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Guest Editorial: Consciousness and Substance: The Primal Forms of God
This paper establishes the author's view on consciousness and God, and attempts to correct New Age-oriented beliefs.
Comments On "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife" [#2]
This paper comments on potential connections between electromagnetic radiation's influence on human biology, and the ramifications of the afterlife.
Comments on Dr. J. Slawinski's Paper
This paper discusses Rupert Sheldrake's comments about Dr. J. Slawinski's paper "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife." Sheldrake proposes ideas that disagree with Slawinski's paper.
Comments On "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife" [#3]
This paper by Steven M. Rosen comments on Janusz Slawinski's paper named "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife." This paper contains three critiques of an empirical, philosophical, and mathematical nature, respectively.
Comments On "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife" [#1]
This paper by Evan Harris Walker comments on Janusz Slawinski's paper named "Electromagnetic Radiation and the Afterlife." It states the shortcomings of Slawinski's electromagnetic radiation argument by specifying a variety of points that run counter to the argument's physical possibility.
Comments on Slawinski's Paper
This paper by Keith Harary addresses Janusz Slawinki's paper "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife." Harary expresses why he remains unconvinced by Slawinski's electromagnetic radiation argument.
Comments on Bette Furn's "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience"
The author of the article critiques Bette Furn's paper in an effort to provide better strategies for helping people that have had near-death experiences (NDEs), and presents an alternative perspective from someone who has experienced an NDE.
Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind
"The theoretical significance of out-of-body experiences in blind people is explored. In this context I report results of a survey of a small sample of blind adults. It is concluded that we have yet to locate a case of an out-of-body experience in the blind that has critical implications for the interpretation of the experience among the general population" (abstract).
Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife
This article discusses the possibility that electromagnetic radiation could contain and transmit the essence of consciousness after the body's death, allowing consciousness to continue beyond the body's death.
A Counseling Approach to Assist Near-Death Experiencers: A Response to Bette Furn's Paper
This paper by Judith S. Miller critiques Bette Furn's paper titled "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience." Miller doesn't believe Furn's method is effective for people that have had near-death experiences (NDEs). Miller provides alternative strategies.
Response to "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience"
This paper addresses Bette Furn's article "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience" from two perspectives that the author possesses. The author is a social worker and a near-death experiencer. The author points out some limitations of Furn's argument.
Response To Commentaries On "Electromagnetic Radiation and The Afterlife"
This paper is a response from Janusz Slawinski to commentaries on their original paper titled "Electromagnetic Radiation and The Afterlife." Slawinski elaborates on more information to respond to other peoples' critiques.
Remarks On Janusz Slawinski's Paper
This paper by Michael Grosso analyzes points made by Janusz Slawinski in their paper "Electromagnetic Radiation and the Afterlife." It specifies that the author's hypothesis cannot be tested currently, and thus, it cannot be falsified. More research and data is needed, according to Grosso.
Fields Within Fields, Questions Within Questions: A Comment On "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife"
This paper commends Janusz Slawinski for their paper "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife" for proposing provocative questions, and proceeds to provide a list of questions to refocus Slawinski's inquiry into this topic.
Near-Death Experiences in a Southern California Population
This paper discusses "41 persons who were near death or clinically dead as the result of an accident, illness, or suicide attempt are presented. Respondents reported a total of 50 near-death experiences (NDEs) of which 33 were rated (using K. Ring's Weighted Core Experience Index) as having been deep, 10 as moderate, and 7 as non-experiences" (abstract).
Pathophysiology of Stress-Induced Limbic Lobe Dysfunction: A Hypothesis for NDEs
This paper discusses the strong resemblance of near-death experiences (NDEs) to complex hallucinations associated with limbic lobe dysfunction. The paper presents the hypothesis that neurohormones with the capacity to influence hippocampal activity may also cause characteristics of NDE limbic lobe syndrome.
Researching the Out-of-Body Experience: The State of the Art
This paper discusses the out-of-body experience (OBE) as a common human experience that goes beyond psychopathology or mental imagery. The paper also discusses the possibility of OBE projectors being detectable outside of their body.
Toward an Explanation of Near-Death Phenomena
This paper discusses different kinds of near-death experiences (NDEs) and the conditions that general elicit them. Their nature is elaborated upon, as well as their effects on the people that experience them.
Precognitive and Prophetic Visions in Near-Death Experiences
This paper describes deep near-death experiences (NDEs). Personal flashforwards (PFFs) and prophetic visions (PVs) involve seeing events subsequent to the NDE, and seeing planetary-wide events, respectively. The paper describes PVs that depict major global changes.
Self, Eternity, and the Mysteries: A Speculative Response to Kenneth Ring's Paper
"This response to a paper by Kenneth Ring (1984) deals with three issues of broad philosophical import: (1) near-death experiences (NDEs) and the expanded sense of self-identity; (2) the distinction between postmortem survival and the experience of premortem eternity; and (3) the relation between NDEs and the idea of mystery cults, ancient and modern" (abstract).
A Wave Among Waves: Katherine Anne Porter's Near-Death Experience
This paper discusses Katherine Anne Porter's near-death experience with influenza that influenced her book "Pale Horse, Pale Rider."
The Pure Land Revisited: Sino-Japanese Meditations and Near-Death Experiences of the Next World
This paper examines Buddhist meditation techniques as they apply to Pure Land visions and deathbed visions, particularly with their parallelism to modern American near-death and deathbed visions.
Near-Death Experiences: Some Logical Problems and Questions for Further Study
This paper assesses the logical status of near-death experiences (NDEs), and proposes questions and problems that discuss the process of forming a coherent interpretation of NDEs.
The Near-Death Experience: Myth or Reality? A Methodological Approach
This paper discusses the effort to find an objective means of evaluating near-death experiences (NDEs). A study of "one hundred and sixteen near-death survivors have been interviewed in this study" (abstract). The author's mechanism for determining the authenticity of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) requires that individuals recall details that are specific to the events that surrounded their physical body during the duration of their OBE, and the individual must have no physical means of gaining sensory information about their surroundings.
Near-Death Experiences and the Mind-Body Problem
This paper talks about near-death experiences and their nature causing conflicts with the current view of the body and mind. The paper discusses different views about the nature of the human mind and body.
When Science is Nonscientific
This paper addresses the connection that science has to philosophy and the use of presuppositions. The author critiques Slawinski's paper titled "Electromagnetic Radiation And The Afterlife" by pointing out a variety of flaws in Slawinski's reasoning.
The Use Of Physics In Answering Metaphysical Questions
This paper by Hoyt Edge comments on Janusz Slawinski's paper "Electromagnetic Radiation and the Afterlife" by looking at Slawinski's arguments from a logical and structural point of view. Edge points out the logical shortcomings of Slawinski's arguments, and criticizes Slawinski for making bold claims upon lacking evidence. Edge gives credit to Slawinski for continuing the conversation about the afterlife, however.
Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience: A Conceptual and Therapeutic Model
Abstract: Most mental health practitioners, and counseling psychologists in particular, possess skills for helping near-death experiencers. What is needed is a conceptual framework that is both familiar to practitioners and highly relevant to that client group. Cross-cultural counseling in general, and the consideration of world views more specifically, are suggested. Using that framework, the world view assimilated during the near-death experience (NDE) is viewed as being in contrast to that of the "old self," significant others, and the majority culture. The difficulties reported by NDErs are considered analogous to those associated with culture shock. The world views of the practitioner, NDEr, and relevant others should be taken into account in the formulation of psychoeducational and therapeutic interventions.
Book Review: Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience
Review of a book titled "Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience" written by H.J. Irwin. The review summarizes details from Irwin's book, while providing some of the reviewer's observations about Irwin's points.
Unresolved Problems in the Study of Near-Death Experiences: Some Suggestions for Research and Theory
This paper means to progress the research of near-death experiences (NDEs) by analyzing potential methodology and addressing assumptions. It also analyzes different kinds of NDEs and the limitations that restrict the deriving of strong conclusions from data. The author makes it clear that their own assumption leans towards the existence of NDEs as a cognitive phenomenon until further research can be conducted.
Review of Bette Furn's "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience"
This paper reviews Bette Furn's "Adjustment and the Near-Death Experience." McDonagh commends Furn's paper for eliciting conversation within the subject of near-death experiences (NDEs), and then McDonagh points out some of the limitations of Furn's ideas. He then proceeds to give his own perspective on how NDE counseling could be potentially improved.
The Nature of Personal Identity in the Near-Death Experience: Paul Brunton and the Ancient Tradition
"In this paper the nature of personal identity is examined from two perspectives: observations reported by selected near-death experiencers (NDErs) and the viewpoint represented by the late English writer Paul Brunton (1898-1981)" (abstract). The paper explores the implications of these two perspectives.
The NDE Enlarged by Swedenborg's Vision
This paper describes Emanuel Swedenborg and his out-of-body experiences that have been documented. It also describes Swedenborg's ceasing of his work in the natural sciences and commencing with the publishing of spiritual books.
Combat-Related Near-Death Experiences: A Preliminary Investigation
"This paper reports on a continuing study of the near-death experience (NDE) occurring among those who were clinically dead or close to death as a result of combat operations" (abstract). Suggestions are made for the continued development of the study.
Hashish Near-Death Experiences
This paper discusses contrasting opinions about hashish-induced near-death experiences (NDEs) with an early French context. "Most researchers endorsed the view of French psychiatrist Jacques Joseph Moreau that these experiences were hallucinations. Others, including spiritualist Louis-Alphonese Cahagnet, believed that hashish NDEs revealed an underlying reality as described in the works of Emanuel Swedenborg" (abstract).
Changes in Spirituality as Reported By Death-Workshop Attendees
This paper assesses the reliability of The Life, Death, and Transition Workshop conducted by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross with the Alexander Spirituality Change Survey. "Significant positive change in spirituality by attendees was reported and appeared to be sustained over time" (abstract).
Death and the Primacy of Love in Works of Dickens, Hugo, and Wilder
This paper compares the tendency of Charles Dickens, Thornton Wilder, and Victor Hugo who use near-death experiences (NDEs) to transform the experience of fictional characters. The fictional characters' experiences are similar to real positive experiences of people who go through NDEs.
Letter to the Editor: Susan Blackmore Replies [to Emily Cook]
Letter written to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies where Susan Blackmore elaborates on information to address Emily Cook's critique of her original paper on the Wilmot case. Blackmore agrees with some of Cook's points and disagrees with others.
Meanings and Implications of NDEr Transformations: Some Preliminary Findings and Implications
This paper discusses the positive implications of experiencing NDEs. "The available evidence shows, in decreasing order of saliency: greatly increased concern for others; lessened fear of death and increased belief in an afterlife; increased religious interest and feeling, both non-institutionalized and institutionalized; and lessened desires for material success and approval of others" (abstract). "NDErs might be harbingers of a more humane future" (abstract).
Book Review: Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences
This book review addresses the book "Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experiences" by Susan J. Blackmore-Heinemann. The author's perspective on out-of-body experiences (OBEs) is summarized, as well as strategies that allow an individual to project beyond their body. The book reviewer points out inadequacies in the author's methodology for a variety of points and proposes questions that elicit further research.
Book Review: Immortality or Extinction?
Review of a book titled "Immortality or Extinction?" written by Paul and Linda Badham where the Badhams discuss their view of near-death experiences (NDEs) from a Christian perspective. The book reviewer summarizes many details about "Immortality or Extinction?"
Letter to the Editor: Are Out-of-Body Experiences Evidence for Survival?
Letter written to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies where Emily Williams Cook critiques Susan Blackmore for different aspects of her discussion of the Wilmot case.
Letter to the Editor: NDEs and Archetypes
Letter written to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies where Michael Grosso requests that Scott Rogo not dismiss his paper casually before giving it a chance. Grosso elaborates on the details that he feels are important in correcting Rogo's perspective about his paper.
Five Arguments Regarding the Objectivity of NDEs
This paper presents five arguments that are relevant in assessing the objective status of near-death experiences (NDEs). The core of the analyses "is in support of an objectivist interpretation of the near-death experience" (abstract).
Multiple Mind/Body Perspectives and the Out-of-Body Experience
"This study reviews and analyzes evidence for a rare but persistently reported facet of out-of-body experience (OBE)/near-death experience (NDE) phenomenology designated the "multiple-body/split-consciousness" effect. Those who experience this effect describe the sensation of possessing and in some instances simultaneously occupying a multiple number of "bodies" at varying locations, sometimes in conjunction with the sense of being disembodied" (abstract). The paper also analyzes this phenomenon from a neurological perspective and the mathematical branch called topology.
Letter to the Editor: Ronald Siegel and Ada Hirschman Reply [#1]
Letter written to the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies where Ronald K. Siegel and Ada E. Hirschman correct some misunderstandings about previous statements they had made about "Ernesto Bozzano's first publication on the topic of deathbed visions" (abstract).
The Mormon Explanation of Near-Death Experiences
"This paper describes an explanation of the near-death experience (NDE) based on the writings of Mormon leaders" (abstract). The paper mentions the spirit world, and the spiritual body's characteristics, as well as the people that can be encountered by the individual experiencing the NDE.
Book Review: A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings
This paper reviews a collection of near-death research readings with the purpose "to disseminate near-death research information to the public and scientists, and to encourage further research and thought on death and dying."
The Book on Life Beyond by Bô Yin Râ: Death and Afterlife in Spiritual Perspective
"This paper seeks to draw attention to a comprehensive work on death-related questions, first published in 1920, that sheds light on crucial problems still discussed today. The author speaks from his extensive observations of the dying process and near-death phenomena, seen from a spiritual point of view, but, more importantly, discusses the inherent structure of nonphysical existence, where life no longer is perceived by mortal senses but rather, as he states, by virtue of a spiritual organism and its faculties" (abstract).
Ketamine and the Near-Death Experience
This paper shows the connection between patients that receive the anesthetic ketamine and also experience near-death experiences (NDEs).
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