, sociological, and democratic needs of youth. One of several reason given for the establishment of the junior high school was to adjust the curriculum to the needs of youth.
An Analysis of the Course of Study for Instrumental Music Courses in the High Schools of Texas
The purpose of this survey was to analyze the course of study in instrumental music prescribed by the Texas State Department for the high schools of the state and to determine whether or not a coordinated and well-rounded program of education in instrumental music is being offered in the schools of Texas. It was hoped, furthermore, that, by comparing this program with others elsewhere, this analysis might show whether or not Texas is following any general trend in instrumental music education.
Education in Ellis County, Texas
This primary purpose of this thesis is to explore the progression of education within Ellis County. The first two chapters focus on how the county was founded, the first settlements, the formation of towns and economic developments. The rest of the paper gives the history and development of education, specifically the early schools of the county, the beginning of public schools, and the more recent trends of education.
An Occupational Follow-Up of Male Graduates of Denton High School, 1936-1940
"The first part of the study is devoted to a comparison of those graduates who stay in Denton with those who move away. The marital status of each group, where they live, and why they chose the cities in which they live are shown in this section. A study is made to determine if those graduates who have moved away choose cities larger or smaller than Denton. The second aspect of the problem is developed by making a comparison of the quality of work done in high school and amount of education of the two groups. To make this comparison, a study is made of the quartile rank in high school ; the number that attended college in each group; the schools they attended; and the number that graduated from college. The third part of the problem is a comparison of the degree of success attained by each group. the occupations of the graduates, the number who have their own businesses, the financial success of each group, and the relationship of education to financial success attained are shown. The fourth division of the problem is the presentation of suggestions given by the graduates for improving job opportunities in Denton. It is hoped that this study will show whether or not Denton is losing its potentially more valuable citizens to other communities."-- leaf 2.
An Evaluation of In-Service Training in Sweetwater Schools, Sweetwater, Texas
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in-service training program in the Sweetwater Public Schools, Sweetwater, Texas from 1945 to 1949; and to show that an in-service training program is a necessity in progressive schools.
The History of the Texas Negro and His Development Since 1900
This thesis is a descriptive account of the history of Negroes in Texas including how they came to reside in Texas, their population trends, and the developments they have made since 1900 in areas such as politics, education, and the work force.
A Critical Evaluation of Eight Series of Music Books for Grades Four, Five and Six
This study is an evaluation of individual music textbooks from eight series for grades four, five, and six, by a definite criterion basis. It seems very worthwhile to have an evaluation of such books: (a) to aid in the wise selection of music books, and (b) to become familiar with the contributions of each series.
Five Year Band Program for Vanderbilt School
The public school of Vanderbilt, Texas is in the process of building a band. The steady growth of the band will depend upon a long-range planning program. It is the band director's aim to set up such a long-range plan to cover the five years from the 1947 school year and including the 1952 school year. The following chapters will cover most of the phases of the band's work, and that of the director's work, and his relation to the band and the community.
The Organization and Development of Consumer Cooperatives in Plano, Texas
The writer proposes in this study to make a survey of the organization and development of consumer cooperatives in Plano, Texas. Various phases of the development and present status of the consumer cooperatives are to be dealt with including history of organization, financial growth, operating procedure, management, benefits to the community, comparison with Rochdale Principles, and the reasons for the success of the cooperatives in the Plano community.
A Study of Juvenile Delinquency in Stephens County, Texas
The purpose of this study is to try to determine some of the leading causes of juvenile delinquency in Stephens County so as to recommend methods of prevention and treatment.
Plot Structure in the Novels of Mark Twain
Mark Twain was not only a wit but a literary man. He could paint a scene and he could make a character live, but could he plot a novel? It is the purpose of this study to analyze his methods and his products, with emphasis upon the building of plots.
The Public Lands of Texas and Their Use for the Benefit of Education
When a new government is established, sovereign and national in its character, all of the land within its jurisdiction belongs to the people, not as individuals, but as a whole, except that which may have been theretofore acquired by individuals under such rights as may be respected by the new government. The land which has not been acquired by individuals is known as the public domain, and is subject to such disposition as the new government might determine. This thesis will review the public lands of Texas and how those lands have been used with a strong focus on the endowment of these lands to the public education system.
Practical Approach to Protestant Church Music
The purpose of this study is to make the Protestant church workers more efficient in their use of music in religious work by giving them a clear conception of the kind of music to be used and by suggesting detailed plans and methods by which desirable results may be secured in the use of church music. Ideal standards have their place, but here it is proposed to be matter-of-fact, practical and concrete, and to secure immediate results with the average church member and choir singer as the final criterion in every phase of the work. The purpose is not to emphasize high ideals but to instruct and inspire all those who have leadership in the service of church music, that they may be able here to provide the greatest religious helpfulness that the use of music can bring the souls to whom they minister.
A Study of the Ways in Which the Boys and Girls of Waxahachie Spend Their Leisure Time
"The study will attempt to show how the boys and girls of Waxahachie spend their leisure time. It will also indicate the need for more direction in the proper use of leisure time. Furthermore, it will show that much should be done by the adults of Waxahachie to help these boys and girls live a fuller, happier life, and prepare healthy minds and bodies to carry on life in a democratic society."-- leaf 3.
A Practical Application of the International Phonetic Alphabet to the Teaching of Singing
The teaching of singing is fraught with psychological problems not met with in the other branches of applied music. The inordinate physical and mental concepts with which the singing teacher must deal result in the necessity that the singing teacher, to be highly efficient, must be a practicing psychologist. In the writer's experience, first as student and then as teacher and observer of the work of other teachers, it has become obvious that in the minds of the majority of pupils, diction problems are so paramount that they supercede the purely vocal aspects of singing. As the language sounds are rightly but a point of departure for the building of a beautiful and expressive singing tone, it seems absolutely essential that the way must be pointed whereby language in singing can find its proper place in the pupil's development, where it can assume the position of a help rather than a hindrance in vocal achievement.
An Evaluation of the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Program of the Waco State Home
"The purpose of this study was to evaluate the program of physical education, health, and recreation of the Waco State School from 1933 to 1940...In view of these definite results, the conclusion is made that the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Program of the Waco State Home has been successful in the following respects: 1. It has developed normal, happy children who have a chance to become useful, self-supporting children. 2. The Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Program of the Home has met and exceeded in many respects the educational standards for such activities. 3. The Waco State Home has performed a great educational service in remolding warped, underprivileged children."--leaf 2.
Organization and Administration of a Vocal Competition Festival
The conviction that the music competition festivals should be better organized and better administered has led to the study of this topic by many serious-minded music leaders.The present study will deal with this all important phase of the contest or festival--the organization and administration of a vocal competition festival. The writer has no intention of setting down a set of rules and regulations to be followed by all directors of contests in all situations. He rather would suggest the use of a set of findings which should help contest directors to organize and administer an event which should be of great educational value both to the directors and the students.
An Instrumental Program Especially Suitable for the Goose Creek Independent School District
Within this document, the writer hopes to present a thorough study of the various methods and materials which are available for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced band classes of the Goose Creek Independent School District, Goose Creek, Texas, taking into consideration the organization of the school system as it exists at the present time.
A Study to Determine Changes Necessary to Cause the Texas Public School Band Program to Conform to Certain Accepted Standards
The purpose of this study was to determine changes necessary to cause Texas public school band programs to conform to a recommended standard.
A Composite Analytical Index of Articles Appearing in Selected Periodicals, Issued Between July 1937 and June 1947: Concerning Playing Problems of Wind and String Instruments
For several decades since the rise of extensive instrumental music instruction, various music periodicals have devoted a certain amount of space to printing comments, suggestions, and other pedagogical material to aid the student in playing a particular instrument. The writer, in his belief in the value of this material, has chosen to make a survey of various periodicals and to catalog certain items as a reference guide to the location of significant articles.
A Comparative Study of the Academic Achievement of Three Hundred and Eighty Athletes and Non-Athletes at North Texas State Teachers College from 1930 to 1938
It is the objective of the writer to compare the grades of the athletes and non-athletes as well as to consider factors other than intelligence to show the difference in Academic Achievement at North Texas State Teachers College between athletes and the average student.
A Comparison of Early and Modern Musical Settings of Eleven Shakespearian Lyrics
The object of this paper is to effect a comparison between the early Shakespearean songs and their more recent settings and to discuss in detail differences in style and technique, with emphasis upon textual and melodic characteristics.
Persons and Places in Mark Twain's Fiction
This paper focuses on Mark Twain's writing style and characterization in his fiction. The settings and characters of his fiction are in particular focus, specifically how Mark Twain draws on personal experiences and memories to make his characters and settings more relatable and realistic. A brief biography of Twain's life is given before the author goes into the specifics of characterization and settings.
Movement Expression as the Basis for Teaching Musical Form in the Primary Grades
The purpose of this study is to present a plan whereby teachers may effect a more worthwhile meaning of musical form by teaching it in connection with an activity that shall be called 'movement.' The problem of the study is to bring together the knowledge that come from the writer's experience as a teacher, and the data from the limited literature on the subject and organize them in such a way as to formulate this plan.
Follow-Up of Business Graduates of Gainesville Junior College, Gainsville, Texas
"This study was made to determine whether or not Gainesville Junior College Commercial Department at Gainesville, Texas, is meeting the probable future needs of business employers and employees. An attempt is being made to find which courses could be enriched to advantage and the nature of the material to be used in the enrichment. All factual information in this study was gained through fifty questionnaires which were sent to business graduates of 1935-1945 of Gainesville Junior College. " -- leaf 1
A Survey and Critical Analysis of the Preparation of Instrumental Music Teachers with the Recommendations for Altering the Curriculum and Content of the Courses
The problem and purpose of this study is to attempt to establish a reasonably accurate basis for planning a program of educating prospective public school instrumental music teachers that meets the demands of present-day educational practices in the public schools. This present study may provide a simplification of the methods of teaching instrumental classes at the college level through a criticism of the preparation of instrumental teachers in an effort to discover specific contributing elements that assist the instrumental teacher to teach economically and effectively by making an investigation into the factors involved in teaching techniques that depend upon the acquisition of instrumental performance skills and upon practical principles of procedure in organizing and teaching instrumental music in the public schools.
To Determine the Correct Organization, Content, and Method of a Course of Marital Relations for Senior High School Students
It is the purpose of this study to determine the correct organization, content, and method of a course on marital relations for senior high school students. The organization, content, and method are to be determined by the needs and interests of the individuals concerned; educational theory, psychology, and philosophy; and medical, clinical, and research science.
An Analysis of One Hundred Divorce Suits Filed in Dallas County, Texas, May and June, 1948
The problem is limited to an analysis of the first one hundred divorce suits involving children filed in Dallas County, Texas, during the months of May and June, 1948. The general factors considered are: (a) family background; (b) age; (c) educational background; (d) economic status; (e) previous marital relations; and (f) the number of children.
Stylistic Evolution of the Motet Through the Sixteenth Century with Emphasis on the Style of Palestrina
The mass and the motet are the most important musical components of the Catholic liturgy. The development of vocal polyphony in the Medieval Period culminated in the perfection of these forms in the sixteenth century. The purpose of this thesis is to give an account of the development of religious monody and polyphony that led to the inception of the motet in the early part of the thirteenth century; to show the development of the motet through the sixteenth century; to give a more detailed analysis of the style of Palestrina; and to emphasize the analysis with a stylistic examination of a Palestrina motet.
A Critical Analysis and Comparison of Six Vocal Class Methods and an Outline of Material for Group Voice Teaching on the Secondary Level
The subsequent study is an outgrowth of observations made during a year spent in secondary voice teaching on the college level. For the purpose of working toward a more effective and efficient secondary voice program, the following material is presented. The first part of the study is a critical analysis and comparison of six methods of voice teaching designed for, or adaptable to, class voice teaching. The second part of the study is a suggested plan for teaching secondary voice in classes, including an outline of material which could be used.
The Status and Administration of Student Dance Bands in Colleges and Universities in the United States
Due to the increased importance of music in everyday life, the expanding enrollment in most colleges brought on by the return of war veterans, and the ever increasing popularity of dance music, more and more schools are incorporating dance bands as part of their musical program in connection with their recreation and college promotion activities. Since this is more or less a new development, it is of interest to all school administrators to see just what is being done in regard to dance music in the schools. Therefore, it is the purpose of this study to determine the extent and usage of popular dance bands in colleges at the present time, and to present certain problems which are apt to confront the administrator of such an organization.
Relationship of Social Concepts and Personality in the Third Grade of Travis Elementary School, Mineral Wells, Texas
The value of proper concepts and an adjustable or adaptable personality are teaching factors to be considered in present-day education. The education for richer living must be through the main institutions of learning, the schools.
Teaching Syllabus for the Junior High School General Music Class
To further the effectiveness of music in the schools, to create a more meaningful and enjoyable musical experience in the junior high school -- these are the ideals that prompted the writing of this thesis. The need for this work is set forth in three subordinate needs. First, there is need for uniformity in aspects of music to be taught at the junior high school level. Second is the need for emphasis on certain aspects of music which carry over into future life. Last to consider is the need for organization of material to insure the proper background or further music study.
Articulation of the Primary with the Secondary Instrumental Band Program in the Public Schools
The purpose of this thesis is to acquaint future band and orchestra directors with a successful, thoroughly "tried and tested" plan of building an instrumental program within the music department. This thesis presents the technique of instrumentating the senior high school band by planning an instrumental program from the first grade to the time the band student reaches the senior high school level.
A Statistical Investigation of the Phenomena of Absolute Tempo as Described by Hallock, Mursell and Others
The problem of absolute or positive pitch has been studied by a considerable number of researchers. This cannot be said, however, for the problem of the element of tempo, or the normal speed of the true beat in music. The reason for this probably lies in the fact that absolute pitch can be measured quite accurately, for it is dependent upon the anatomy and physiology of the ear. On the other hand, a means whereby the innate pulse in music can be externalized so as to be capable of exact expression and measure in number, presents a challenge to those interested in further investigation of this phenomenon.
A Historical Survey of Psalm Settings from the Time of the Reformation Through Stravinsky's "Symphonie des Psaumes"
Though perhaps we shall never know the music to which these religious lyrics were written, the poems have never ceased to be the source of inspiration for the spirits of men since they were first sung. Each psalm seems to have an underlying purpose with a personal message for each reader. In the Book one can find a reply to every sort of question, for the Psalms are filled with expressions of emotion brought about by all human experience. The collection of these 150 songs or psalms makes up what is known as the Hebrew hymn-book or the Book of Psalms.
An Analysis of Twenty-Five Vocal Methods of the Twentieth Century
The following study is designed to define the existing differences of opinion regarding the solution of vocal problems. Some twenty-five vocal methods have been examined with reference to the principles set forth on what are generally considered the most important vocal problems, viz., Breathing, Registers, Resonance, Tone and Interpretation.
A Proposed Music Theory Text Book for Instrumental Students of High Schools of 250-750 Enrollment, Who Have a Limited Amount of Public School Music
It is the author's purpose, after a thorough study of published theory books, to present a proposed textbook in music theory to meet the needs of the average high school student.
A Study of the Treatment of Time in the Plays of Lyly, Marlowe, Greene, and Peele
Because Shakespeare borrowed so many ideas and devices from other writers, we wonder whether he also borrowed the trick of double time from some of his predecessors; therefore one of the purposes of this study is to discover whether or not this device was original with Shakespeare. In this study I have considered the works of John Lyly, Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, and George Peele because these four seem to have influenced Shakespeare more than did any of the other of his immediate predecessors. To discover what influence, if any, these men had upon Shakespeare ts treatment of time is not, however, the only purpose of this study; for I am also interested in the characteristics of the works of these men for their own values, independent of any influence which they may have had on the works of Shakespeare.
A Means of Directing and Evaluating Practice Periods of Band Students at the Secondary School Level
This study is to determine some means of directing and supervising practice periods of band students; and to examine the available class study materials with a view of determining their use and suitability as an aid to supervised practice.
Planning a Sound High School Testing Program
A major consideration in this study has been given to the establishment of the criteria by which the soundness of a testing program could be evaluated as its role in the secondary school. This problem was limited to the planning and administering of a progressive and comprehensive long-range testing program designed to meet the needs and problems common to most school administrators within the economic limits of a small high school. It was not the purpose of this study to anticipate the problems peculiar to particular teachers, high schools, or localities. However, the testing program if properly directed will result in the formation of subsidiary testing programs undertaken by particular teachers or groups of teachers for the purpose of throwing light on the specific problems raised by a large general testing program.
Guidance Factors in the Selection of Students for the Study of Instrumental Music in the Public Schools of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Instrumental music classes in the public schools of Tulsa, Oklahoma, have experienced a phenomenal growth during the past twenty years. Prior to this period, opportunity for instrumental music expression was limited to the high school band and orchestra,which rehearsed outside of school hours. No instruction other than this was provided and the student who wished to play in the school band or orchestra studied first from private instructors. In this study the investigator has examined a great many devices for measuring capacities and aptitudes which are known to the profession. He has attempted to evaluate these procedures in the light of sound educational philosophy. He has set forth a plan which he believes will materially improve the instrumental program through discovering unsuspected musical capacity and through sound guidance in the selection of suitable instruments.
Plastics, Their History and Use
Since the civilization, population and living standards of the peoples of the world have increased in such gigantic proportions, especially in the last fifty years; and since the supply of natural resources cannot meet the demand, we have of necessity had to find new materials to take their place. These new materials must fulfill two purposes; namely, to take the place of the natural resources so wantonly destroyed and to meet requirements that the natural materials are not able to meet. Foremost among these new materials are the synthetic resinous materials known as plastics. Plastics are one way of getting around the fact that Nature has not thought of everything. The ability of man to imagine things that he does not see and to fashion these things from what he finds around him is responsible for what we call progress -- and for plastics.
Stylistic Analysis of the Chopin E Minor Concerto
Both of the Chopin concertos are the earliest of his works to be found in the ordinary piano repertoire, and they possess the direct influences and inherited traits of the composer. Since he did no more orchestral work after completing these two works, it is evident that he thought only in terms of pianistic expression. Probably one of the reasons for Chopin's ineffectiveness as an orchestral writer is due to his inability to conform to the classical form: sonata allegro. The e minor concerto is representative of his treatment of the larger forms. Analyzing the elements of an early work of the composer reveals the degree of maturity in individual traits. Elements of basic chord structure and use of harmony, melodic characteristics, and pianistic expression mark the style of a composer. This concerto demonstrates the beginning of chromatic harmony in his time and in his own writing; it contains melodic beauty and pianistic features which make it acceptable in standard concerto repertoire in spite of its many defects.
The Musical Contributions of Five French Organ Composers from Widor to the Present Time
Five French organ composers, representative of the period from Widor to the present time, are identified in this study, and a comparative analysis of the works of each is made. The introduction includes the source of the data, the scope of the problem, the purpose of the study, the method of procedure, a brief historical background of the new French school of music, general characteristics of modern French music, and specific idioms of contemporary French organ composers, as exemplified in the works of the organists selected: Charles Marie Widor, Louis Vierne, Charles Tournemire, Marcel Dupre, and Joseph Bonnet. The compositions and musical contributions of Widor, Vierne, Tournemire, Dupre, and Bonnet, respectively, are discussed in Chapter II through Chapter VI. Chapter VII states a summary of the study and the conclusions drawn,
A Course in Keyboard Harmony Based on the Recitative Style and the Figured Bass
The problem of this study is to present a course in keyboard harmony based on the recitative style and figured bass of great works of music which can be used in the teaching of beginning and advanced college music theory.
The History and Development of the Alvin School
"The purpose of this study is not only to satisfy a personal interest, but also to preserve in an interesting narrative form the facts connected with the history and development of the Alvin, Texas, School. The data concerning this subject have been taken from Brazoria County newspapers, The Alvin Sun newspaper files, Alvin School Board Minutes, Alvin School annuals, city records of Alvin and personal interviews. These data have been carefully selected and taken from reliable sources."
A Study to Determine the Effect of Certain School Music Techniques on Children's Attitudes
The investigator wished to determine the effect of certain school music techniques on children's attitudes.
A Study of the Peer Acceptance of a Rural Group in a Town High School
The problem of this study is the examination of a high school group situation in which two broad background elements exist, the rural and the urbanwith the aim of seeking the statistical importance of these elements in their influence upon the peer acceptance within the group.
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