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Guidance Work Practices in Class A Schools in Texas
The objective of this thesis is to determine guidance practices in four-year, Class A High Schools in Texas by: (1) surveying related literature in the field of guidance to determine what the experts consider a good guidance program for secondary schools; (2) means of a survey in the form of a questionnaire, to determine what is actually being done in guidance work in Texas Class A Schools; (3) arriving at a conclusion concerning good guidance work practices for four year, Class A High Schools in Texas.
An Analytical Study of the Recreation Program of the Dallas County Juvenile Home Dallas, Texas
"It has been the purpose of this study to make an analysis of the recreational program at the Dallas County Juvenile Home...certain conclusions concerning the recreational program have been reached. 1. The principles upon which the recreational program is based are in line with the recommendations of the National Recreation Association. 2. In practice, recreation in the Dallas County Juvenile Home has not reached maximum efficiency. 3. The program is built largely to fill the needs of the majority of the boys who are detained at the home. 4. The program has been modified in some cases to meet the needs of the individual groups. 5. The recreation program serves as a means for the boys to express themselves; therefore, the supervisors and the case workers are able to establish better rapport with each boy. 5. The better rapport with each boy enables the case worker to determine the proper placement of the boy. 7. Through the efforts of recreation many personality adjustments have been made. 8. The study shows that the majority or 51 percent of the boys chose yard play as a first choice of activities offered at the home. 9. Because of the maintained interest of the entire staff to find and improve the defects of the program, recreation facilities have been expanded. 10. Inadequate funds limit the full use of the facilities at the home. "--leaf 67.
An Evaluation of the Influence of Parent Interest on Child Achievement
A number of investigations of pupil progress in school have definitely shown that the percentage of failure in the first grade is much higher than in the other grades. In the light of these investigations, it is safe to assume that there must be a number of contributing factors to this failure in grade progress. The nature of these factors and what the school can do, if anything, to mitigate their influence on pupil progress in the first grade constitute a challenge to educational research. The present study undertakes an investigation along these lines. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to investigate the need for a pre-school program; (2) to study the reported values of such a program; and (3) to survey a certain number of schools to determine the extent and nature of preschool programs if any.
A Study to Determine the Differences in Scholastic Achievement and Sociometric Standing Between Children from Broken and Unbroken Homes
The problem presented in this study is to determine if any differences exist in the sociometric standing and the scholastic achievement between children from broken homes and children from unbroken homes. The purpose of the study is to make a comparison of the sociometric standing and scholastic achievement of two selected groups of pupils to determine if differences exist and to what extent they exist.
An Evaluation of the Guidance Program for Freshman Students at North Texas State College
The purposes of this study are: (1) to discover the most prominent needs of the freshmen students at North Texas State College, (2) to find the extent to which the guidance program aids college freshmen in developing into normal and socially adjusted individuals, and (3) to evaluate the present guidance program at North Texas State College.
A Physical Education Program for the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade Boys in the Elementary School of Jacksboro, Texas
The problem is to prepare and administer a physical education program for the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boys in the elementary school of Jacksboro, Texas. The need for this study developed after the investigator had studied the few activities in which the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boys in the elementary school of Jacksboro, Texas, were participating. It is the aim of the investigator to construct a physical education program that will give more boys an opportunity to participate in desirable activities.
A Comparative Study of Achievements of Anglo- and Latin-American High School Pupils
"The purpose of this study is to investigate paired groups of Latin-American and Anglo-American children in one community who have attended the public schools approximately the same number of years, to discover difference, if any, in achievement when comparable opportunities for education have been present. Achievement, in this instance, means all phases of the school program: core subject areas, vocational subjects, physical education and health, and participation in extra-curricular activities. Two source of data are utilized in this study: (1) background information concerning the status and accomplishments of the Latin-american child in Texas schools, taken from professional literature in the field and related studies; (2) primary data, consisting of test results and case studies of two selected groups of pupils in the Stuart High School in south Texas, taken from the school records and teacher-observations studies of the Stuart High School ."-- leaf 3.
The Influence of Isolated and Integrated Fourth Grade Music on Children's Achievements in Music and Academic Subjects
The purpose of this study was to compare two types of teaching music, isolated and integrative, to determine their influence on achievements in music and academic subjects of pupils in two fourth-grade classes in a Fort Worth elementary school. Attention was directed to the values of music in the lives of individuals, to the two types of teaching music, and to the outcomes of instruction from both types of programs.
An Evaluation of the Health and Safety Education of Montague County, Texas, Schools
Health is a primary objective of modern education. It was named as the first of the seven cardinal principles of education. Over a period of years the health and safety of the school children have gradually become more firmly fixed as a part of the school program. Modern schools, when adequately staffed and administered, provide experiences in healthful daily living, an opportunity to become acquainted with good health services, a chance to learn something about the care of ones own body, the maintenance of health, and the prevention of disease. Thus the schools have come to contribute to community health through their planned programs of health service and through cooperation with other health and safety agencies.
An Evaluation of the Journalism Program of North Texas State College
"The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of journalism training received at North Texas State College by journalism majors."--4
A Study of the Problems of College Freshmen and the Effects of one Semester of College Attendance on Those Problems
"The problem of this study is to determine, by means of a statistical analysis of the results from the Mooney Problem Check List given to 1011 students at North Texas State College during the year 1949-50, what the problems of college freshmen are and if there is a significant change in the areas in which those problems are found from one semester to another."--1-2.
An Evaluation of the Recreation Programs of the Towns and Communities of Eastland County, Texas
"The purpose of this study is to make an investigation of the amount and type of recreation provided by the towns and communities in Eastland County, Texas, to determine the extent to which the recreation programs meet or fail to meet criteria for such community recreation programs." -- leaf 1
A Comparison of the Holding Power of the White and Negro Schools in Fort Worth, Texas with an Analysis of the Significant Difference
As a contribution to the general problem of Negro education, this study has undertaken to compare the holding power of the Negro schools and the White schools in Fort Worth, Texas, to determine whether or not there is a significant difference. It is also the purpose of the study to discover and analyze the reasons for the withdrawal and non-attendance of Negro students. A further purpose is to determine whether or not any significant difference has been achieved in the holding power of the Negro schools in the last three years by practices fostered by the Gilmer-Aiken school laws or by recent efforts made to equalize the educational opportunity afforded Negro scholastics with the educational opportunity afforded White scholastics in Fort Worth.
A Proposed Guidance Program for the Denton, Texas Senior High School
Since this is the study of a proposed guidance program for the Denton Senior High School, the problem of the study may be stated as follows: (1) to survey related literature in the field of guidance in order to determine the best educational thought as to what constitutes a good guidance program; (2) with the literature and thought of educational authorities as guideposts, to establish certain principles and criteria of a sound guidance program; and (3) to set up for the Denton, Texas, Senior High School a proposed guidance program which will observe the principles and meet these established criteria of soundness in guidance.
An Evaluation of the System of Pupil Transportation in Comanche County, Texas
Since every school in Comanche County operates some form of pupil transportation, the purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of the system of pupil transportation in Comanche County and to find the means of operating school transportation more efficiently. School consolidation in Comanche County has made pupil transportation one of the most important problems that administrators of the county have to deal with. The tendency is toward larger school attendance areas. As the attendance area gets larger, more pupils will be transported. Increased demands are mounting; replacement of worn-out vehicles and equipment is imperative; a more efficient coverage of the attendance area seems necessary; and finance is lacking.
An Analysis of the Changes and the Development of Negro Education in Rural Harrison County, 1940-1950
"The problem of this study is to trace the changes and the development of Negro education in rural Harrison County, Texas, from 1940-1950." --pg. 1
A Comparison of the Constancy of Inter-Personal Relationships in the First and Sixth Grades of the Elementary School
The problem of this study is to compare the constancy of inter-personal relationships in the first grade of the elementary school and the last grade of the elementary school, the sixth grade.
A Proposed Method of Sex Instruction for Girls of the Early Adolescent Age Level
It is the purpose of this study to attempt to arrive at the underlying causes of inadequacy in sex education and to recommend a proposed unit of sex instruction correcting the obstacles for the need of a particular age group.
A Study to Determine if there are Significant Interacting Physical, Mental, and Emotional Factors Developed by Parents of Sherman, Texas, which Influence Readiness for Beginning Reading
The purpose of the study is to approach the problem from a practical and workable angle in determining which definite and significant influences have been of benefit to the first-grade pupils of Sherman, Texas, in preparing them for reading readiness.
An Evaluation of Teaching Techniques as Evidenced by the Guilford-Martin Temperament Inventory
The primary problem of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two teaching techniques in relation to their respective influence on changing behavior by a group process.
A Study of Some of the Variables as Related to Peer Acceptance at the State Training School for Girls, Gainesville, Texas
The problem of this study is to (1) determine the amount of peer acceptance existing among a group of delinquent girls committed to the Texas State Training School for Girls and (2) to determine the relationships between peer acceptance and some other variables.
Evaluation of the Music Offerings in Seventy-Five Representative Texas High Schools
The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to formulate the bases for a music curriculum to be offered at high school level; and (2) to evaluate the present music offerings in seventy-five representative Texas high schools.
Adapting a Reading Program to Individual Differences
The problem of this study was to test the effectiveness of adapting the reading instruction to the level and ability of individuals or small groups of a particular group of second grade children.
Interrelation of Personality Measurements
The purpose of this paper is to investigate one method of understanding why man behaves as he does--personality tests.
Rorschach Patterns as Related to Sociometric Status
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between an individual's performance on the Rorschach Ink Blot Test and his degree of social acceptance as revealed by a test of sociometry.
Comparison of General Growth in Reading, when Taught by Three Different Specific Methods
The problem of this study is to determine by testing and observation which of three specific procedures for the improvement of general reading ability was the most effective when used with groups of sixth-grade children in the Bowie Elementary Schools.
Desirability of Additional Comanche County School Consolidation
The purpose of this study is to determine whether additional school consolidations in Comanche County will improve the educational opportunities of all students.
The Nature of the Group Structure of the Parkland Hospital School of Nursing
This study is designed to investigate the nature of the group structure at the Parkland Hospital School of Nursing, Dallas, Texas.
Preadolescent Developmental Tasks in Recent Fiction
The problem of this study is to determine if there are fictional books usable by teachers in helping preadolescent boys solve their problems of adjustment. The problem involves the analyses of twenty-five fiction books taken from those books listed by Virginia Bryson Blair in her study, "Directed Reading through the Library for Improving the Social Adjustment of Older Children."
A Study to Establish Some Guiding Principles for Public School Administrators to Use in Off-campus Student-teaching Programs
This study is directed to the establishment of some principles to serve as guides for public school administrators and college authorities in conducting off-campus student-teaching programs.
The Use of Music Activities with Retarded Latin-American Children
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of certain music activities in meeting some of the needs peculiar to a group of older, retarded Latin-American children. It is an effort to determine whether certain music activities may or may not help to give Latin-American children a more satisfying school experience and better equip them to live in the Anglo-American society of which they have become a part.
An Evaluation of Remedial Reading Procedures
The problem of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of certain recommended procedures in the improvement of reading skills in a sixth-grade class in the Lewisville Elementary School, Lewisville, Texas.
A Critical Evaluation of the Course for General Mathematics in Meeting the Needs of Youth as Revealed by Several Courses of Study and the Adopted Textbooks for Texas Schools
This study is an attempt to determine how a course in general mathematics can satisfy some of the needs of youth. The purpose of this study is to find out how the course in general mathematics can be made to contribute effectively to pupil growth, and how well the present course is contributing to pupil growth.
An Evaluation of the Professional Training of Secondary School Principals at North Texas State College:1939-1949
The purpose of the study is to trace the origin and development of the public school principalship, to present past and present certification standards for the principalship as expressed by leading educators and certifying officials in the various states, and to select a group of graduates of North Texas State College and measure their training and aptitudes against those stated.
A Study of the Curriculi of State Institutions of Higher Learning to Determine the Effectiveness of Teacher Education in the Field of Speech
The purpose of the study was to determine whether a person who was graduated from a state institution with the minimum requirements of that institution for a major in speech and who held a permanent high school certificate as prescribed by law, was qualified from the standpoint of subject matter knowledge to be a teacher of speech in the public schools.
A Comparison of the Achievement Made by Pupils in Single-Grade and Double-Grade Group
The problem is to endeavor to discover whether children who were placed in a double or combination grade (a room containing two grades) could be expected to advance as rapidly in their educational achievement as children in rooms containing only a single grade.
Status of Democratic Practices in the Ten Fifth Grade Groups in Denison, Texas
This is a study of the democratic practices in ten fifth grade groups of Denison, Texas, in administration, methods, and curriculum. The purpose of this study is three-fold: 1. To make criteria to be used in evaluating democratic action in the elementary schools. 2. To evaluate the democratic practices in ten fifth grade groups of Denison, Texas. 3. To offer recommendations for changes that could be made for the improvement of these groups.
A Study of the Relationships Between the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale and the Kuder Preference Record-Personal
The problem consists of investigating relationships between the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale, Form I, and the Kuder Preference Record-Personal.
An Evaluation of Objectives, Methods, and Materials in Fourth-Grade Social Studies as Found in Ten Courses of Study
The purpose of this study is to examine literature and thought in the field of elementary social studies curriculum, to establish criteria for determining the adequacy of a fourth-grade social studies program and to examine, analyze and evaluate the fourth-grade social studies programs of ten Texas public school systems in order to determine how effectively they meet these criteria.
Conservative-Progressive Tendencies in Educational Theory
The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is any appreciable difference in the attitude concerning questions on tendencies in educational theory between college students in elementary education and college students in secondary education, college students in elementary education and elementary teachers, elementary teachers with less than ten years of teaching experience and elementary teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience.
What Changes in the Decatur Elementary School Curriculum should be Made to Meet the Needs of the Maladjusted Child
The problem of this thesis is to study the types, causes, and effects of maladjustments found in analyzing certain pupils of the sixth grade. Also the problem seeks to determine why the present curriculum is not meeting the needs of these maladjusted children of the Decatur Elementary School.
A Study to Determine the Soundness of Graduate Educational-administrative Courses Offered in Twenty-seven Southwestern Colleges and Universities
The purpose of this study is to determine the soundness of the graduate educational-administration programs in the leading colleges and universities of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, in the light of criteria derived from psychologies of learning, and the etiologies of desirable traits such as leadership. A second purpose for setting up such criteria is to have a basis from which to draw recommendations and suggestions for improvement.
A Study to Determine a Sound Occupational Counseling Program as a Phase of Business Teaching
This study had as its sole purpose the outlining of sound procedures for the business teacher to follow in occupational counseling.
A Study to Determine the Best Educational Policy for Interpreting the School to the Community in Latin-American Areas
The purpose of this study is to determine the best policy for interpreting the school to the community in Latin-American areas. Special effort will be made to develop a sound public relations policy and to apply this policy in a Latin-American situation.
A Study to Determine a Sound Basis for Administering the Extra-Class Activities
The purpose of the study is two-fold: (1) to determine a sound basis for the administration of extra-curricular activities in a secondary school and (2) to evaluate practices and procedures of forty high school administrators in administering extra-curricular activities to determine the extent to which they meet accepted criteria in the field.
A Comparative Study of the Educational Growth and Personal Characteristics of Children from Broken Homes and of Children from Normal Homes
The problem herein undertaken is to compare the educational growth and personal characteristics of children from broken homes with those of children from normal homes. Plans were made to carry out the study described herein. If the broken home had any effect, could it be determined and measured in such a manner as to draw reasonable conclusions? An investigation was made to determine the effect, if any, which the broken home was having on the children in the school.
A Comparative Study of the Cost of Operating the Rural High Schools of Collin County Before and After Gilmer-Aikin Legislation
Inasmuch as it has been assumed by the people of the State of Texas that the cost of operating the public school systems has risen since the Gilmer-Aikin Bills have gone into effect, the purpose of this study is to determine just what cost items have increased and to what extent. There are many cost items to be considered in the operation of a public school, and they have varied from year to year since the beginning of public school operation. This study attempts to determine those increased cost items in rural high schools which can be contributed directly to the passage of the Gilmer-Aikin Bills.
The Effect that Socio-Economic Status has upon the Intelligence and Achievement of 120 Fourth-Grade Pupils
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect that socio-economic status has upon the intelligence and achievement of 120 fourth-grade pupils. Ninety of the fourth-grade pupils were enrolled in the Denison Elementary Schools, Denison, Texas, and thirty of the fourth-grade pupils were enrolled in an independent school, one mile outside the Denison city limits.
A Comparative Study of the Reading Ability Scores of Boys and Girls in the Third Grade of the Graham, Texas, Elementary School
For eighty years psychologists have investigated problems touching upon reading ability. It is the purpose of this study to determine if there is any significant difference in the reading ability of boys and girls in the third grade. If such differences are found to exist, an attempt will be made to explain the cause.
A Study of Instruction in Television in Texas Senior Colleges and of Employee Qualifications Sought by Texas Telecasters
It is the purpose of this study to determine the status of instruction in non-technical television techniques and procedures in the senior colleges of Texas as well as a corresponding investigation into the offerings of out-of-state colleges and universities. Furthermore, this study is concerned with the future plans of these Texas universities and colleges relative to non-technical television instruction, as well as with determining some of the employee-qualifications sought by commercial telecasters now operating in Texas. A third phase of this study deals with a suggested curriculum in non-technical television procedures and techniques.
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