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A Comparison of Attitudes Toward Physical Activity Expressed by Male and Female Students in the Required Physical Education Activity Program at North Texas State University
"The problem of this study was to determine attitudes toward physical activity expressed by male and female students in the required physical education activity program at North Texas State University during the 1970 spring semester."--4.
A Study to Determine the Status of Six-Man Football in the Public High Schools Under the Texas Interscholastic League in 1941
"The purposes of the study were as follows: 1. To determine to what extent six-man football was meeting the needs of the small high school. 2. to determine trends in regard to the organization, administration, and conduct of the game in Texas. 3. To compile information that would serve those schools which are now playing six-man football, and those which are considering the adoption of the game."-- leaf 2.
A Comparative Study of Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Physical Education and Fifty Undergraduate Men Majors in Other Fields at North Texas State College with Respect to Selected Personal Traits
"To determine the general characteristics of the undergraduate men majors in the field of physical education and men majors in other fields...if the undergraduate men majors in physical education could be distinguished from the men majors in other fields"--4.
The Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on the Efficiency of Wrestlers Under Simulated Competitive Conditions
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of rapid weight loss on wrestlers' efficiency incorporating competitive aspects of the sport into the research procedures. Six subjects were selected from the North Texas State University Wrestling Club. Eight cardiovascular and neuromuscular measurements were taken and recorded before treatment and following treatment. Astrand's bicycle ergometer test was utilized to obtain exhaustive, heart rates. Data were analyzed by a one-tailed t test at the .05 level. Conclusion of the investigation was that following 6.25 per cent rapid loss of body weight, over a period of one week, no loss of efficiency occurred among wrestlers under simulated competitive conditions.
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Health Education and Physical Education
The problem in this study was to examine the relationship between health education and physical education as areas of specialization as perceived by selected health and physical educators in five southwestern states. Data for the study were obtained by use of a questionnaire. Surveyed educators consisted of college and university department chairmen, secondary curriculum directors, and secondary instructors. The data were presented in such a manner to indicate opinions of the total group of respondents as well as those of each of the three categories. The findings of the study indicate that health education and physical education are related historically and are substantially related at the current time, and that specialization in teacher preparation and instruction in each area is desirable.
An Analysis of Perceived Exertion of a Graded Isometric Muscle Contraction of the Forearm Flexors Under Conditions of Magnitude Production and Magnitude Estimation
This study analyzed an individual's ability to perceive levels of exertion of an isometric contraction. Two samples of college students were tested under magnitude production or magnitude estimation. A significant F was obtained for the magnitude production condition. An insignificant F was obtained for the magnitude estimation condition. This study concludes that subjects tested under magnitude production will perceive the 100 percent level with the least amount of error and that error will increase as the percentages descend from the 100 percent level. Subjects tested under magnitude estimation will be equally in error when perceiving percentages of a maximum contraction of the forearm flexors.
Effect of a Six-Week Training Program on the Physical Condition of Primary Grade Girls
The purpose of the study was to examine changes in cardiovascular function and neuromuscular performance of primary grade girls after a six-week treatment program. The Kraus-Weber Tests and modified Harvard Step Test were administered to sixty-seven subjects before and after the treatment program, which consisted of exercises and running for the experimental group and sedentary games for the control group. None of the significant differences in recovery heart rate or the Kraus-Weber tests could be attributed to the treatment program. The length of training program was apparently not enough to detect change in fitness level of the subjects. A need exists for exercise tests that are more meaningful and more easily administered.
A Descriptive Study of the Professional Preparation and Teaching Experiences of Male Physical Education Graduates of North Texas State University for the College Sessions From 1965 Through 1973
The problem of this study was to obtain the professional opinion of male physical education graduates of North Texas State University with respect to appropriateness of their professional preparation in association with their teaching experiences. An opinionated questionnaire was developed and used to collect the data. Standard and Advanced First Aid and Safety Education, Teaching Physical Education in Secondary Schools and Foundations of Health were the required courses found to be most valuable to the participants in their teaching experiences. Basketball, track and field, football and volleyball were the activities most often used by the participants in their teaching activities.
The Relationship of Personality to the Selection of a Required Physical Education Activity by College Women
This investigation was designed to determine whether or not a significant relationship existed between personality and the selection of a required physical education activity and whether or not personality traits exhibited by freshman women were related to specific type activities. Sources of data were 107 freshman women enrolled in activity classes at North Texas State University, 1974-75. The Cattell 16 Personality Factor Inventory, Form A and an information sheet were the instruments utilized in the study. An analysis of variance was calculated to ascertain whether or not differences existed among the four groups in personality scores. This study concluded that no significant relationship appeared to exist between personality and the selection of specific physical activities.
A History of the Dallas, Texas, Park and Recreational Department from 1950 to 1970
"The purposes of the study were to report attendance figures of the Deparment during the period of the study, to report the acquisition of new land and facilities during the period of the study, to survey the program change in relation to its leaders during the period of the study, to determine if the Dallas Park and Recreation Department met the standards set up by the National Recreation and Park Association, and to project what recreational facilities will be needed in the next decade...This study indicates that the Dallas Park and Recreation Department is below the standards of the National Recreation Park Association in most areas of concern. The one metropolitan zoo and the ten acres of land per 560 population were the only areas that met or exceeded the standards. The ownership of land is most important so that when monies become available recreation facilities, program and sfaff can be increased. "--leaves 1,50.
A Comparison of the Objectives of Physical Education at North Texas State University
"The purpose of this study is to investigate the priority of objectives of physical education as determined by various groups of people involved in the physical education program at north Texas State University,"--[1].
The Effects of Supportive and Non-Supportive Nonverbal Movements Upon the Acquisition of a Gross Motor Skill
The purposes of the study were (1) to validate five selected supportive and five selected non-supportive nonverbal movements, and (2) to determine the effects of the nonverbal expressions upon subjects' learning of a gross motor skill. Subjects were twenty-eight college women who met the established criteria. The testing instrument was the Bachman Ladder. Fourteen subjects received the supportive-- non-supportive nonverbal treatment sequence; fourteen subjects received the reverse treatment sequence. Subjects numerically ranked the degree of treatment following each experimental session. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance method. Alpha was .05. Conclusions of this study were (1) that nonverbal supportive and non-supportive treatments do not significantly affect gross motor learning, and (2) the selected expressions are valid techniques for nonverbal communications.
A Comparison of Self Concepts Among "Starter" and "Substitute" Female College Athletes in Selected Varsity Sports
The purposes of the study were (1) to determine if differences exist between the self concepts of female intercollegiate starting and substitute athletes and between members of team and individual sports and (2) to determine if a significant relationship exists between coaches' ratings of an athlete and the athletes' self concepts. Subjects were forty-five college women who met the established criteria. The testing instrument was the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. Data were analyzed by the two-way analysis of variance method and the Spearman Rank Order Correlation. Alpha was .05. Conclusions of the investigation were that (1) the self concepts of athletes in basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis, and badminton are not significantly different, and (2) the coaches' ratings of athletes and athletes' self concept ratings are not significantly related.
Effect of Trampoline Training and Tumbling on the Cardiovascular Efficiency of College Women
The purpose of the study was to determine if subjects would improve in cardiovascular efficiency following a six-week program of trampolining and/or tumbling. Literature concerning cardiovascular efficiency, training, trampoline, testing instruments, test selection and maximal oxygen intake were thoroughly reviewed. The Astrand test of maximal oxygen intake and the Cooper twelve-minute run test of aerobic capacity were found to best fit the needs of the present study.
A Study of the Relationships Between Grip Strength, Wrist Flexion, Arm Length and the Velocity of a Thrown Baseball in Male High School Varsity Baseball Players
This study analyzed the relationships present between grip strength, wrist flexion, arm length, partial and total, and throwing velocity. Thirty-one subjects were tested to obtain the data on these variables. A multiple linear regression equation produced a significant F ratio for the relationship between grip strength and throwing velocity. Neither wrist flexion nor arm length obtained a significant F ratio to throwing velocity. A stepwise multiple regression equation again displayed a significant F ratio for grip strength and throwing velocity. Wrist flexion and arm length did not produce a significant F ratio for their relationships to throwing velocity. This study concludes that of the variables tested, only grip strength displayed a significant relationship to throwing velocity. This study indicates that throwing velocity can be predicted at a moderate level from the measurement of grip strength.
The Effect of the Tonic Neck Reflex upon Fatigue of the Extensor Leg Muscles
The purpose of the investigation was to determine the effect of the tonic neck posture upon fatigue induced by exhaustive exercise of the knee extensor muscles of college women. The subjects were college females enrolled in physical education activity classes at North Texas State University. The F ratio was used to determine significance of the difference in fatigue measures in the three head positions. The results of the present investigation revealed no statistically significant difference between the three head positions with respect to their influence on endurance of the leg extensors. Conclusions were that the tonic neck reflex does not facilitate or inhibit leg extensor endurance.
Relationship Between Coaches' Leadership Style and Burnout
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between leadership behavior and perceived burnout of coaches. Head coaches from high schools and from Southeast and Southwest Conference universities were included in the sample (N=302). Coaches completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, Social Desirability Scale and a demographic data sheet. Coaches were separated into two leadership behavior groups and classified as Consideration or as Initiating Structure. It was predicted that coaches in the Consideration Group would have a higher level of perceived burnout. A multivariate analysis of variance was conducted and indicated significant differences in four subscales of the MBI. Specifically, coaches in the Consideration Group scored significantly higher in the frequency and intensity dimension of the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization subscales (p<.001).
The Establishment of Norms for Two Selected Tennis Skills Tests at North Texas State University
The purposes of this study were 1) to establish validity and reliability for a modified service test, 2) to determine male and female norms for the service test, and 3) to establish norms for the Kemp-Vincent Rally Test. Subjects were 677 students enrolled in beginning and intermediate tennis classes at North Texas State University, Denton, Texas. Data were analyzed by the two-way analysis of variance to establish reliability. Norms were established by converting raw scores to normalized standard T-scores. Conclusions of the investigation were 1) the modified service test is valid and reliable, and 2) there is a need for separate male and female norms when the skill is governed by strength.
Psychobiological and Pacing Characteristics of Field Tested Endurance Performance
This study investigated the psychobiological and pacing characteristics of the 1.5 mile run. Sixty-six males (18-27 years) performed the run, and were monitored for ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate and split times. The perceived exertion values increased in a near-linear fashion inconsistent with other measures, and thus are not considered a supportable indicator of physiological performance during the run. Pace was characterized by an initial sprint that slowed to a near-steady pace and concluded with a final sprint. The initial and final sprints were most highly related to the variance of performance time. Initially, heart rate accelerated greatly. This acceleration slowed, ending in near-maximum heart rates. The data suggested that performance may rely heavily upon anaerobic mechanisms, and that variance in previously reported correlational analyses of VO2max and 1.5 mile run performance times may be somewhat due to anaerobic mechanisms.
A Comparison of Selected Coachability Traits as Ranked by Male and Female Coaches
The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences and relationships in male and female coaches assessment of coachability traits. Subjects were twenty-five male and twenty-five female coaches, The testing included a paired comparison of ten coachability traits, Data were analyzed by a Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation and analysis of variance. The conclusion of this study was that the two groups of subjects are very similar in the selection of coachability traits.
Study of the Programs of Professional Preparation in Physical Education Colleges in India; Comparison of the Programs with the Recommendations Made by a National Conference on Professional Preparation in Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation Education, Washington, D. C., 1962
Data were obtained through the syllabi and the questionnaires returned by the head of physical education institutes in India. From a total of thirty-seven questionnaires sent, sixteen were returned representing fourteen different institutions. The programs in India showed some diversity among the institutions regarding the length of time required to complete the courses and minimum qualifications prescribed for admission to the program. The programs did not meet the recommendations of the conference either in length or content. The newer programs more nearly met the recommendations.
The Influence of Psychological Stress and Personality upon Athletic Performance of Intercollegiate Tennis Players
This investigation was designed to study coach and self-appraised groupings of intercollegiate tennis players who yield to stress and withstand stress and to determine if personality differences existed between groups. Subjects were 75 intercollegiate tennis players from Texas. A stress inventory and the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire were instruments utilized in the study. Data were subjected to hierarchical profile-groupings, three-way analyses of variance, and a correlational analysis. Conclusions of the study were that intercollegiate tennis players and male and female players respond to stress differently; intercollegiate tennis players and male and female players who experience different levels of stress have different personalities; and players and coaches do not evaluate the ability to cope with stress similarly.
Male Attitudes Toward Sport Participation by Females
This investigation was designed to determine if attitudinal differences toward involvement of females in athletic competitions existed between males when age, education, and sport backgrounds were considered. Subjects were 186 male employees of Air Products and Chemicals, Incorporated and the City of De Soto, Texas, and students at North Texas State University. A fifty-one item attitude inventory developed by the investigator was the instrument utilized in the study. Data were analyzed by a three-way analysis of variance. Conclusions of the study were that males of various ages, educational levels, and sport backgrounds do not differ in their attitudes and possess favorable opinions toward female sport participation, Males with nonactive sport backgrounds were more favorable than males with active-semiactive backgrounds when spectators at female sport events.
A Comparison of Perceived Exertion Ratings of Aerobic Dance and Treadmill Performances Among College Age Males and Females
The purposes of the study were to compare ratings of perceived exertion of aerobic dance and treadmill performances under equal work loads and to compare ratings of perceived exertion by males and females in aerobic dance and treadmill work. Subjects were twenty-six college men and women in co-educational conditioning classes. Heart rates were monitored after work bouts and perceived exertion was determined using Borg's RPE scale. Data were analyzed by a two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. Conclusions of the investigation were: (1) aerobic dance is perceived as less strenuous than the treadmill under equal work loads, and (2) males and females perceive aerobic dance as less strenuous than the treadmill under equal energy bouts.
Chronic Alterations in Joint Flexibility Associated with Aerobic Dance Instruction of College Age Females
The purposes of this study were (1) to determine if three selected aerobic dance related conditions would result in chronic alterations of flexibility of college women and (2) to compare flexibility measures of college age females during a semester of aerobic dance instruction. Subjects were sixty-three college women enrolled in aerobic dance, bowling, and archery classes. Eight flexibility measures were obtained during the third and eleventh weeks of the experimental period. Data were analyzed by a factor analysis the Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and eight oneway analyses of covariance. Conclusions of the investigation were (1) a program of aerobic dance alone is not sufficient to promote flexibility, and (2) supplemental flexibility activities of ten minutes duration used with aerobic dance training are beneficial in increasing hip flexion.
A Cinematographic Comparison of Two Long-Hang Kip Techniques on the Horizontal Bar
This study used cinematography to determine differences in velocity, acceleration, moments of force, and body centers of gravity in four different positions of two techniques of the long-hang kip. Three female gymnasts performed five attempts of each technique: the traditional method, with an arch in the lower back at the end of the forward swing, and approximate shoulder angle of 180 degrees or more; and the newer method, with no arch in the lower back and approximate shoulder angle of 90 degrees or less. Three. USGF-rated judges scored the kips, and due to inability to distinguish between the two techniques, two subjects were eliminated. Major differences occurred in the swing extension, with the newer technique producing more velocity and a higher center of gravity throughout the movement.
A Comparison of Three Selected Exercises in Building Abdominal Strength and Endurance in Upper Elementary School Girls
This study compares the effectiveness of three selected exercises (curl-up, conventional hook sit-up and modified hook sit-up) in building abdominal strength and endurance in upper elementary school girls. Ninety-nine subjects were randomly divided into four groups. The study was designed to determine (1) whether an eight week exercise program can increase abdominal strength and endurance; (2) the most effective exercise; (3) if muscle action intensity affects the results. A cable tensiometer measured abdominal strength and a timed sit-up measured abdominal endurance. An analysis of covariance determined significance. Significant gains in abdominal strength and endurance were shown by the conventional hook sit-up. Further study on the relationship between muscle development and maturation in young children is recommended.
The Effect of Hypoxic Training Upon the Speed of Sprint Freestyle in High School Competitive Swimming
This study investigated possible effects of hypoxic training upon speed of high school sprint freestyle. Thirty-eight subjects, grouped as their two schools, performed identical loads during the ten-week program. The Experimental group used hypoxic techniques for about one-half of each workout. Pretests and posttests conducted for the 50-yard and 100-yard distances yielded highly correlated mean scores, with marked differences between the two groups. Analysis of covariance was used, selecting the .05 level for rejection. The comparison of adjusted group means indicated neither group superior at 50 yards, while the 100-yard F-ratio was significant at the .0047 level favoring hypoxic training. It is recommended that hypoxic techniques be incorporated into existing programs, possibly benefitting other strokes.
The Relationship Between Cohesion and Performance in Competitive Bowling Teams
The purpose of this present investigation was twofold: to determine the relationship between cohesion and performance for successful and unsuccessful bowling teams and to investigate the internal consistency of items from the Group Environment Questionnaire. Subjects were 148 bowling teams (28 men's, 55 women's, 65 mixed--3-5 members each) from 14 different leagues. Results revealed that task cohesion (ATGT) in early, mid, and late season, as well as social cohesion (ATGS) in late season significantly differentiated between high/low cohesion teams. In addition, successful teams (i.e., league position) exhibited significantly higher levels of both task and composite cohesion. All cohesion scales, with the exception of ATGS in early season, revealed a moderate to high level of internal consistency.
Three Dimensional Comparison of Free Throw Shooting: the Women's Small Ball vs. the Large Ball
The purposes of this study were to quantify, in three dimensions (3D), kinematic parameters of the free throw shot with both the women's small ball and the large ball, and to compare the parameters of the small ball to the large ball. Nine female varsity college basketball players were filmed and the 3D data were computed with the Nonlinear Transformation method. Statistical analysis of parameters including ball trajectory and body position failed to show an effect for ball condition. Since the velocity of release was not statistically different between the two balls and the ball mass was different, the results suggest that impulse is the differing factor.
Ground Reaction Forces and Ankle and Knee Moments During Rope Skipping
Ground reaction force (GRF) data collected and synchronized with film data to determine peak GRF and calculate moments about ankle and knee during rope skipping. Two, five minute conditions were analyzed for 10 subjects. Condition 1 was set rate and style. Condition 2 was subjects' own rate and style. Means and standard deviations were reported for peak GRF, ankle and knee moments. One way ANOVAs reported no significant difference between conditions for variables measured. Efficiency and nature of well phased impacts during rope skipping may be determined by combination of GRF, similarities in magnitude and direction of joint moments, and sequencing of segmental movements. Technique and even distribution of force across articulations appear more important than magnitudes of force produced by given styles.
A Study of the Validity of Brace's Football Achievement Tests as a Measure of Real Playing Ability of Individual Players of the Quanah and Childress High Schools
The investigator undertook a study to determine the validity of the Brace Football Achievement Tests as a measure of real playing ability of individual members of the 1948 football squads of the high schools of Quanah and Childress, Texas.
The Effect of an Eight-Week Training Program upon Leg Strength and Running Speed in Middle-School-Age Boys
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an eight-week weight training program upon leg strength and running speed of middle-school-age boys.
The Effect of the Vertical Peg Board on the Performance of Pull-Ups by Elementary-School Boys
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the use of the vertical peg board on the performance of the pull-ups by boys in grades five and six in an elementary school in the North Texas area.
Effects of Competitive Basketball Experiences of Girls in the Gainesville State Training School upon Selected Personal and Social Behavior Patterns
This study compared the effects of competitive basketball experiences, no basketball experiences, and choral experiences of girls in the Gainesville State Training School upon selected personality factors, behavior, and social status.
The Relationship of the Volleyball Pass, the Repeated Wall Volleys, and Volleyball Playing Ability of Eleventh Grade Girls
This study sought to determine the relationship of the volleyball pass, the repeated wall volleys, and volleyball playing ability, as measured by a panel of four judges, using 120 eleventh grade girls enrolled in physical education classes at Odessa High School, Odessa, Texas, for the Fall semester of 1967.
A Study of the Relationship between Balance on Stationary and Moving Objects
This study investigated the relationship between balance on a moving base and balance on a stationary base. The hypothesis chosen for this investigation was that the correlation between the two types of balance would be zero.
A Study of the Effects of Fatigue, as Induced by the Harvard Step Test, on Kinesthetic Perception
The purpose of the study was to ascertain the effects of induced fatigue on performance of the balance, lengthwise test, the leg raise test, the vertical space te4st, and the separate feet test.
The Effects of Viewing Loopfilm on Tennis Skill and Form
This study was an attempt to determine the effectiveness of loopfilms as a supplement to the demonstration-explanation method of teaching sports skills.
Attitudes of Junior High School Female Athletes and Non-Athletes toward Physical Education
This investigation is concerned with the problem of determining whether or not a significant difference exists between attitudes of junior high school female athletes and non-athletes toward physical education.
The Personality Characteristics of High School Male Gymnasts
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the personality characteristics of high school male gymnasts and the personality characteristics of high school football athletes and non-athletes. An attempt was made to answer three specific questions: I. Do personality differences exist between the gymnastic group and the non-athletic group? II. Do personality differences exist between the gymnastic group and the football group? III. Do personality differences exist between the football group and the non-athletic group?
A Comparative Study of the Standards Set by the Texas Education Agency for Certification of Teachers in Physical Education for Senior High School with Those of the Accrediting Agencies in the Other States of the Southern District of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
The following are the purposes of the study: 1. To obtain a basis for evaluation of certification of physical education teachers. 2. To compare certification standards of Texas with those of the other southern states. 3. To develop a better understanding of the standards set by the Texas Education Agency for physical education. 4. To gain a better understanding of the standards recommended by the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
The Construction of a Handbook for Teachers of Aquatic Art
The following purposes were established for the study: 1. To determine the scope of the area known as aquatic art. 2. To determine the basic knowledge and understandings necessary for competent teaching in the area of aquatic art. 3. To present in the form of a handbook principles and procedures for organizing, administering, and conducting an aquatic art program.
Relation of Pre- and Post-Puberty Anthropometric Measurements and Performance of American Negro and Caucasian Females on the AAHPER Physical Fitness Battery
The problem of this study is to determine the relationship that may exist among the variables of racial status, puberty status, anthropometric measurements, and physical fitness. Particularly of interest are the anthropometric differences that may exist among Negroes and Caucasians and the effect that these differences may have upon physical fitness as measured by the AAHPER Physical Fitness Battery. Differences among racial groups and puberty groups will be determined by analysis of variance technique and relations among anthropometric measures and physical fitness components will be compared and determined by correlational techniques.
A Survey of Physical Education Programs with Regard to Acivities Offered the Male Student in Texas Junior Colleges
This study was to determine physical education program offerings at the junior colleges in Texas and to present them in such a manner that comparisons could be made between these programs and recommendations of the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
A Study of Present Methods Used in the Training of Participants in the University of Texas State High School Cross Country Meet
This study was conducted to investigate the methods which are presently being used to train boys for participation in the University of Texas State High School Cross Country Meet.
A Comparison of Two Methods of Prophylactic Hand Care for Junior High Girls Performing Uneven Bar Skills
The performance of Uneven Parallel Bar skills by junior high girls is hindered by blister formation on the hands. The problem was to investigate certain measures relative to their value in blister prevention.
The Measurement of Body Awareness of Seventh, Eighth, and Nineth-Grade Girls and a Comparison of this Awareness to their Ability to Perform Two Gross Motor Tasks
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between body awareness and the ability of junior high school girls to perform gross motor tasks, like hitting and kicking.
A Comparison of Attitudes of Parents of Sixth Grade Children Toward Elementary Physical Education and Elementary Athletic Competition
This study was designed to determine and compare the attitudes toward elementary physical and elementary athletic competition of parents of sixth grade students enrolled in five elementary schools in Arlington, Texas, during the 1970-1971 school year.
The Effect of Dietary Supplements of Protein and Wheat Germ Oil on Selected Physical Measurements of Junior High School Athletes
This study was undertaken to determine the effect of protein and wheat germ oil supplements upon selected measures of junior high school boys. The measures selected were for weight, arm strength, speed and endurance, and urinalyses for urea nitrogen. Thirty-six ninth grade athletes at Memorial Junior High School in Alice, Texas, were used as subjects. The subjects were placed in three groups of twelve each with one group receiving the supplements and the other two groups serving as control groups.
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