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Census of Non-Western Near-Death Experiences to 2005: Overview of the Current Data
Abstract: This paper provides a census of non-Western near-death experiences (NDEs), noting similarities and differences in features with Western NDEs and other non-Western NDEs. The two sims of this current review are to update previous transcultural reviews with current data and to describe both crosscultural and culture-specific features of NDEs.
The Death Journey of a Hopi Indian: A Case Study
Article presenting the case study of the "death journey" or near-death experience (NDE) of Don Talayesva, a Hopi Indian, whose experience occurred between 1900 and 1910. The article compares and contrasts his experience with 11 accounts of Native American NDEs reported by Jenny Wade, as well as with modern day NDEs.
Journal of Near-Death Studies, Volume 26, Number 4, Summer 2008
Quarterly journal publishing papers related to near-death experiences, including research reports; theoretical or conceptual statements; expressions of a scientific, philosophic, religious, or historical perspective on the study of near-death experiences; cross-cultural studies; individual case histories; and personal accounts of experiences or related phenomena.
Letter to the Editor: Further Commentary on "Induced OBEs"
Letter from Iris Giesler-Petersen to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies on the topic "Further Commentary on 'Induced OBEs'."
Letter to the Editor: Further Commentary on Pam Reynolds's NDE
Letter from Rudolf H. Smit to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies on the topic "Further Commentary on Pam Reynolds's NDE."
Letters to the Editor: Placement of Apparitions
Letter from Dianne Arcangel to the editor responding to a previous issue (Atwater, 2007) discussing the research and data around placement of apparitions during near-death experiences.
Near-Death Experiences in India: Prevalence and New Features
Study seeking to learn about the prevalence rate in a larger Indian population and to explore new features of near-death experiences (NDEs).
Near-Death Experiences in Suicide Attempters in Sri Lanka
Study exploring near-death experiences (NDEs) among suicide attempters, using interviews of 77 consecutive suicide attempters admitted to a tertiary teaching hospital in Sri Lanka.
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