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A Study to Develop Guidelines for Implementation of Flexible Compensation for Nonexempt Employees
Flexible compensation is a new concept in wage and salary administration which permits the employee to select from the various benefits, and cash, a plan tailored to meet his own needs, limited only by his total compensation and those statutory provisions pertaining to his wages. Within recent years, compensation practitioners have been urged in professional journals to adopt flexible compensation as a way to improve their compensation programs in order to attract, hold, and motivate employees. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the results of this research will provide empirical data on the current status of flexible compensation for nonexempt employees in the United States. Second, the research will contribute toward the development of a set of comprehensive guidelines for implementing flexible compensation programs.
The Influence of the Interaction of Supervisory Style and Employee Locus of Control on Voting Behavior in Union Representation Elections
The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction of two variables which may influence employee voting behavior. These variables are the leadership style of the supervisor and the employee personality trait of locus of control. The hypothesis held that the interaction of supervisory style and employee locus of control will result in significant differences in the vote in representation elections. The implicit assumption was that certain combinations of leadership styles and employee internality or externality would influence employee voting behavior. Based on the weight of the evidence, it was concluded that the interaction of supervisory style and employee locus of control does not influence voting behavior; that a significant relationship appears to exist between satisfaction with supervision and voting behavior; and that supervisory Consideration appears to be related to voting behavior, and may result in high levels of satisfaction with supervision.
An Analysis of the Effect of Inertial Factors on Productivity and Satisfaction
This research was designed to investigate whether or not there are significant positive relationships between the total number of reasons production employees cite for staying with an industrial firm and measures of both job performance and job satisfaction. In addition, this study sought relationships between employee work values and both job performance and job satisfaction. Significant positive correlations have been established for tribalistic and existential values with production worker job performance. Further, significant positive correlations were shown for conformist values, and negative correlations for manipulative values with both job satisfaction and with the total number of reasons cited for staying with the firm. This study gives support to a situational theory of work motivation in which both job performance and satisfaction are dependent on the strength of employee job inertia.
A Study of Female Employees' Responses on an Attitude Survey
This study was conducted to clarify the use of an annual attitude survey by a certain company, as it relates to that company's female employees. In previous surveys using the Job Descriptive Index, it was noted that the scatter of scores about the mean for the satisfaction with Work, Pay, Promotion, Supervisor, and Co-workers sub-tests was much greater for the females than for the males. It was postulated that the female group might be composed of two or more definable subgroups which had statistically different means. It was also shown that for satisfaction with supervisor, whites had higher satisfaction than blacks. On satisfaction with promotion, persons twenty-five years or younger scored higher than did those who were fifty-five and older, and then those who were from twenty-five to thirty-four years old. All of the above differences were statistically significant at the p < .05 level. No statistically significant differences were found in groups stratified by having dependents, or by tenure. The primary hypothesis was accepted. No subsidiary hypothesis was found acceptable by this study.
Attitudes of Selected Texas Police and Fire Department Association Members Toward Employee Associations and Their Participation in Collective Bargaining under Texas State Law
The purpose of the study is to investigate attitudes and opinions of police and fire association presidents and members about labor and management relations in their city and collective bargaining in general in the state. Presidents of fourteen police and fire associations were interviewed to obtain information about their experiences with collective bargaining or in seeking collective bargaining in local option elections. They were also asked about necessary changes in state and federal law on public sector collective bargaining. On the survey, the opinions of police officers, fire fighters, and private sector union members were similar. Respondents believe labor and management relations are satisfactory but not better than in past dealings. None of the private sector members believe their union is weaker at the bargaining table, while over a third of the police officers and fire fighters indicate their association is weaker. The primary reason for joining a union or association is to have more influence on issues of job and working conditions. On the survey factors, respondents agree that employee representation is necessary and worthwhile. The IAMAW is more effective in performing representational duties, followed by the fire fighters' associations and the various police associations. All three groups agree that members should support their association or union; however, IAMAW members disagree that employees be required to join. This is somewhat surprising considering union security sentiments. Police and fire fighters are not sure whether collective bargaining or strike rights are sufficient to balance their power in labor and management relations. Some recommendations are made as to the treatment of public sector unions under the law in the state of Texas.
Health Care Institutions and the Taft-Hartley Act: An Assessment of the Impact of the 1974 Amendments
The problem with which this research is concerned is that of determining the impact of the 1974 Amendments (Public Law No. 93-3 60) to the Taft Hartley Act. These amendments provided new coverage to over two million health care workers. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of this law on labor relations in the health care industry. In retrospect, the first years following the amendments have been eventful; National Labor Relations Board cases, court decisions, increased organizing activities. Boards of Inquiry recommendations, and professional associations union functions are the most significant developments. Future research will be able to present a longitudinal analyses of these activities and investigate other important areas of health care labor relations such as nursing homes and clinics.
A Study of the Collective Bargaining Process After Issuance of the Certification of Representative and an Analysis of Similarities in Ratified Contracts
This project explored the period immediately following the NLRB certification of the representation election wherein a Certification of Representative was actually issued. The intent was to examine the ultimate effects of the collective bargaining process after a labor organization was recognized as the official bargaining agent for a bargaining unit. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the collective bargaining process between two established dates: (1) the date the union was certified the collective bargaining agent, and (2) the date a collective bargaining agreement, if any, was obtained. Study data and findings were organized and presented by four research hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 (once a collective bargaining agent is certified as the collective bargaining representative by the NLRB, it will negotiate a collective bargaining agreement) was not supported by total elections for both fiscal years combined; however, responses received percentages resulted in a collective bargaining achievement. Hypothesis 2 (there will be no difference in the amount of time required to negotiate and ratify a collective bargaining agreement following a consent election as compared with stipulated consent or directed elections) was not supported by the research responses received. Hypothesis 3 (once a collective bargaining agreement is negotiated and ratified, it will be renewed at its expiration date) was supported, the majority of elections to account for in all three situations resulted in subsequent contracts negotiated. Hypothesis 4 (there will be no real difference in basic items negotiated in the collective bargaining agreements) was also supported, the categories mentioned would be most important to the union, and center around three main issues: wages, union security and grievance arbitration procedures.
The Effect of Increased Cardiorespiratory Fitness on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction
In this study twenty-two commercial real estate salespeople were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions: (1) pretest, training, posttest; (2) pretest, no training, posttest; (3) no pretest, training, posttest; (4) no pretest, no training, posttest. The training groups participated in a monitored aerobics training program designed by the Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas. In conclusion, it appears that an improvement in employee cardiorespiratory fitness does not necessarily lead to an improvement in job satisfaction or job performance. It is important to note, however, several possible explanations for these results. First, the pretest scores for the Job Descriptive Index were already quite high indicating there was not much room for improvement on posttest scores. Secondly, with regard to performance scores the; small number of subjects may have contributed to the lack of statistical significance. The study had a 46 percent subject loss rate. Thirdly, it would have been more useful to have had subjects who earned approximately the same amount or, at least, did not have the enormous differences in earnings found in this study. Finally, it is suggested that commissions be watched for more than one sales cycle. By incorporating these changes, future studies will have a better chance of determining whether employee fitness affects employee performance or employee satisfaction.
Analysis of Managerial Training and Development Within Saudi Arabian Airlines
The central theme of this study is to survey and critically examine existing Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) Management Development Programs (MDPs) in order to determine which areas of the current programs must be given priority and greater emphasis at Saudia, as well as to ascertain MDP's effects on managers, staff managers, and supervisors. The purposes of this study are (1) to review and evaluate the progress made in managerial development at Saudia from 1972 to 1977 in terms of objectives and effectiveness, and (2) to explore the development of Saudia's managerial needs. The criteria used in this analysis are based upon managerial effectiveness. Although scattered significant differences appeared in some of the data presented in this study, no specific patterns were found among these differences, and it appeared that MDP could not produce any change in the behavior of those managers, staff managers, and supervisors who participated in it. This was a clear indication that MDP was far from achieving its objectives. Several factors contributed to this result, including misunderstanding of Saudi Arabian culture and circumstances; lack of support from top management; lack of manpower analysis; lack of cooperation, coordination, and communication between the training department and other departments at Saudia; lack of formal plans for management succession; and other reasons related directly to MDP.
Analysis of Trends in Middle Management Training and Development Between 1963 and 1979
The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends that have developed in middle management training and development since 1963. Both primary and secondary research data were used. The base data utilized were from a 1963 study by M. Gene Newport. Primary data were acquired from a questionnaire mailing to 251 members of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). Additional primary data were gained from personal and telephone interviews with various training and development personnel. The 251 questionnaires were mailed to companies within 12 different industries. There were 101 questionnaire respondents for a return percentage of 40 percent.
Job Tasks Performed by Successful Real Estate Salespersons
The problem this study addressed was the determination of those real estate tasks perceived to be most essential by successful residential salespersons (defined as the recipients for the past five years of the Salesperson of the Year award, (or, designation) and in some cases, Realtor Associate of the Year designation awarded annually by some local Texas boards of realtors). Out of 116 local boards of REALTORS listed in the 19781979 Texas membership directory, twenty-eight awarded the Salesperson of the Year designation. During the years 1973 through 1977, ninety-five individuals received the award. Of these sixty-nine returned usable questionnaires for the study. The final list of task statements ranked by the participants in the study were selected by a panel composed of Advisory Council members from post-secondary institutions offering real estate programs, and chairpersons of education committees from local boards of realtors.
An Analytical Comparison of Domestic Relocation Compensation Practices with International Relocation Compensation Practices
This research was designed to determine to what extent employees relocated domestically are protected financially by company practices and policies. Since international relocation has as its objective protecting employees from financial loss, these policies were used as a point of comparison in evaluating domestic relocation. The study was conducted through the use of a mail questionnaire survey of 326 randomly selected companies within the Fortune 500 top industrial organizations. A total of 153, 47 per cent, questionnaires were returned. This survey attempted to establish the basic policies that are applied by these organizations in domestic employee relocation.
Meeting the Requirements of Substantive and Procedural Criteria in Discharge Cases
Legislation, arbitral and judicial decisions, and public opinion provide evidence of increasing concern for protecting employees from unfair dismissal in both union and nonunion firms. Management's right to discharge is being questioned today more than at any other time in the history of labor-management relations. Thus, organizations must stay abreast of the developments that affect their right to discharge employees. This study investigates arbitration awards and judicial decisions in discharge cases to provide answers to these questions. Are companies aware of the types of misconduct for which discharge is considered appropriate? Are companies aware of what constitutes the burden of proof requirements in discharge cases? Does management know and follow the proper procedures in handling discharge cases? The purposes of the study are 1. To determine the extent to which discharges were overturned or modified because the company did not meet the burden of proving a reasonable cause for discharge; 2. To determine the extent to which discharges were overturned or modified because the company did not follow proper dismissal procedures; 3. To develop a model set of guidelines to assist companies in the proper handling of discharge cases. These guidelines present criteria for meeting the just cause and procedural requirements in discharge cases.
A Study of the Implementation and Utilization of the Merit Systems Protection Board in Adverse Action Cases
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 on the federal civil service through the establishment of the Merit Systems Protection Board. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was designed to correct many of the abuses which existed under the Civil Service Commission related to appeals procedures and inefficiency within the federal government. The majority of data collected for this study were obtained from the Dallas field office of the Merit Systems Protection Board, which covers approximately 275,000 federal employees in a five-state area. Additional data, related to all of the regional field offices of the Merit Systems Protection Board, were obtained from Washington, D.C. Two research tools were used to collect data from the Dallas field office: a questionnaire and a personal interview. Three hypotheses were examined. Hypothesis I stated that the creation of the Merit Systems Protection Board has not given presiding officials any additional authority to handle or decide adverse action cases brought within their jurisdiction. Hypothesis II stated that the length of time needed to process adverse action cases has not decreased since the creation of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Hypothesis III stated that the creation of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 has made no difference in the number of adverse action cases brought by federal employees against federal agencies.
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Selected Organizational Characteristics and Common Human Resource Planning Practices
The purpose of the research was to test Walker's assertion that the human resource planning process of an organization is influenced by selected organizational characteristics, and to investigate Walker s typology for implementing and evaluating human resource planning systems. Chapter I introduces the research topic and provides a justification for the study. Chapter II describes the methodology and presents the findings. Chapter III analyzes the findings. The final chapter summarizes the findings and offers conclusions drawn from the research.
Analysis of Behavioral Perceptions and Values Among Staff and User Groups of the Junior High Schools within an Independent School District
This research was designed to determine if significant differences exist among the behavioral perceptions and values held by staff and user groups of all junior high schools in a selected independent school district. This study also evaluates the applicability of social profiles to describe perceived organizational behavioral characteristics. Two published, validated survey instruments were used to collect the data. The questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected teachers (staff group) and parents and Parent-Teacher Association officers (user group) from each of the five junior high schools. Of 206 sets of questionnaires distributed, 166 (80.5 percent were returned. Computer analyses of these raw data provided both individual perceptions and descriptions for each junior high school in addition to individual values for each school's staff and user group. The data results show that the social profiles of two of the five schools are perceived differently by both their staff and user groups; furthermore, there are significant differences between the values held by the staff and user groups for each of these schools. For the other three schools, there are minor differences of perception by staff and user groups of their schools' social profiles and also among the values held by the staff and user groups. The data analysis presented in this study led to three primary conclusions. These are that (1) the instruments used complement each other in an analysis of the overall description of an organization; (2) three schools, although perceived by their staff and user groups to have minor differences in behaviors and user-group values held, are similar in organizational characteristics, methods of operation, and overall perceptions; and (3) for two of the schools which are perceived to reflect significant differences in behaviors and values held by staff and user groups, the influence of these differences may require exceptionally proficient administration …
The Effect of Participatory Programs Similar to Quality Control Circles on Organizational Productivity in Selected Multinational Organizations in Saudi Arabia
This study focuses attention on the multinational organization, an emerging phenomenon, in which people from different cultural backgrounds work together to produce a product or render a service. The purpose of this study is to enhance the available information about the potential for increasing productivity through the use of participatory programs, such as Quality Control Circles, in multinational organizations, especially those operating in Saudi Arabia.
The Impact of EEO Legislation Upon Selection Procedures for Transfer, Training and Development and Promotion
Legislation, court decisions, and the changing political and social climate provide evidence of the importance of the outcomes of EEO litigation involving challenged selection procedures for transfer, training and development, and promotion. These selection procedures are being challenged by more informed employees and, in many cases, result in costly litigation. Thus, organizations must be aware of the continuing developments in employment law especially as found in court decisions and related legislation. This study investigates judicial and EEOC decisions in discrimination cases to provide answers to these questions: Are organizations aware of the outcomes of EEO litigation involving challenged selection procedures for transfer, training and development, and promotion? Are organizations aware of what constitutes a discriminatory practice in the selection of employees for transfer, training and development, and promotion? Does management recognize and follow nondiscriminatory procedures in selecting personnel for transfer, training and development, and promotion? The purposes of the study are 1. To analyze outcomes of EEO litigation involving challenged selection procedures for transfer, training and development, and promotion; 2. To develop a model set of guidelines to aid organizations in developing nondiscriminatory procedures for use in selecting employees for transfer, training and development, and promotion. This study concludes that many employers are aware of the outcomes of EEO litigation involving challenged selection procedures for transfer, training and development, and promotion. Many employers are also aware of what constitutes a discriminatory practice in the selection of employees for some employment advantage. However, management does not always recognize and follow nondiscriminatory procedures when selecting employees for transfer, training and development, and promotion. The number of cases in which selection procedures were found discriminatory supports this conclusion.
A Construct Validation Study of the Relationship Between Interpersonal Behavior Styles as Described by the Social Style of Behavior Profile and Leadership Styles as Described by the Leader Behavior Analysis
The extensive use of leadership training in industry suggests a need for validated information concerning the role of interpersonal behavior in the study of leadership styles. Early leadership research focused primarily on the traits of a leader. Subsequent research has attempted to f a correlation between leader behavior and personality type. Findings indicate that personality typologies, which include attitude and value constructs, are too broad to explain leader behavior. In order to move toward specificity in the study of leadership, it is necessary to determine if interpersonal behavior styles are related to leader behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of variables from data gathered on leadership styles from the Leader Behavior Analysis and variables related to interpersonal behavior reported from the Social Style of Behavior Profile. The dimensions of leadership style flexibility and social style of behavior versatility were also examined. A random sample of 100 corporate employees were used in this study. The research instruments that were tested for independence were the Leader Behavior Analysis and the Social Style of Behavior Profile. The results of this study indicate that the constructs of leadership style and social style are independent dimensions. Additionally, the results of the study indicate that the constructs of leader flexibility and social style versatility are independent dimensions.
A Study to Determine the Relationship of Versatile Behavior to Individual Demographics, Job Characteristics, Organizational Climate Performance Feedback and Job Satisfaction
The behavioral characteristics of leaders have been subjects of study for centuries. The scope of these studies has grown to encompass task analysis, follower needs and situational requirements. Current leadership theories consistently recognize the need for a successful leader to adjust behavior to meet the needs of the task, followers and situation. The problem of this research is to define this ability to modify one's behavior, measure it and test its relationship to demographic and job characteristics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the correlation of individuals" ability to modify their behavior to job function, hierarchy, climate, feedback, satisfaction and their demographic characteristics. The hypotheses held that high ability to modify behavior would correlate positively with job characteristics, climate, feedback and satisfaction and show no correlation to individual demographics. Data were collected through the administration of three research instruments to 138 managers of three business firms. The instruments were the Participant Data Form providing job and demographic characteristics, Descriptive Adjective Questionnaire measuring an individual ability to modify behavior, and Climate and Satisfaction Evaluation Index measuring climate, feedback and satisfaction. Perason's correlation coefficients were calculated to identify possible relationship between the manager's ability to modify behavior, called versatility, and all other independent variables, and linear and multiple regressions were utilized to verify the relationship. No significant statistical correlation was found. Conclusions are that the ability of a manager to vary behavior does not influence job climate, feedback or satisfaction, that the versatile behavior is not derived from job or demographic characteristics, and that job satisfaction is directly and positively related to performance feedback and climate.
Hostile Environment: A Discriminant Model of the Perceptions of Working Women
This study examines the problem of operationally defining "hostile environment" sexual harassment, ruled a type of disparate treatment actionable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by the United States Supreme Court on June 19, 1986. Although the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines a hostile environment as an "intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment," there is no consensus as to what is "offensive" behavior. An extensive review of the literature yielded various attempts to define and ascertain the magnitude of sexual harassment, but the fact that the actual percentages varied indicates that this is a difficult issue to measure. As perception by the victim is the key, this study surveyed 125 working women from all over the United States to determine their perceptions of behaviors that constitute sexual harassment. Discriminant analysis was then used to correctly classify 95% of the women according to their perceptions of having experienced sexual harassment. Using tests for proportions, three hypotheses were found significant. Women who have been sexually harassed are more likely to view sexual harassment as a major problem. Older men are more likely to have their behavior perceived as sexual harassment. In addition, women who have experienced acts such as staring, flirting, or touching in the workplace are more likely to perceive those acts as sexual harassment. The hypotheses deemed not statistically significant yielded interesting results. Younger women are not more likely to be harassed than older women. Neither are single or divorced women more likely to experience sexual harassment. All women, regardless of age, marital status, or geographic location, are vulnerable to sexual harassment. Of importance are which variables contributed the most to the women's perceptions of sexual harassment. None of the demographic variables was found significant, but the women perceived that they had been sexually harassed if sexual remarks, …
The Effects of the Conflict Settlement Process on the Expressed Degree of Organizational Commitment
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of the conflict settlement process on the degree of expressed organizational commitment of employees in a collective bargaining setting. The research was done in a basic industry in northern Alabama. The instrument included the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) developed by Mowday, Porter, and Steers. Demographic variables measured were education, age, and sex. Main effects variables were tenure; union membership; and self-described experience with and feeling toward grievance/arbitration as a category 1 grievant, category 2 grievant, witness, and supervisor. Data were analyzed with hierarchical multiple regression. No statistically significant results were found. Limitations included the economic climate of the region and the industrial relations climate of the company.
Dominant Decision Cues in Labor Arbitration; Standards Used in Alcohol and Drug Cases
During the past twenty years, extensive research has been conducted concerning the judgmental processes of labor arbitrators. Previous research, sometimes referred to as policy capturing, attempted to identify the criteria or standards used by arbitrators to support their decisions. Much of the research was qualitative. Due to the categorical nature of the dependent variables, log-linear models such as logit regression have been used to examine decisional relationships in more recent studies. The decision cues used by arbitrators in 249 published alcohol- and drug-related arbitration cases were examined. The justifications for arbitrators' decisions were fitted into Carroll Daugherty's "seven tests" of just cause. The dominant cues were proof of misconduct, the appropriateness of the penalty, and the business necessity of management's action. Foreknowledge of the rule by the grievant and the consequences of a violation, equal treatment of the grievant, and an appropriate investigation by management were also important decision cues. In general, grievants in alcohol and drug arbitration cases fared as well as grievants in any other disciplinary arbitrations. However, when the cases were analyzed based on the legal status of the drug, illicit drug users were at a considerable disadvantage.
An Analysis as to the Causation of Leadership Style Based Upon Value System Determinants
Leadership behavior has been a popular research topic for many years. Much of this research has focused upon the identification of leader behavior that is interactional or determined by the situation which influences leadership style. Current leadership theories raise the question of the relationships between leadership behavior and personal work values. The problem of this research is to investigate the relationship of leadership style with an individual's values for working. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between variables which characterize leadership styles and variables related to working values. The hypotheses hold that work values will correlate positively with leadership style. Data were collected through the administration of three research instruments to ninety-two managers of five business firms. The instruments were the participant cover letter providing demographic characteristics, Leader Behavior Analysis II identifying style of leadership, and Values for Working identifying personal work values. Coefficients of determination were calculated to identify possible relationships between leadership style and personal work values. No significant statistical correlation was found. The conclusion is that leadership style appears to be a function of something other than an individual's work values.
Effect of Modern Training Techniques on Economically-Disadvantaged Homeless People
This study examined a segment of the homeless population who participated in a jobs training program. The research investigated the effect of socioeconomic status, self-esteem, and locus of control on the clients in getting and keeping jobs. The training was a comprehensive 36-day treatment dealing with three major areas: (a) how to get a job, (b) how to keep a job, and (c) how to develop life-coping skills. A quasi-experimental research design was used for testing by t-tests, two-by-two repeated-measured anova, chi-square tests, and regression analysis. The findings showed that high socioeconomic status clients demonstrated higher self-esteem and internal locus of control than low socioeconomic status clients at the start of the treatment. The treatment had a significant effect on both groups with an increase in self-esteem and internal locus of control and a decrease in both external locus of control dimensions of powerful others and chance. The treatment had a greater effect on the low socioeconomic status clients than on the high socioeconomic status clients on increases in self-esteem and locus of control—internal. Both groups were successful in finding jobs, with 79% for high socioeconomic status clients and 74% for low socioeconomic status clients having jobs at the end of the treatment. Both high self-esteem and high socioeconomic status had a positive effect on the length of time over a sixmonth period following treatment that clients were able to maintain employment (job retention). This study must be considered largely as exploratory in its findings. Restrictions in the selection process prevented the results from being generalized. It does, however, provide a very important profile of a segment of the homeless population that can be useful in the research for new and improved methods of dealing with the problems of the homeless unemployed.
Analysis of Reporting Compliance of Labor Relations Consultants Under Section 203 (b) of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, 1959
This study examines the reporting compliance, as defined by section 203(b) of the Labor -Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), 1959, of labor relations consultants who engage in persuader activity. Organized labor suggests that the loss in union strength results, in large part, from management's use of labor relations consultants and their failure to file required reports with the U.S. Department of Labor. Two samples of labor relations consultants known to have engaged in persuader activity and two samples of those who could be engaged in persuader activity are identified. A research questionnaire is mailed to 779 of the total of 887 labor relations consultants for whom an address could be developed. Discriminant analysis using 16 variables correctly classifies 93.8 percent of the responding labor relations consultants grouped according to whether they had filed required reports. Other discriminant analyses using selected variables are also conducted. Three associated questions are answered. First, there are an estimated 850 labor relations consultants who have engaged in persuader activity or who can be presumed to have engaged in persuader activity. Of this number, almost 500 are estimated to have engaged in persuader activity and only 30 percent of these are estimated to have filed required reports. Second, the labor relations consultants surveyed is, on average, male, an attorney, is titled "president" and is located in California, Michigan or Illinois. Third, solely in the context of National Labor Relations Board election processes, the effect on the loss of the union strength caused by (1) labor relations consultants and (2) the failure of the consultants who engaged in persuader activity to file a required report cannot be determined. However, because the estimated decrease in the number of union members over the years 1960 - 1989 exceeds the number of eligible voters in N.L.R.B. elections lost by …
The Validity of the Weighted Application Blank as a Predictor of Tenure in the Nursing Home Industry; A Test of Two Models
The first purpose was to develop and validate a quantitative selection tool, the weighted application blank, tailored to the nursing home industry. The second purpose of this study was to determine whether data scaling and increased statistical rigor can reduce the frequency of type I and type II errors in the weighted application.
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