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The Development of Television Broadcasting in Taiwan, The Republic of China (1949-1982)
This study reviews the evolution of television broadcasting in Taiwan from 1949 to 1982, with emphasis on the period from 1970 to 1982. The problem was to examine the development of the television industry in Taiwan as influenced by law and regulation, politics, and social customs. This study concludes that the development of the television industry in Taiwan was indeed greatly influenced by the above three factors. Future growth of the industry, however, may be greatly hindered unless the government relaxes its close control of the medium in the future.
The Role of Television in the Development of Nigeria
The purpose of this study is to show how television has affected the politics, education, economy, and religions of Nigeria. The background of each area is outlined to lay the groundwork for showing the influence of television on these aspects of the lives of Nigerians. A brief history of the development of radio and television in Nigeria is presented. Although government control of Nigerian television precludes unbiased political reporting, the medium has raised the consciousness and interest of Nigerians in political activities; education, however, is the area in which television proves its worth and potential. Under the direction of the government's unification goals, Nigerian television has been an informative, moderating, and conciliatory influence on the divisive elements in Nigeria.
Space--Our Future: A Script for Group Interpretation
The purpose of this thesis has been to prepare a group interpretation script based on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its major manned programs. The script is designed to inform high school students and the general public of the space program. Available literature on oral interpretation and readers theatre have been investigated with particular attention given to the value of readers theatre as a means of instruction. Questionnaires were circulated among aerospace professors throughout the country and companies involved in the space industry. In their responses, aerospace company officials indicate strong support of this thesis and indicate a pressing need for such an informative script.
Types of Love in Selected Plays by Lillian Hellman
This study analyzed The Children's Hour, The Little Foxes, Watch on the Rhine, Toys in the Attic in terms of the forms of human love delineated by Erich Fromm in The Art of Loving. The motives and actions of one or more principal characters and their dramatic situations were studied. It was discovered that, in the plays that were examined, each character responded to his or her situation in a loving or a hateful manner and that these choices with regard to love provided the dramatic matrix of the play.
Texas Outlaw Radio: the Prelude to United States v. Gregg et al. (1934)
Unlicensed radio stations in 1933 tested the Radio Act of 1927 as to whether or not the Federal Radio Commission (FRC) had the right to regulate radio stations whose signals were allegedly intrastate. The FRC believed it could regulate such radio stations and proceeded to confiscate equipment, charge individuals with violation of the law, and bring them to trial, either in an injunction hearing, a criminal trial, or both. The most formidable case was that of United States v. Gregg et al. The challenge was met by the FRC and the judge, whose decision is still quoted in legal documents. The decision upheld the Radio Act of 1927 and the FRC's right to regulate all radio stations, licensed or unlicensed.
Effects of Gender and Self-Monitoring on Observer Accuracy in Decoding Affect Displays
This study examined gender and self-monitoring as separate and interacting variables predicting judgmental accuracy on the part of observers of facial expressions of emotional categories. The main and interaction effects failed to reach significant levels during the preliminary analysis. However, post hoc analyses demonstrated a significant encoder sex variable. Female encoders of emotion were judged more accurately by both sexes. Additionally, when the stimulus was limited to female enactments of emotional categories, the hypothesized main and interaction effects reached significant F levels. This study utilized 100 observers and 10 encoders of seven emotional categories. Methodological considerations and alternatives are examined at length.
Oral Interpretation in a Public Awareness Campaign Denton County Probationer Education and Employment Program
This study investigates the use of oral interpretation in social contexts. The context chosen was a community corrections program which provides education and employment assistance to adults on probation in Denton County, Texas. A solo interpretation script was incorporated into a public awareness presentation about the Denton County Probationer Education and Employment Program. The presentation was presented to a pilot audience to test the effectiveness of combining oral interpretation with public speaking to inform audiences about and elicit support for community corrections. It was determined that integrating an interpretative performance into an informational presentation is an effective method of employing oral interpretation outside the classroom and expanding its rhetorical dimensions.
A Society Under Foreign Rule, the Characters of Kuan Han-Ch'ing as Critical Statements About the Yuan Dynasty, 1280-1368
This study sought to discover how Kuan Han-Ch'ing portrayed the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368 A.D.) and the Confucian view of women by means of the characterization in Kuan's plays. Eight female characters, three male public officials, and three male villains were selected for study. It was discovered that Kuan portrayed the ordinary people of his time with outstanding skill; that the characters selected for study provided ways of life contrary to Confucianism, the prevailing philosophy; that Kuan's characterization satirized the Mongol ruling class; and that Kuan depicted women more favorably than Confucian philosophy would have allowed.
Twenty-one Original Prose Selections for use in Teaching Oral Interpretation in Junior High and High School
Twenty-one original prose selections were written for use by junior high school students of oral interpretation. A survey of textbook publishers and junior high school teachers revealed a need for material of appropriate length and of suitable reading and interest levels for oral reading in the junior high school classroom. The selections were read and evaluated by a group of junior high students and a junior high teacher of speech. The responses indicate that the selections are effective and usable as an instructional aid in teaching oral interpretation in junior high school.
Application of a Vibrotactile Aid in Improvement of Speech Production in Deaf Children
The SRA-10 is a tactile instrument which provides hearing impaired subjects with acoustic transforms that can be easily discriminated on the skin. Whether or not the SRA-10 is an effective means of training speech-language skills in profoundly hearing impaired subjects was the focus of this investigation. Two profoundly hearing impaired subjects were trained on phonetic reception/production tasks and on discrimination of multisyllabic words. Each subject served as his own control, wearing the SRA-10 for 14, 30 minute sessions, and a Bioacoustics 70-B auditory training unit for the same period of time. Results indicated a greater correct performance gain function with the SRA-10 than with the 70-B, suggesting that speech perception/production training using the SRA-10 or similar device would be superior to training using acoustic amplification.
Oral Interpretation as a Catalyst for Social Awareness Ann's Haven: Hospice of Denton County
This oral interpretation thesis studies the use of oral interpretation in social contexts. The context chosen was the Hospice movement, which deals with assisting terminally ill persons and their families through the stages of death and bereavement. A readers theatre script was compiled for "Ann's Haven: Hospice of Denton County," which was selected for the locus of this thesis. The script was presented to various civic groups for the purpose of informing the public and eliciting support for Ann's Haven. It was found that oral interpretation is a viable rhetorical tool and is well liked by audiences as a means of public enlightenment.
An Oral Interpretation Script Illustrating the Influence on Contemporary American Poetry of the Three Black Mountain Poets: Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, Robert Duncan
This oral interpretation thesis analyzes the impact that three poets from Black Mountain College had on contemporary American poetry. The study concentrates on the lives, works, poetic theories of Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and Robert Duncan and culminates in a lecture recital compiled from historical data relating to Black Mountain College and to the three prominent poets.
Public Safety, D/FW Style: Production of an Informational Videotape
This study consists of two parts, the completed videotape production and the production book. The videotape explores the history, organizational structure, and training requirements of the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Department of Public Safety. A copy of the videotape is shelved in the North Texas State University Media Center Library. The production book describes background preproduction, production, and postproduction of the videotape. Problems, their effects, and solutions are described. The study concludes that an effective videotape can be produced in-house with limited time, equipment, and personnel, at a cost far less than commercially produced films. The study makes specific recommendations for guidelines and planning of future productions.
Twenty Years of Nigerian Television: 1959-1979
This study reviews the evolution of Nigerian broadcasting from 1935 to 1979, with emphasis on the development of Nigerian television broadcasting. The problem was to discern how Nigeria's social and political structures have affected its radio and television system. The study concludes that both the heterogeneity of Nigerian society and the country's continued political unrest pose a threat to either private or government ownership of television stations. Today, approximately 1.5 million television sets serve over 80 million Nigerians, and this imbalance should be corrected before Nigerian television can be considered a mass medium. Nigeria's present administration maintains that its control of the country's television is necessary; critics feel, however, that federal control restrains television from developing its potential, especially in promoting national unity.
An Historical Analysis of the Macquarie Broadcasting Service Pty. Ltd., Sydney, Australia, 1938-1958
Australia's dual system of broadcasting has provided national and commercial radio services to Australians in both urban and remote areas. Networks were formed to serve these areas, but advertising agencies tended to dominate smaller commercial networks on behalf of their clients. Most of these failed. The Macquarie Broadcasting Service Pty. Ltd. (MBS) network began in 1938 and offered network programming and sales representation to stations affiliating with them. Its subsidiary, Artransa Pty. Ltd., also produced and syndicated programs and provided sales representation both nationally and internationally. This study concludes that MBS' contribution to Australian commercial broadcasting was the development of networking and that it had the greater listenership of any commercial network in this time period.
A Structural Analysis of Television Advertising
This structural analysis examined fourteen television commercials using a method developed by Claude Levi-Strauss. The commercials were divided into two product groups, restaurant and cleaning products advertising, which made up the "myths" to be analyzed. Binary oppositions in each myth were identified and, according to the methodology, charted to reveal new relationships, and ultimately the hidden messages in the advertising. This study confirmed that television advertising does function in our society much the same as myth does in the primitive societies studied by Levi-Strauss. It offers answers to problems and upholds the existing order of things in that society, and it may function on more than one level to convey its messages.
A Chamber Theatre Adaptation and Analysis of Arthur Schnitzler's "The Blind Geronimo and His Brother"
This oral interpretation thesis describes and analyzes Chamber Theatre as a technique for the presentation and critical understanding of narrative prose. Arthur Schnitzler and his work are analyzed, and his short story, "The Blind Geronimo and His Brother," is adapted to Chamber Theatre script form. It was discovered that Schnitzler's work is well suited to and would probably benefit from Chamber Theatre productions.
An Examination of the Comedic Techniques Found in Selected Works of Neil Simon
Justification of Neil Simon's credibility as a comedic playwright by examining established principles of comedy and humor from Aristotle to Bergson to Bier, and their prevalence in The Star Spangled Girl, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, Promises, Promises, and Chapter Two.
The Impact of Hearing Impairment upon Communication Apprehension and Self-Disclosure
The present study used a variety of procedures to investigate which selected communication factors interfered in the interpersonal communication process between hearing-impaired and hearing persons. Three hypotheses were tested and all of them were confirmed. The results of the analyses of responses to the variables revealed that hearing-impaired subjects had greater communication problems when interpersonally interacting with hearing targets than with deaf targets. The hearing subjects reported a higher level of state communication anxiety and an overall lower level of self-disclosure when interacting with deaf targets than with hearing targets.
The American Federation of Musicians' Recording Ban, 1942-1944, and its Effect on Radio Broadcasting in the United States
James Caesar Petrillo, President of the American Federation of Musicians, called a strike effective July 31, 1942, prohibiting union members from making any disc recordings or electrical transcriptions. The present study recounts the history of that strike, including efforts to end it, reactions to it by various government and trade organizations and the circumstances under which it finally did end. The study focuses on the effect of the strike on radio broadcasters, both directly (through recordings they used) and indirectly (through the strike's effects on the recording and related industries), and concludes that it changed the character of radio's music somewhat, but had little detrimental effect on radio's profits.
Country Music as Communication: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Lyrics of Traditional Country Music and Progressive Country Music
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the themes and values represented in lyrics of progressive country music are significantly different from those of traditional country music. Content analytical techniques were used to determine, first, themes and, second, attitudes reflected in those themes in each type of song. The chi square test of independence was u-ilized, and a difference significant to the .05 level was found between themes and attitudes of lyrics in the two song types.
Prelude to Red Lion: History and Analysis of the Proposed Red Lion et al., v. FCC and Democratic National Committee Challenge of the Fairness Doctrine
This study sets forth events surrounding a law suit filed by Red Lion Broadcasting Co. against the Federal Communications Commission and the Democratic National Committee in 1965. The study found these events were major factors in the decision by John M. Norris, president and owner of Red Lion, to pursue his objection to the FCC's Fairness Doctrine to the U.S. Supreme Court, resulting in the court's landmark decision in Red Lion vs. FCC (1969). Research methodology combined techniques of historical research and case study. On-site research of company records, personal letters and records are included as primary sources.
Sex-Talk Radio Programming, 1971-1973
In 1971, radio station KGBS, Los Angeles, developed a format featuring a male host taking telephone calls from females only who discussed explicit sexual experiences over the air. Many other radio stations in the United States programmed this "sex-talk" format until 1973, when the Federal Communications Commission took steps to eliminate it. This study examines the origin, development, success, causes for eventual demise, and impact upon the broadcasting industry of the sex-talk format. The United States Congress pressured the FCC to act on the sex-talk format, and the study concludes that broadcasters would not have succumbed to government pressure if they had not feared governmental intrusion in programming and Congressional rejection of license renewal legislation.
Shadows with Substance: Performing the Characters of Harold Pinter
This thesis considers first, the existence of a relatively new kind of characterization in the plays of Harold Pinter, and second, the need for the actor who performs Pinter to seek a new mode of acting. The purpose of the study is to identify the special problems or tasks which are thus imposed on the actor who plays a Pinter character. An examination of Pinter's dramaturgy reveals an emphasis on character relationships and a combination of the three different styles of characterization defined by Lorenz Kjerbuhl-Petersen: the type, the individual, and the shadow. This study concludes that the Pinter actor must simultaneously perceive a complex psyche in what seems a common human type, create an individualized concept of personality although information and behavior are misleading, and allow the actor's personality to color and expand that of the character.
A Test of the Degree of Association Among Selected Communication Characteristics and Innate Innovativeness
The present study used regression procedures to investigate the relationships between selected communication variables and innate innovativeness. The three general types of variables examined in this study were communication anxiety, communicator style, and selfdisclosiveness. Ten hypotheses were tested together with a descriptive model which was based on the communication variables and their ability to predict innate innovativeness. Results of the tests of the model were confirmed as were the ten hypothesized relationships. The results of the regression analyses performed on the data indicated that receiver apprehension and honesty of self-disclosiveness were negatively and positively associated with innate innovativeness respectively, and were the variables which most significantly impacted the variance of innate innovativeness scores.
An Analysis of Richard M. Weaver's Philosophy and Methodology as Applied to Two of Barbara Jordan's Speeches
This rhetorical thesis analyzes Richard M. Weaver's theories of rhetoric and his methodology for ranking argument types according to their perceived ethicality. Two keynote speeches by former U. S. Representative Barbara Jordan have been subjected to the Weaverian analysis. Ms. Jordan's argument types are characteristic of what Weaver considered ethical oratory. Weaver's axiological judgments and his dogmatic ranking of the hierarchy have generated some criticism from rhetorical scholars. Although this criticism is justified, Weaver's philosophy and methodology provide insight to a given's orator's philosophical perspective. The Weaverian analysis contributes to the understanding of not only the superficial aspects of an address, but also the underlying and sometimes hidden motivations of an orator.
The Archetype of the Great Mother in Three Contemporary Films
This thesis is designed to determine the impact of the archetype of the Great Mother on the plot, characterizations, and interpersonal relationships in three contemporary films. Chapter I describes the elements and applications of the archetype and the Jungian analysis employed in the study. Chapter II details the phases of the Great Mother archetype and discusses Jung's process of individuation and how the Great Mother controls this quest. Chapters III, IV, and V focus on The Heretic, Network, and Looking for Mr. Goodbar respectively. Chapter VI summarizes the existence and power of the archetype in the films and postulates that the image of women in film may be stereotyped due to the Great Mother archetype.
An Analysis and Production of The Music Man
This investigation was based on a production performed by the Irving, Texas, Community Theatre in March, 1978, directed by the author of this thesis. The paper concerned the problems of producing a play under adverse conditions, such as lack of money, inadequate technical equipment, and a small stage. Chapter I included an investigation of the reviews of the original production in order to establish criteria by which to judge the Irving production. Chapters II and III dealth with varied technical aspects and their application under the adverse conditions. Examples of the technical factors were included in Chapter IV, with a scene synopsis. Chapter V contained a primarily favorable analysis based on the critic's and the audience's judgments, indicating most production elements to be successful.
Sacrificial and Expressive Value Systems in the English Neo-Classic and Romantic Movements
This rhetorical study applies Clare W. Graves' "Level of Existence" or value systems theory to the English Neo-Classic and Romantic Movements. Graves' framework, which focuses on sacrificial (Tribalistic, Absolutistic, and Sociocentric) systems and expressive (Egocentric, Achievist, and Individualistic) systems~was utilized in analyzing the politics, society, religion, philosophy, and literature of the two periods. The Neo-Classic Period was dominated by sacrificial systems, especially Absolutistic, while the Romantic Movement was dominated by expressive systems, especially Achievist. This thesis suggests that man's cultural development, like his psychological development, appears to evolve in a spiraling, pendular motion between sacrificial and expressive systems.
A Case Study in the Rhetoric of Resistance: Desegregation of the Dallas Independent School District During the 1975-1976 School Year
This thesis describes, classifies, analyzes and evaluates the rhetoric of resistance to forced busing to desegregate the Dallas Independent School District during the 1975-1976 school year. This thesis also applies the characteristics of social, protest and agitational movements to the antibusing movement in Dallas to determine the effectiveness of the resistance rhetoric. The findings of this case study demonstrate that, although the Dallas protesters did not achieve all of their goals, their resistance rhetoric did accomplish specific, effective results. However, this thesis also concludes that, in the American system of government, neither violent nor non-violent resistance can prevent implementation of court-ordered busing.
McCarthyism: an Analysis of the Leadership and Rhetorical Strategies of Agitation and Control
This study analyzes the leadership qualities of Joseph McCarthy and the rhetorical qualities of agitative and control forces in a specific social movement. The methods used are founded upon various theories outlined by sociologists, historians, and rhetoricians. This investigation is organized around the climate of the times, McCarthy's leadership development, agitative strategies, control group responses, and support and opposition groups. It was found that the movement's success was probably due to McCarthy's position of attack and offense and to the control group's failure to neither strongly confront McCarthy nor to maintain its preparedness and superiority. It is theorized that had the control group engaged earlier in strategies other than adjustment and avoidance, the movement might have been halted sooner.
A Comparison Between the Programming Processes of the Instructional Services Division, KERA-TV, Dallas, and the Instructional Television Center, Israel
This paper compares the different approaches to programming taken by KERA--TV Instructional Services Division and by Israel's Instructional Television Center This study first examines the historical development of instructional television in the United States, particularly in Dallas, and in Israel, Next examined are the differences and the similarities between the stations' programming processes. Finally, the study examines the perceived achievements of programming goals set by each station. This report concludes that the stations' differences in their approach to programming are rooted in their historical developments, and discusses the opposite directions which the stations' programming processes are currently developing,
The Development of Congressional Concern with Violence in Entertainment Media
This investigation deals with a change of congressional attitude concerning violence in entertainment media, from noninterference to investigation to initiation of research. The data are primarily from official government records. This study first examines a period of congressional reluctance to interfere with the violent content of movies and radio in 1929-45. Next examined is the period 1945-68, when Congress actively investigated media violence,, focusing on television. Finally, the study examines congressional activity concerning television violence in 1968-74 and the Surgeon General's report on television violence. This report concludes that, by 1955, the pattern of congressional interest in media violence had turned from reluctance to activity, -and discusses the likelihood of future control of television program content.
Effects of Forced Compliance Situations on Neutral, Unfavorable, and Extremely Unfavorable Subjects Toward Oil Companies
This study tested effectiveness of a film in forced compliance situations on neutral and negatively predisposed individuals. Subjects (N = 48) were administered an attitudinal questionnaire, subjected to a no (control), low, moderate, or high dissonance-producing situation, and retested for attitude change. Analysis of variance for repeated measures, Scheffe's F tests, and t tests were used for analysis. Results indicated attitude change was greatest under a low dissonance-producing situation for all subjects. The moderate-dissonance situation moved unfavorable subjects toward favorability while the high dissonance situation moved extremely unfavorable subjects toward favorability. No relationship was found between degrees of dissonance and attitude change for netural subjects.
The Effects of News Commentary on the Image of Political Debaters: An Experimental Study
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of news commentary on the image of political candidates. Subjects were exposed to a political debate, which was followed by three experimental manipulations of a news commentary. One group saw a commentary biased toward one candidate and against the other. In a second group the bias was reversed. A third experimental group saw a neutral commentary and the control group viewed the debate but no commentary. The primary statistical analyses used were a multivariate analysis of variance, a multiple discriminant analysis and a factor analysis. The results indicated that the commentary did have some effects on the perception of the candidates' images. Furthermore, the commentaries affected the amount of the candidates' message which was recalled by the subjects, and cued the subjects to recall specific issues which were mentioned in the commentaries. Finally, the factor analysis indicated certain characteristics of the images of political candidates.
A Group Interpretation Script Based on the Life, Works, and Times of Dante Alighieri
The purpose of this thesis has been to prepare a script based on the life and works of Dante Alighieri, with special attention to the effects of medieval culture and politics on him and his works. Chapter I includes a discussion of the reputation and poetry of Dante, as well as the purpose and procedure followed in this thesis. Chapter II describes the historical and cultural background of Medieval Europe during Dante's time. Chapter III describes Dante's life and works. Chapter IV contains the script and a production concept that offers ideas and suggestions concerning the production of the script.
A Descriptive Comparison of the Values for Living Test and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the Values for Living Test and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The values systems (Tribalistic, Egocentric, Absolutistic, Achievistic, Sociocentric, and Individualistic) based on the "Levels of Psychological Existence," developed by Clare W. Graves, provided the framework for the Values for Living Test. The two tests were administered to 188 subjects. The Pearson product-moment correlation was the statistical measure employed to correlate the data. The scales of egocentrism, sociocentrism and individualism on the Values for Living Test correlated significantly to several of the scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
Directorial Roles: a Study in Theatrical Communication
This study examines the process of theatrical direction as a communication system. Its components are described in terms of their function as elements of a communication process. The communication activities within the theatrical process are analyzed by means of four categories of theatrical communication networks: conceptual, aesthetic, observational, and social. Theories of communication have been surveyed and then applied to the theatrical process. Particular attention is paid to role functions of the director within the social and the aesthetic networks. The conclusion reached in the study is that the effectiveness of the communication networks used in theatrical directing is determined by the functional roles and the leadership styles adopted by the director as he participates in these networks.
An Experimental Course in Movement Preparation for Beginning Performers
This is a course outline for the first semester of movement training for beginning performers in theatre, part of a two-year course of study based on the Becque-Todd method of movement development. Emphasis is on a psychophysiological approach to developing new motor habits. The introduction presents the history, background, basic premises on which the course is based, and the techniques and tools used. Each subsequent chapter represents a unit of work on a specific problem, each taking one or more class periods.
Films in the Library: A General Catalog with Film and Broadcasting Filmography of North Texas State University Library Films
The purpose of the study was to compile a catalog of two sections: (1) a comprehensive, alphabetic, annotated list of North Texas State University (NTSU) Library films (the general catalog); and (2) a classified and cross-referenced film and broadcasting filmography of NTSU Library films. The catalog represents all films available for distribution from the NTSU Library as of July, 1976. The cataloging and compilation process is described. An analysis is made of the NTSU Library film collection. The titles of 13 films are recommended for addition to the collection.
Impedance Audiometry in Serous Otitis Media
Effectiveness of impedance audiometry in diagnosing serous otitis media in children was examined in this study. The impedance test battery was performed on seventy-six ears of pre-myringotomy children (Mean age: 4.6 years). The status of the middle ear was assessed by the operating physician during surgery, and impedance results were correlated with the operative findings. Middle ear effusion was the variable that most influenced impedance results. Acoustic reflex threshold and tympanometry were the most sensitive tests in predicting effusion. Multiple correlations between these tests and the presence of significant effusion indicated that both measures together are diagnostically more sensitive than either test alone. Also, reflex measurement at one test frequency is as accurate a predictor of effusion as reflex measurement at all frequencies.
The SSI and NU 6 in Clinical Hearing Aid Evaluation
This paper reports on the comparison of the performance of fourteen normal hearing listeners and fourteen individuals with sensorineural hearing loss on the Synthetic Sentence Identification (SSI) and the Northwestern Auditory Test No. 6 (NU 6) in order to determine whether there are differences in performance of the two groups of listeners on the SSI and NU 6 and whether either test better reflects aided improvement and residual deficit. Both measures demonstrated significant aided improvement. The results of this study do not suggest a single best discrimination test which can reflect a real-life listening situation. The primary consideration in the hearing aid evaluation is flexibility in determining the appropriate level for the primary signal and the listening conditions.
A Descriptive Study of the Value Systems of Selected Nurses
The purpose of this study was to determine the various values that influence nurses within the hospital, and ascertain, through comparison, any significant differences between the values of the floor nurse and the values of the emergency room nurse, The value systems (Tribalistic, Egocentric, Conformist, Manipulative, Sociocentric, and Existential) were developed by Clare W. Graves as the "Levels of Psychological Existence." A values test was utilized in order to collect data. The "Values for Nursing" test was administered to 161 nurses in a large metropolitan city in Texas. Specific hypotheses regarding value differences in nursing groups were tested.
An Historical and Attitudinal Study of the Oral Interpretation Events in the Arkansas State Speech Festival
The primary purpose of this study is to survey the attitudes of Arkansas speech teachers toward the oral interpretation events in the Arkansas State Speech Festival. The secondary purpose is to trace the development of oral interpretation from its inception in the festival to the present time. The thesis contains four chapters: I--an explanation of the purposes and procedures followed in the study; II--a history of the interpretation events and present structure of the festival; III--a compilation of the results of a questionnaire mailed to seventy-one Arkansas teachers; IV--a summary of the attitudes reflected in the questionnaires and recommendations for change in the current structure of the Arkansas State Speech Festival.
A Study of George Canning's Sustained Campaign for the Recognition of Latin America from 1822-1826
This thesis analyzes George Canning's persuasive campaign to gain British recognition of Latin America. The modification of an exigence capable of change through persuasion was emphasized, and the audiences which had the power to bring about the change were identified. The campaign was broken into seven discernible, but dependent, stages which were examined to test the progress of the campaign. Canning was the prime mover of the campaign, and through a series of petitions, speeches, and press releases plus other strategic maneuvers, gained the necessary public and political support to successfully achieve his goal.
A Study of the Impact of Junior High or Middle School Forensic Training on High School Forensic Programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the impact of intermediate school forensics on high school forensic programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. First, the thesis records student and instructor evaluations of both the intermediate school and high school forensic programs. Second, it compares the evaluations by students with intermediate forensics and students without intermediate forensics. Third, it discusses the impact of intermediate forensics on high school forensic programs. This study reveals that intermediate forensics is beneficial to high school forensics. Previously trained students teach and interest others in high school. They are more confident, have more initiative and win more than other students.
An Analysis of the Directing Techniques of Takis Muzenidis as Illustrated in the Staging of "The Libation Bearers"
The purpose of this project was to observe and analyze Takis Muzenidis' methods of casting, rehearsal procedures and philosophy of directing as his production of The Libation Bearers at North Texas State University. Chapter I is an introduction to Muzenidis' background, qualifications and purpose for being at North Texas. Chapter II is a subjective description of Muzenidis' methods of casting, style of directing and relationship with the cast and crew. Chapter III discusses problems that occurred in the production. Chapter IV examines the production results through an audience analysis and interviews with the cast and crew. Chapter V is a summary of the thesis with a personal evaluation of the production and the director.
Analysis of the Rhetoric of LeRoi Jones (Imamu Amiri Baraka) in His Campaign to Promote Cultural Black Nationalism
The purpose of this thesis is to discover and assess the rhetorical methods employed by LeRoi Jones in the evolution of cultural black nationalism. First, the thesis concentrates on his ethos and philosophy. Second, it analyzes the cultural black nationalism organization in Newark, New Jersey. Third, it discusses the impact of LeRoi Jones on the black cultural nationalism movement. The conclusions drawn from this study reveal that LeRoi Jones was able to attract, maintain, and mold his followers, to build a sizable power base, and to adapt to several audiences simultaneously. Implications of the study are that because of his rigid requirements and a gradual change in ideology, LeRoi Jones is now losing ground as a leader.
A Descriptive Comparison of Value System Analysis and the Personal Orientation Inventory
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the Values for Working Test and the Personal Orientation Inventory. Both instruments were administered to the same group of 232 employed individuals. Stepwise multiple linear regression with analysis of variance was the statistical procedure employed. The resulting correlations were high enough to determine directionality and order of selection. The data indicates much support for Clare Graves' theory of value systems. Additional research is needed to further validate the Values for Working Test.
A Descriptive Study of Value Systems within a School District in Texas
The purpose of this study was to determine the various values that can be found in teachers of an open school system and how those values differed among various teacher groups within the school. The value systems (Tribalistic, Egocentric, Conformist, Manipulative, Sociocentric, and Existential) were based on the "Levels of Psychological Existence" developed by Clare W. Graves. A values test was utilized in order to collect data. The "Values for Teaching Test" was administered to 492 teachers and staff members of the school district. Specific hypotheses regarding value differences in selective teachers and staff groups were tested. The results were significant on the following levels-- existential, sociocentric, and conformist with relation to grade level taught, educational job profile, and sex of the respondent.
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