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An Analysis of the Moral Content of Children's Literature from 1600 to 1940
It is the purpose of the present investigation to make an examination of the moral content of literature taught in the schools from 1600 to 1800, from 1800 to 1900, and from 1900 to 1940, and to draw conclusions as to the values of such literature. In the literature examined in this study, both the moral content and the methods used in presentation will be considered.
The Function of Mental Hygiene in the Curriculum of the Elementary School
The problem of this investigation is to determine the part that mental hygiene should and could assume in promoting the general efficiency of the educational program in the elementary grades.
The Relations Between the Legal Provisions for Education in Texas and Public School Administration
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the relation between the legal provisions for education in Texas and the public school administration, to determine, if possible, whether these provisions provide for an adequate program meeting the educational needs of the children of the state. Legal provisions, in this instance, comprise both the constitutional provisions for education and the school laws passed to carry out these provisions.
A Study of Some Factors Influencing the Social-Economic-Political Attitudes of College Students
The problem of this thesis is to show the relationship between liberalism, radicalism, conservatism and certain associated factors.
An Evaluation of the Coleman High School, Coleman, Texas
The problem in this study is to evaluate the Coleman High School of Coleman, Texas. Areas evaluated are: pupil population and the school community, curriculum and course of study, pupil activity program, library service, guidance service, instruction, outcomes of the educational program, the school staff, the school plant, and school administration.
A Comparative Study of Personalities of Elementary and Secondary Education Majors
The problem in this investigation has a three-fold purpose; namely, (1) to reveal, by means of comparison, the likenesses and differences in the personalities of elementary and secondary education majors of N. T. S. T. C.; (2) to determine to what extent the individual is adjusting himself to the problems and conditions confronting him, and how these problems are affecting the development of a normal, happy, and socially effective personality; (3) to interpret the data collected correctly, in order that better adjusted personalities may be developed.
Evolution in Theory and Practice of Dealing with Retarded Children
This study seeks, through an analytical investigation of educational literature, to discover what has been done in the past and what is now being done in other sections of the country for retarded children in our school population.
Friedrich Nietzsche: His Life, Philosophy, and Some Evidences of His Philosophy in Modern Germany
This thesis constitutes a study of the life and philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and an examination of the more prominent evidences of his philosophy in modern Germany.
The Educational Implications of the Platonic and Pragmatic Concepts of the Good
It is hoped that this exposition of the Platonic and Pragmatic systems of philosophy will aid in the understanding and interpretation of the highest Good, and what the implications are in modern education. The author has attempted to point out the identical phases and contrasting features, and to summarize the data in which research has been plentiful.
The Integration of a Fifth-Grade Curriculum Through Language-Arts Subjects in the Stonewall Jackson Elementary School, Denton, Texas.
As a result of the upheaval in educational theories and practices, many new philosophies and methods have appeared. Among them is the subject of integration in the elementary school curriculum. Much has been written regarding its meaning and application. An interest in the subject prompted the writer to choose as a thesis subject the problem of what could be done to integrate the fifth-grade curriculum through the language arts subjects in the Stonewall Jackson Elementary School, Denton, Texas.
The Child of Foreign Parentage
It is the purpose of this study to take a group of first, second, and third grade children of foreign parentage who are in a segregated school in Fort Worth, Texas, and a group who are in a non-segregated school and compare them.
The Relation of Drawing to Behavior Problems in Children
This study was made to determine to what extent behavior problems in fourth grade children in the Palo Pinto Common School, Palo Pinto, Texas, were revealed in their drawings.
An Evaluation of the Teaching Loads of Teachers in the High Schools of Texas
The problem of this study is to determine the normal teaching load of teachers teaching in the various fields in certain selected high schools of Texas.
A Partial Expansion of the 980 Division of the Dewey Decimal Classification Including a Spanish Version of the Tables
The problem of this study is (1) to expand the 980 division (designated by the term History: South America, Latin America, Spanish America) of the Dewey Decimal Classification for the history of Latin America as a whole and for national histories of several typical countries, and (2) to translate the expanded tables into Spanish.
A Study of the Extent to Which the Point of View of the School Patrons of Wichita Falls, Texas, Has a Background of Progressivism or of Essentialism
The purpose of this study is to learn to what extent the point of view of patrons of Wichita Falls, Texas, has a background of progressivism or of essentialism and to what extent, if possible, the children are influenced in school by the point of view held by the parents; also which part of the school system -- general education, the curriculum, the child, or the administration -- has the most progressive approval of the parents.
To Determine Whether There is Parallel Advancement in Industrial Arts and Industry in Texas
A study to determine whether there is parallel advancement in industrial arts and industry in Texas.
A Study to Determine the Relative Value of Gains in Civic Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes in Community Civics as Compared with Those in Traditional Eighth-Grade History
The problem reported in this thesis was one whose purpose was to determine, if possible, the relative value of gains in civic knowledge, skills, and attitudes growing out of a course in eighth-grade community civics as compared with those derived from a course in traditional eighth-grade history. An interesting phase of the study was the tabulation of losses in civic knowledge, skills, and attitudes and an attempt on the part of the writer to account for them. Chiefly, however, the study concerns itself with progress in social and civic thinking on the part of eighth-grade pupils.
Some Factors Influencing Social Acceptance Among School Children
The study examines social acceptance factors among elementary school-aged children.
The Relation of Achievement to Two Different Methods of Providing for Individual Differences
The purpose of this study is to determine the relation of achievement to two different methods of providing for individual differences. Achievement means educational growth or achievement in subject matter and personality development. The two methods are the qualitative, that is, the degree of difficulty of the work assigned, and the quantitative, which means the amount of work done or the minimum-maximum assignment.
The Educational and Professional Preparation of the County Superintendents of Texas with a Suggested Criterion of Qualifications and a Plan for Effecting the Criterion
The purpose of this study is fivefold: first, to determine the essential qualifications of a county superintendent; second, to show the status of the present county superintendents in Texas with reference to their education training, experience, and in-service preparation; third, to discover the effect of well-qualified county superintendents on the common school system of Texas; fourth, to show the effect of the appointive method of selecting the county superintendent on the school under his supervision; and fifth, to formulate a plan whereby Texas may secure qualified superintendents.
A Study of the History and Educational Development of the Schools in Dade County, Florida, to 1945
The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent Dade county has kept its educational program abreast with the rapid development of the community and thereby met the educational needs of the children in this section of the country.
Inter-American Cooperation through United States Programs for Cultural Understanding
The purpose of this thesis is to examine and discuss the efforts and arrangements made by the United States to promote cultural understanding in the American hemisphere.
To Determine as Many Distinguishing Characteristics as Possible of Wood-Carving Designs of Other Nations
The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristic wood-carving designs of England, France, Italy, Germany, and China. It attempts to present the findings in a form which will be of assistance to both college and public school teachers of wood-carving and to aid in classification of typical types of furniture.
Evaluation of Trends in Teaching Elementary Literature as Found in Articles in The Elementary English Review, Years 1929 to 1939
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends in the teaching of literature in the upper elementary grades as outlined in articles in The Elementary English Review, volume VII to XVI, years 1930 to 1939, inclusive.
An Experimental Comparison of Pupil Progress in Seventh-Grade Arithmetic on the Basis of the Formal and the Activity Programs of Teaching Procedure
This thesis describes the experiment made by the author in two of her seventh-grade arithmetic classes comparing the effectiveness of the formal and activity methods of teaching on the progress of the students.
An Experimental Study of Student Progress in General Mathematics
The purpose of this investigation is to make an experimental study of the compiled data obtained from the results of three standardized tests that were administered to two groups of general mathematics students during one semester; and to determine, if possible, by the scores, whether the prescribed course in mathematics makes for any significant increases, or losses in student progress.
Administrative Activities of High School and Elementary School Principals with Respect to some Democratic Procedures
The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to determine democratic procedures as they apply to administrative activities, and (2) to compare the activities of high school principals with those of elementary school principals with respect to democratic procedures.
Evaluation of the Public-Relations Program of Bowie Public Schools for Two Years
The purpose of this study is to make a survey over a period of two complete school terms of the public-relations program of Bowie Public Schools, Bowie, Montague County, Texas.
The Growth of the Concept of Right and Wrong
The purpose of this thesis is to gather and compare representative moral philosophies with the view to selecting that philosophy which seems best suited to fit the needs of man as he strives to become a more efficient social being.
To Determine the Effect of Lighting on Child Growth
The purpose of this study is to make a report on the lighting experiment as it was carried on in the John N. Reagan School and to present the findings of a number of tests that were given the children in this school and in another comparative school in the same system where no lighting modifications were made.
A Plan for Adequate Guidance in Small Secondary Schools
The underlying purpose of this thesis is to provide the best possible guidance for students in small secondary schools. The plan will consider the limitations which exist in small secondary schools. It is not the ideal plan, but the necessarily practical plan which this thesis will attempt.
Some Significant Concepts and Implications of the God Idea
The problem of this thesis is to show that a humanistic, pragmatic, and instrumental concept of God would help man in his life, at the present stage of development in the western world, more than an authoritarian or absolute concept. This thesis endeavors to show that the confusion and instability in the moral and religious life is caused by a great need of change of attitude and beliefs towards the concept of God and religion.
Making Health Services Functional for Education in Elementary Schools of Cities with Population of Fifteen Thousand
The purpose of this thesis is to indicate the scope of the health services that an elementary school needs and to show how these services might be made most fruitful in terms of tangible results.
The Status of Salary Schedules for Public School Teachers
The purpose of this study is to gain a knowledge of the salary schedule situation in the teaching profession, and to determine how this situation can be improved if teachers become interested and will furnish the leadership necessary in helping to construct schedules in the school systems.
Some Significant Differences between American Education and that of Mexico
This thesis compares the educational systems of the United States and of Mexico from their beginnings, and especially notes the progress that Mexico has made since 1920.
An Analytical Study of the Variation of Five Factors that Affect Learning
The problem of this study is to determine the variation of five factors that affect learning, and to ascertain whether or not the variation in the five factors considered affected the learning of two groups of pupils.
The Foundation and Appearance of Influential Moral Concepts in American Life
It is the purpose of this thesis to study the development of some moral concepts in American life.
A Review of Literature on the Consumption of Vegetables in America
This thesis is a review of thirty-two investigations made from 1917 to 1944 relative to vegetables in the diet of the American people.
A Study to Determine the Science Interests of Children of the North Elementary School at Odessa, Texas
It is the purpose of this thesis to determine the science interests of the pupils of the North Elementary School of Odessa, Texas, during the school year of 1940-1941.
How to Help Unpopular Second-Grade Pupils Become Acceptable to the Group
The purpose of the study was to determine the practicality of the theory that the teacher's highest function is to help each pupil to develop an agreeable, liberated, concordant, dynamic personality. In other words, the writer was interested in finding out whether it is possible, as far as can be determined, to develop an unpopular child to such an extent that he will be more social, more likable, and, in the end, more acceptable by his school group.
To Evaluate the Democracy of the Practices and Organization of Certain School Councils
The problem of this thesis is to evaluate the democracy of the practices and organization of certain school councils. As the problem is thus stated, it is necessarily two-fold in scope. The first approach is to devise some method of evaluating the practices and organization of school council work. The second approach is to apply these evaluative criteria to the practices and organization of the above mentioned school councils.
To Determine Whether the Twelve-Year System in Texas is Democratic and Sound from the Standpoint of Finance, Biological Basis, and Psychology
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the twelve-year system in Texas is democratic and sound from the standpoint of finance, biological basis, and psychology. This problem originated through the adoption of the twelve-grade system for Texas schools by the State Department of Education. The administrator is desirous to choose and to organize the plan most profitable for the child. From this study it is hoped that an adequate educational program can be established.
Evaluation of an Activity Program
The problem of this study was to determine the extent to which the results of the use of the "Evaluative Criteria" set up by the Southern Association of Secondary Schools agree with the evaluative criteria drawn from standard objectives in an activity program of the Era High School.
A Comparison of the Educational Philosophies of Pragmatism and Essentialism and their Effects on Education
The purpose of this study was to make an appraisal of the educational philosophies, pragmatism and essentialism, and their effects upon the aims, methods, and curriculum of education. No effective effort was made to branch off into the many philosophical ramifications of the question, but the practical aspects of each philosophy were studied in order to determine how it has influenced education.
The Relationship between Social Maturity and Personality of Primary Pupils in Eight Elementary Schools of Wichita Falls, Texas
This investigation concerned two major interests of many classroom teachers today: the pupils' social maturity and their personality. The problem was to determine the apparent relationship between these two factors in pupils of the first, second, and third grades of eight elementary schools in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Some Factors Involved in the Adoption of Children
This study is made from a practical standpoint. I shall endeavor to answer some of the questions that may arise in the minds of prospective parents as they consider the adoption of a child. There are many questions that will not be answered because the problems involved are so broad and take in so many angles that it is impossible to consider them all. The central problem itself begins when prospective adoptive parents first consider adopting a child.
A Survey of the Interests of Children in the Sixth Grade and a Suggested Program of Work Based upon These Interests
The dual purpose of this study is to survey the interests of boys and girls who are in the sixth grade and to suggest a program of school work based upon these interests. The writer presents the study with the hope that it will contribute to a better understanding of what children's interests are and the part they should play in planning the curriculum and complete school program.
The Educational Value of the Bookmobile in the Schools of Texas
The purpose of this study is to analyze the educational value of the bookmobile in the schools of Texas. In order to make the study, two Texas counties, Denton and Young, which have bookmobiles in use in the schools, were surveyed and a comparison made with a survey of Jack County which has no bookmobile.
A Comparison of the Philosophical Concepts of Leading Philosophers with those of Certain Southern Oklahoma Educators
This investigation proposes to present a comparison of two compendiums of philosophy, and in the light of this comparison determine the prevailing types of educational philosophy and practice used in certain schools of southern Oklahoma.
An Evaluation of the Public-Relations Programs of the Four-Year Affiliated High School Districts in McLennan County, Texas
In this study, the purpose is to ascertain the types and media of public-relations programs in effect, to determine the uses being made of these types and media, to evaluate the findings of the methods in use, and to make suggestions and recommendations for an effective public-school relations program in the schools included in the survey.
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