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Problems of Transcribing the Third Movement of Dvorak's Symphony Number Five in E Minor For Class A Band
The problem of this study was to make a transcription of the third movement of Dvorak's Symphony Number Five in E Minor from the "New World" for a class A symphonic band. A critical discussion of the musical and technical problems involved was included as a supplement or complement, as was a brief history of the composers life and works. In the arrangement of the data, the discussions were presented before the transcription might be readily understood.
Print Making in the Junior High School
The general purpose of this investigation is to examine the values of print making as compared with drawing and painting in their respective relationships as a part of the junior-high-school art program. The specific purposes of the investigation are: 1. To determine the values which are common to both the print-making arts and the drawing-painting arts. 2. To discover the values which are unique in the print-making arts. 3. To determine which of the print-making processes belong in the junior high school. 4. To recommend the grade placement and limitations of print-making for the junior high school. A conservative general conclusion, based upon objective evidence, can safely be drawn to the effect that in all phases of the learning experiences print making was found to be as valuable as painting and drawing. Its values were compared with respect to specific art development, to general educational growth, to socialization, and to character training.
A Chemical, Physical and Biological Investigation of the Total Suspended and Dissolved Substances in Lake Dallas with Emphasis on Sanitation
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the suspended organic matter and the total phosphorus in the waters of Lake Dallas and to evaluate these findings. Since organic matter floating in lakes is largely comprised of minute plants, animals, and detritus derived from animals and plants, the fertilizing effect of phosphorus must be considered as an integral part of this problem.
The Indigenous Architecture of Fredericksburg, Texas
In this study sixteen early stone buildings at Fredericksburg, Texas, are described and evaluated as examples of indigenous architecture. Chapter II presents a brief history of the founding of Fredericksburg. Chapter III presents a description of the town site and a discussion of the native materials as used by the pioneer immigrants in the construction of residences and other buildings. Chapter IV is devoted to a detailed description of fourteen buildings as specific examples of the indigenous architecture. Representative photographs of the buildings as they now appear, as well as floor plans, illustrate the text. Two early churches of the indigenous type, accompanied by photographs and floor plans, are discussed in Chapter V. In Chapter VI a summary of the study is given and conclusions are presented.
The History of the Growth and Development of the Health Service Program of North Texas State Teachers College from November 1918 through August 1941
The purpose of this study is to trace the growth and development of the health service program of the North Texas State Teachers College from 1918-1941 through Campus Chat files, the Minute Book of the Board of Regents of the Teachers College, college records, hospital records, and personal interviews with staff members of North Texas State Teachers college who have been affiliated with the program since its beginning in 1918.
An Analysis of Teachers' Incomes and Expenditures in Ten Texas Cities
The immediate purpose of this thesis is to show incomes and current living costs of teachers by geographical areas and to draw justified conclusions based upon statistical data regarding necessary and desirable teachers' salaries. Since the survey made by the Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas, included such widely separated cities as Corpus Christi, Austin, Tyler, El Paso, Lubbock, and Abilene, the different sections of the state are well represented.
The Need for Co-Operation Among Independent Food Retailers of Denton, Texas
It has become more and more evident that independent food retailers must co-ordinate their individual efforts if they are to gain an operating efficiency paralleling that of the corporate multiple-unit or chain system. Such co-ordination largely has taken three courses: (1) group buying clubs, (2) wholesale- sponsored voluntary chains, and (3) retailer-owned co-operative warehouses. It is the last of these that this study suggests as the most appropriate course for Denton independent retailers.
A Comparative Critical Analysis of Beginning Piano Methods
It has been the purpose of this study to examine representative beginning piano methods, as found available in published form, and to compare and evaluate them according to musical, psychological, physical, and educational standards.
The Position of Texas in the Relations Between the United States and Mexico from 1876 to 1910
"The purpose of this study was to show the position of Texas in the relations between the United States and Mexico from 1876 to 1910. With this thought in mind, the general problem has been to link the two countries through Texas. The Texas border relations between the United States and Mexico during this period were interesting because they showed the continued success of the efforts of the past years in building up better principles of settlement. " --leaf 129
A Critical Appraisal of English Madrigals Currently Available in American Publication
The findings of this study should prove to be a boon to all those who enjoy performing madrigals, for through the cooperation of the leading music publishing houses in this country, a complete authoritative list of fine madrigals has been gathered. Many of these will be new both to the performers and the public.
Contemporary Women Poets of Texas
As a teacher of American literature in high school, I have become conscious of the importance of teaching students of that age level the lore and poetry of their native state. Poems of nature or local color in their own country will hold their interest when material from more distant points seems dull and uninteresting. Through my teaching I have become interested in the poetry of the Southwest and have enjoyed reading the poetry and knowing the poets through personal interview or correspondence.
Development of Criteria for Evaluating Some Guidance Practices of the Student Council and Home Room Organizations of the Junior High School
The problem of this study is the development of criteria for the evaluation of some of the guidance practices that are found in the student council and the home room organizations of a junior high school. The major consideration has been given to the development of the evaluative criteria, and not to the evaluation of the practices. The problem may be considered as three-fold in its scope. A solution has been attempted through the following steps: First, it will establish a method of evaluating the practices of the organizations mentioned. Second, it will analyze some of the common practices of these organizations through an application of the evaluative device to the practices. Third, it will record the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
A Critical Analysis of the Choral Works of Roy Harris
Roy Harris is an American composer who has contributed and is still contributing to the field of modern music. This study is concerned with his choral music and the substantiation of the fact that his contributions in this field are outstanding and are expressive of a living Americanism. It is also the purpose of the study to examine and analyze the choral works of this notable Oklahoma composer and teacher in an effort to determine what Harris has to say musically and his method of expressing himself.
Contribution of the Westminster Choir Movement to American Choral Music
The purpose of this survey is to evaluate the contribution that the Westminster Choir movement has made to choral music in the United States today. It is hoped after the contributions have been stated by the investigator that the important position Westminster Choir College is occupying will be better understood.
Typical Elements of Brahms's Choral Style as Found in the German Requiem
An unusual opportunity to hear and perform this work has been afforded at North Texas State Teachers College by the presentation of the German Requiem in the summer of 1941. Furthermore, a Brahms Festival, including another presentation of the Requiem along with outstanding compositions of Brahms in other media, is to be given during commencement week of June, 1942. Not only does this type of emphasis promote interest among students and faculty, but it also serves as a stimulus to detailed study of the German Requiem, thus intensifying the immediate importance and personal significance of the subject.
A Stylistic Analysis of the Piano Works of Debussy and Ravel
This study has three purposes: first, to point out the stylistic elements of music that are present in the piano works of Debussy and Ravel; second, to determine how the composers have used these elements; and third, to discover the effects that have been achieved through individual uses of the elements.
A Proposed Program of Music as it Functions in the High School Assembly
After teaching music in several high schools for a number of years, and observing the lack of continuity in assembly programs, the writer became interested in developing a program of music which would more adequately function in the high school assembly.
Attitudes of Public School Administrators Toward the Instrumental Music Program
The purpose of the present study is three-fold in its nature: (1). To determine, by means of interviews and questionnaires, the attitudes of school administrators toward the various aspects of the instrumental music program; (2). To interpret these attitudes in the light of modern music education; (3). To make recommendations for the improvement of the instrumental music program with respect to the findings of the study.
A Stylistic Analysis of Béla Bartók's "Mikrokosmos"
Bela Bartok's art is a perfect microcosm of the art of the twentieth century. It is interwoven with the musical conceptions and techniques of the great Western European masters, without in any way obscuring the individuality, the national consciousness, and the personal style and originality of the composer's own musical language -- a language rooted in the glorious tradition of his people. In the six volumes of the Mikrokosmos, or "little world," Bartok has presented a series of progressively difficult pieces designed -- if not intentionally, at least effectively -- to introduce to the piano student a technical approach to piano playing in the modern idiom. Admittedly, the etude does not cover every pianistic technical problem. It clearly shows that Bartok fully appreciates the worth of the great wealth of piano literature, and does not prescribe his method as a "cure-all" for the technical problems of piano playing.
Relationship of Social Concepts and Personality in the Third Grade of Travis Elementary School, Mineral Wells, Texas
The value of proper concepts and an adjustable or adaptable personality are teaching factors to be considered in present-day education. The education for richer living must be through the main institutions of learning, the schools.
A Study to Determine the Effect of Certain School Music Techniques on Children's Attitudes
The investigator wished to determine the effect of certain school music techniques on children's attitudes.
A Comparison of the Canzoni of Frescobaldi and Froberger
It is the purpose of this thesis to discuss and compare the canzoni of Frescobaldi and Froberger and to show something of their influences on their successors.
Types of Maladjustment Found in Elementary School Children as Determined by Interviews with Fifty Elementary Teachers
The purpose of this study is three-fold: 1. To determine the types, causes, and effects of maladjustments found in elementary children. 2. To suggest means of helping maladjusted children adjust themselves to a complex life. 3. To leave data on file for future reference and the use of future elementary teachers who will be confronted with the problems of maladjusted children.
A Study of Musical Achievement in the Public Schools of Texas
The study at hand has purposes as follows: 1. To measure through a special test the musical knowledge achievement of secondary school music organizations in the state of Texas. 2. To determine the influence of private music instruction upon music knowledge achievement. 3. To determine the influence of family musical propensities upon music knowledge scores. 4. To determine the relation between music knowledge scores on the one hand and type of music organization and size of school enrollment on the other. 5. To compare ratings in music performance with music knowledge achievement.
The Musical Setting of Eight Choruses for Typical Music Classes of Grades Four to Six
These eight were selected as typical lyrics to meet the diverse interests of students in the intermediate grades and to aid the teachers of those students in transmitting desired precepts and ideals. The poems are short and varied in verse form. The subject matter ranges from pirates and fairies to one's own conscience and Christmas; the moods, from whimsicality and nonsense to patriotism and reverence. The marked poetic devices influencing the choice of these particular lyrics are their rhythmical and alliterative quality; their rich, lively, yet correct language; their vivid imagery; their emotional appeal; and in a few cases their narrative quality.
An Evaluation of the Quanah High School, Quanah, Texas
The problem of this study is to evaluate the Quanah High School of Quanah, Texas, by the use of criteria for determining the characteristics of good secondary schools.
The Functions of Natural Science in the Curriculum of a Primary Group in Travis School, Mineral Wells, Texas
The problem in this study is to determine the worth of natural science as an incentive to the learning of the retarded pupils in the group, and as a means of orienting the new pupils in the group.
A Study of the Relation Between School and Out-of-School Life of a Group of National Youth Administration Girls
The purpose of this study is to determine the relation between school and after-school life of a group of fifty National Youth Administration girls located in a N.Y.A. Resident Center at Anson, Texas.
Recent Trends in the Field of Individual Guidance
A study to investigate recent trends in guidance programs in schools for youth.
An Evaluation of Activities That Effect Better Parent-Teacher Cooperation in Relation to Child Development and Welfare
To evaluate activities that effect better parent-teacher cooperation in relation to child development and welfare is the purpose of this study. The five types of activities about which information was desired included personal conferences, communication, parent-teacher association, visitation, and parental education.
The Development of an Intramural Program for Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Boys in the Paschal High School, Fort Worth, Texas
The purpose of this study is to develop plans for an intramural program for boys in the Paschal High School, Fort Worth, Texas.
Critical Evaluation of a Method of Teaching Beginning Reading
The problem of this study is to determine, by actual classroom experiment, the most advantageous method of teaching reading to beginners. In the accomplishment of this purpose, the writer made an intensive study of various methods and techniques of teaching beginning reading, a summary of which appears in the second chapter of this thesis, and applied some of the fundamental principles of each method to the actual teaching of beginning reading to her first-grade pupils in the elementary school of Valley View, Texas.
An Evaluation of the Methods and the Philosophy of Teaching English in the Secondary Schools of Texas as Reported in The Texas Outlook, 1925-1940
This thesis is the report of an investigation to determine and to evaluate the methods and the philosophy of the teaching of English in the secondary schools of Texas.
The Relationship Between Theories Used in Dealing With Superior Children and the Growth of Democracy
This study centers around the evolution in theory and practice used in dealing with superior children. The manner in which the growth of democracy has influenced this evolution is pointed out.
An Educational Program to Fit the Needs of Elementary School Children During War Times
The problem of this study is: (1) to determine the dominant democratic values which are important to the child; (2) to recognize disturbing elements in the lives of children today which threaten these values, including those eventualities for which the children must be prepared in the light of the experiences of other countries; (3) to discover ways in which some teachers have sought to meet changing conditions; and (4) to combine these findings into a workable program.
Edaphic Factors Which Control the Distribution of the Common Mesquite, Prosopis Chilensis (Molina) Stuntz in Denton County, Texas
This paper deals with the distributional outgrowths of Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, the common mesquite, in Denton County, Texas.
An Evaluation of Educational Motion Picture Films Available in the Fort Worth Public Schools Film Library for Elementary Grades
The following study was undertaken as an investigation in the field of visual education for those teachers who may be interested in applying this form of visual aids to instruction.
The Labor Policy of the Ford Motor Company at Dallas, Texas
A study of the labor policy of the Ford motor company at Dallas, Texas.
The Classroom Library in Action in an Integrated Elementary School Program
The purpose of the study is to determine the library needs of the elementary-grade children of the Willow View School and to develop an activity program to meet their needs.
Determination of an Adequate Course of Industrial Arts for Ninth Grade in Terms of Child Needs, Psychological Possibilities, and Social Needs
This is a study to determine an adequate course for ninth-grade industrial arts in terms of child needs, psychological possibilities, and social needs, as indicated by the ninth-grade boys in Bowie High School, El Paso, Texas.
Teaching Geography in the Sixth Grade
This study attempts to show the best methods and plans used by contemporary geography teachers.
Synthesis of 5- (2-Thienyl) Barbituric Acid
A study of the synthesis of 5- (2-Thienyl) barbituric acid.
Liability of Texas Municipalities Under Torts For Construction, Maintenance and Repair of Streets and Sidewalks
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the liability of municipal corporations in Texas for the construction, repair, and maintenance of their streets and sidewalks, and for injuries sustained by the traveling public through defects in same.
Physical Education as an Element in the Personal and Social Readjustment of the Problem Child in Gladewater, Texas
This study of the readjustment of problem children was undertaken as an integral part of the physical education program of the city schools of Gladewater, Texas, to determine if physical education in itself is, or can become, a positive factor in reshaping the lives of such children.
Criteria for Evaluating the Administration of the Elementary School
The study attempts to formulate criteria to evaluate the work of the elementary school principal in city schools, subdividing his duties into five major phases, namely: (1) supervision, (2) administration, (3) organization, (4) clerical, and (5) other duties.
An Analysis of Six Representative Women Characters in Edith Wharton's Novels
For this study, an analysis will be made of six of Edith Wharton's heroines: Lily Bart, the luxury-loving, aristocratic heroine of The House of Mirth, who was destroyed by her own class; Ellen Olenska, who neither lost nor sought an established place in New York society, since it belonged to her, and she stayed there by the sacrifice of instinct and happiness; Anna Leath, a typical product of puritan New York, who suffered from having learned so thoroughly the rules of her generation; Halo Tarrant, who took love into her own hands and defied society but felt the strength of the social convention which shuts out the woman who does not play the game according to the rules; Undine Spragg, the social adventurer, who represents ambition, which Mrs. Wharton had come to recognize as the dominant characteristic of the new woman of America; and Sophy Viner, an American girl who, yielding to temptation, is plunged into insecurity because she comes into contact with Anna Leath and the rules of her world.
The Deputy State Superintendent in Texas From 1933 to 1941
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the work of the Deputy State Superintendents on the high schools of Texas.
The School Journey: an Evaluation of Techniques and Procedures
The school journey is one of many visual aids in perceptual learning. It is not the purpose of the writer to over-estimate the values of this method of teaching, but to suggest it as one activity that meets the need of many individuals for growth and maturation, as well as a technique for capturing the educational values of direct contact with the world in which children live.
A Comparative Nutritive Study of the Growth-Promoting Factors of Four Varieties of Cowpeas
The purpose of the present study is to compare the growth-promoting properties of four varieties of the green cowpea: the blackeye, the red and white crowder, the brown crowder and the cream cowpea.
Philosophy in The Forsyte Saga
A study has been made of (1) the various philosophies of idealism and materialism, (2) the effects of these philosophies upon the life and thought of England in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and (3) the demonstration of these philosophies in John Galsworthy's The Forsyte Saga with a view to indicating the trends and tendencies in the philosophy of England which have helped to shape the personal and national life of the British people of today.
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