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Substitution Chemistry of Ruthenium Clusters with the Diphosphine Ligands: 4,5-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)-4-Cyclo-Penten-1,3-Dione (bpcd), (Z)-Ph₂PCH=CHPP₂ and 3,4-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)-5-Methoxy-2(5H)-Furanone (bmf)
The chemistry of transition metal clusters has been a fast developing area of organometallic research in recent years. Compared to mononuclear metal complexes, polynuclear clusters offer more opportunities to study cooperative effects and electron reservoir properties between contiguous metal centers, in addition to functioning as storehouses for the release of catalytically active small fragments capable of exhibiting heterosite subtrate activation. Theoretically, metal clusters are intermediates between mononuclear complexes and metal surfaces, i.e., they serve as a bridge between molecular and solid-state chemistry. Transition metal clusters are ideal candidates to study M-M interactions stretching from the single bond to the collective metallic behavior found in a three-dimensional network of metal atoms. The reaction between the redox-active diphoshpine ligand bpcd and RU(CO) has been examined under a variety of conditions. The disubstituted cluster Ru3(CO)10(bpcd)(2) has been synthesized and shown to contain a chealating bpcd ligand, on the basis of IR and 31P NMR data. The cluster 2 (chelating isomer) undergoes cluster fragmentation at ambient temperatures in the dark to give the binuclear compound 3 and Ru3(CO)12, with no evidence for the formation of 4. Both 3 and 4 have been isolated and fully characterized in solution by IR and NMR spectroscopy, and the solid-state structure of each new binuclear compound has been established by X-ray diffraction analysis. Independent experiments reveal that dinuclear 3 is converted to 4 by 366 nm light with a quantum efficiency of .0364.
Solution Studies of ⁶Li Enriched Organolithium Compounds Using New NMR Techniques
With the values of 6Li T1 measured and the literature values of J(13C-6Li) for these compounds, three new 13C NMR techniques are developed for the analysis of organolithium compounds. Modifications to the spectrometer are discussed, as well as calibrations of the 6Li decoupler channel needed to set up these new experiments. The theoretical development of each technique is presented, as well as data from their verification, using organolithium compounds of known structure. Once qualified, the new experimental techniques are used to analyze a series of alkyllithium / lithium alkoxide mixed aggregates in solution, where structures and values of J(13C-6Li) may not be known. The combination of Ti relaxation measurements and 13C{1H, 6Li} triple resonance techniques serves as a means of determining the structure of organolithium aggregates in solution.
Kinetic Study of the Reactions of Oxygen Atoms with Nitric Oxide and Silane
The rate constant for the reactions of oxygen atoms with nitric oxide and silane were determined using a discharge flow apparatus. A microwave discharge through O2N2 and Ar was used to produce oxygen atoms. The rate constant for the reaction O + NO + Ar was determined to be (7.0+0.4) x 10^32 cm^6 s^-1 and is in good agreement with previous measurements. Modeling of the O +SiH₄ reaction was performed to determine the correction to the rate constant due to secondary reactions. The rate constant for the reaction O + SiH₄ was determined to be (3.3 +/- 0.3) x 10⁻¹³ cm³ s⁻¹ and is in good agreement with previous measurements. Previous literature, thermochemistry, and spin conservation were used to determine a probable mechanism for the O + SiH₄ reaction.
Synthesis and 2-D NMR Analysis of a New Phenyl-Substituted Polycyclic Compound
Diels-Alder [4+2] cycloaddition of a mixture of 1- and 2 methylcyclopentadiene to 2-phenyl-g.-benzoquinone affords a mixture of four nd cycloadducts. A single, isomerically pure cycloadduct was isolated by careful column chromatography. Stereospecific reduction of this material with sodium borohydride and cerium(III) chloride 'affords a single, isomerically pure tricyclic diol. The structures of the cycloadduct and this tricyclic diol, established via analysis of their one- and two-dimensionial NMR spectra, were shown to be (1-methyl-5-phenyltricyclo[,7]undec a-4,9 diene-3,6-dione and 1-methyl-5-phenyltricyclo[ 2 ,7 ]undeca-4,9-diene t.&A-3-=.a-6-diol), respectively. Intramolecular [2+2] photocyclization of this tricyclic diol afforded the corresponding cage diol, 3-methyl-7phenylpentacyclo[ 2 ,6 .03 , 1 0 .05, 9 ]undecane-.exogxa-8,11-diol. Oxidation of this cage diol with pyridinium chlorochromate in dry dichloromethane afforded a single, isomerically pure cage hydroxyketone, 3-methyl-7 phenylpentacyclo[5.4.02,6.03,l .1519]undecane-xA-8-ol-II-one, whose structure was established by single crystal X-ray crystallographic methods.
A Kinetic Study of the Recombination Reacton Na + SO₂ + Ar
The recombination reaction Na + S02 + Ar was investigated at 787 16 K and at pressures from 1.7 to 80 kPa. NaI vapor was photolyzed by an excimer laser at 308 nm to create Na atoms, whose concentration was monitored by time-resolved resonance absorption at 589 nm. The rate constant at the low pressure limit is ko = (2.7 0.2) x 10-21 cm6 molecule-2 s~1. The Na-SO 2 dissociation energy E0 = 170 35 kJ mol1 was calculated with RRKM theory. The equilibrium constant gave a lower limit E0 > 172 kJ mol~ 1. By combination of these two results, E0 = 190 15 kJ mol~ 1 is obtained. The high pressure limit is k, = (1 - 3) x 10-10 cm3 molecule 1 s~1, depending on the extrapolation method used. Two versions of collision theory were employed to estimate k,.. The 'harpoon' model shows the best agreement with experiment.
Aqueous Solubilities and Transformation of Chlorinated Benzenes
Aqueous solubilities of twelve chlorinated benzenes were determined by two methods. In one method, the solutions in water were prepared by a vigorous stirring method followed by n-hexane extraction and GC-ECD analysis. In the second method, HPLC was used to prepare the saturated solutions. Experimental results were compared with the predictive values, the relative standard deviations are around 10%. Most of the chlorinated benzenes exhibit water induced transformations. The transformation products were either isomeric or with higher and lower numbers of chlorine substituents. The transformation phenomena can be explained by polarity, symmetry, reactivity of the chlorine atoms, and hydrophobic interactions. The mechanism of the transformation is governed by the radical mechanism.
Synthesis, Structure, and Solution Dynamics of Co₄(CO)₈(dmpe)(mu₄-PPh)₂
Reaction of the tetracobalt cluster Co4(CO)10(t 4-PPh)2 with 1,2-bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane (dmpe) affords the bis-substituted cluster Co4(CO)8(dmpe)(t 4-PPh)2. The bidentate dmpe ligand is shown to bind to the cluster in a chelating fashion by IR, NMR, and X-ray diffractions analyses. The fluxional nature of the ancillary carbonyl groups has been studied by variable temperature 13C NMR measurements which reveal two distinct carbonyl scrambling pathways. The stability of the phosphine-ligated cluster has been examined using in situ Cylindrical Internal Reflection (CIR) Spectroscopy. The effect of the dmpe ligand on the cluster polyhedron will be discussed with respect to the observed crystallographic and spectroscopic results
Static and Flow Properties of Dilute Polymer Solutions
Small weight percentages of certain high-molecular weight polymers added to liquids in turbulent flow through conduits can result in dramatic friction reduction. Although many current and potential uses of the drag reduction phenomenon exist, there is a fundamental problem: drag reduction efficacy decreases rapidly with flow time due to the mechanical degradation in flow of the added polymer. In this thesis study, dilute aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide were tested under turbulent flow conditions in an attempt to determine where mechanical degradation in flow occurs.
The Precipitation of Strontium Sulfate in Gels
The growth of strontium sulfate precipitate by diffusion in various gels was studied by using optical transmission and confocal microscopies, scanning and transmission electron microscopies, and energy dispersive X ray fluorescence. Pure silica gel, pure agarose gel and the silica/agarose mixed gel at pH 7 - 10 were used throughout the present study. Precipitate morphology is sensitive to pH and to the nature of the growth medium. The morphology was observed as a function of time. The lack of change is presumably because of rapid depletion of the limiting reagent after the very beginning of precipitation. The problem of separating strontium sulfate precipitate from the gel medium is discussed.
The Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Cu(II)-bishexafluoroacetylacetonate on a Tungsten Substrate
Evidence is reported for the formation of carbon-containing contamination products at the copper-tungsten (Cu-W) interface during the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of copper on tungsten. Cu(II)bishexafluoroacetylacetonate [Cu(hfac)_2] was physisorbed onto lightly oxidized tungsten (WO_x) at 115K, under ultra-high vacuum conditions, and then annealed sequentially to higher temperatures. Copper reduction was observed by 320K. Carbonaceous and carbidic contamination of the WO_x surface was observed, even after sample warming to 625K in UHV. The results indicate that low temperature MOCVD of Cu may be possible, but interfacial contamination from the organic ligand fragmentation is a major concern.
Thermochemical Investigation of Ternary Nonelectrolyte Mixtures
Excess molar volumes have been determined for four ternary chlorobenzene + dibutyl ether + alkane mixtures at 25°C. Results of these measurements are used to test the applications and limitations of BAB, Redlich-Kister, Kohler and Hwang et al. cubic models. For the systems studied, Redlich- Kister, Kohler and Cubic models were found to provide reasonable predictions. Differences between experimental and predicted ΔV^ex_123 values were about ±0.020 cm^3mol^-1 or less at most ternary compositions. Solubilities are reported for anthracene in binary mixtures containing propanol and butanol with alkanes at 25°C. Results of these measurements are used to test the NIBS/Redlich-Kister expression. The three-parameter form of this expression is found to provide reasonable mathematical representation with deviations between experimental and back-calculated values being less than ±1%.
Syntheses and Structures of Substituted Polycyclic Molecules and Analysis of the Two-Dimensional NMR Spectrum of Thiele's Ester
Diels-Alder cycloaddition of methylcyclopentadienes to 2,5-dibromo-p-benzoquinone was performed. A single, isomerically pure cycloadduct was isolated, whose structure was assigned via analysis of its 1-D and 2-D NMR spectra. Diels-Alder cycloaddition of methylcyclopentadienes to 2 -methoxy-p-benzoquinone was performed. A single, isomerically pure cycloadduct was isolated, whose structure was assigned via analysis of the 1-D and 2-D NMR spectra of this cycloadduct and its reduction product obtained via stereo-specific reduction with sodium borohydride in the presence of cerous chloride. The structure of Thiele's ester was assigned via analysis of its 1-D and 2-D NMR spectra.
Synthesis and Characterization of Methylated PCU Dimers
Conversion of 1-Methylpentacyclo[²⋅⁶.0³⋅¹⁰.0⁵⋅⁹]undecane- 8,11-dione into the corresponding mono(ethylene ketal) followed by Wolff-Kishner reduction resulted in a mixture of two isomers (i.e., 1- and 7-methyl-8-[2',-(1',3',dioxolano)]pentacyclo[²⋅⁶.0³⋅¹⁰.0⁵⋅⁹] undecane. Hydrolysis of each isomer in turn resulted in 1- and 7- methyl pentacyclo[²⋅⁶.0³⋅¹⁰.0⁵⋅⁹ ]undecan-8-ones (i.e.,"methylated PCU-8-ones"), respectively. "Titanium-promoted reductive dimerization of each of the methylated pentacycloundecane (PCU)-8-ones afforded mixtures of "methylated PCU alkene dimers". Individual isomers have been isolated from these mixtures via column chromatography by using silver nitrate impregnated silica gel as adsorbent followed by fractional recrystallizations of individual chromatography fractions. Structures of three isomerically pure methylated PCU alkene dimers (C₂₄H₂₈) have been established unequivocally by application of single crystal X-ray crystallographic methods.
Photochemical Silaylide, Silylene and Silene Syntheses
The synthesis of o-(N,N-dimethylamino)methylphenyl tris (trimethylsilyl) silane (II), a photochemical precursor of o- (N,N-dimethylamino) methylphenyl (trimethylsilyl) sila ammonium ylide (intramolecular silylene complex) and otolyl(trimethylsilyl)silylene is reported. Photolysis of II at room temperature in a cyclohexane solution of triethyl silane produced the silylene ylide and the presumably uncomplexed isomer, a silylene, which is trapped to afford the 2-(o-(N,N-dimethylamino)methylphenyl) -1,1,1-triethyl 3,3,3-trimethyltrisilane, 33% yield. A second decomposition pathway, a photodeamination, produced o-tris(trimethyl silyl) silyltoluene. UV spectra of the silaammonium ylide formed in the photochemical reaction of II was observed at 77k in hard or soft matrices.
Structure, Energetics and Reactions of Bisketenes: An Ab Initio and Density Functional Theory Study
The effect of varying substituents on structure and energies of bisketenes was studied using ab initio methods. Effect of substituents on ring closing reaction of bisketenes to the corresponding cyclobutenediones was also studied using ab initio methods. One or two of the following substituents were used to study the effect of varying substituents: BH2, CH3, NH2, OH, F, AlH2, SiH3, PH2, SH, Cl. Studies were done at the Hartree-Fock (HF), Møller-Plesset (MP2), and Density Functional Theory (B3LYP) levels of theory using the 6-31G* basis set.
Kinetic Studies of the Reactions of Cl and Br with Silane and Trimethylsilane
The temperature dependence of the reactions of halogen atoms Cl and Br with SiH4 and (CH3)3SiH have been investigated with the flash photolysis-resonance fluorescence technique. CCI4 and CH2Br2 were used as precursors to produce Cl and Br atoms, respectively. Experiments gave {k(Cl + SiH4) (295 - 472 K)} = (1.56 +0.11) x 10-1 exp[(2.0 + 0.2) kJ mol'/RT] cm3 s4, {k(Br + SiH4)(295 - 575 K)} = (9.0 + 1.5) x 10-" exp[-(17.0 + 0.6) Id mol'/RT] cm3 s', {k(Cl + (CH3)3SiH)(295 - 468 K)} = (1.24 0.35) x 104 exp[(1.3 + 0.8) Id mol4/RT] cm3 s', and {k(Br + (CH3)3SiH)(295 - 456 K)} = (7.6 + 3.3) x 1010 exp[-(28.4 + 1.3) Id mol'/RT] cm3 s'. The results were compared with values from earlier work.
Comparison of 43Sn/43Pb/14Bi Solder and Standard 60Sn/40Pb Solder by Thermocyclic Fatigue Analysis
The thermocyclic fatigue behavior of the low-melting solder 43Sn/43Pb/14Bi has been investigated and compared to that of standard 60Sn/4OPb solder via metallographic analysis (using scanning electron microscopy) and evaluation of the degree of fatigue development (using a fatigue scale as a function of thermocycles). Specimens were subjected to shearing strains imposed by several hundred fatigue thermocycles. Both solder types fatigue by the same microstructural failure mechanism as described by other workers. The mechanism is characterized by a preferential coarsening of the solder joint microstructure at the region of maximum stress concentration where cracks originate.
Solderability Study of Tin/Lead Alloy Under Steam-Aging Treatment by Electrochemical Reduction Analysis and Wetting Balance Tests
Two types of solder samples, pins and through-holes were tested by SERA™ (Sequential Electrochemical Reduction Analysis) and Wetting Balance after various length of steamaging treatment. It was shown that after steam-aging, both types of specimen gave a similar electrochemical reduction curve, and solderabilty predictions made from SERA™ test agree with results obtained from Wetting Balance test on a qualitative base. Wetting balance test of pin samples after SERA™ test confirmed that SERA™ is a non-destructive testing method -- it even restored solderability. Comparison of electrochemical reduction behavior of samples under different treatment indicates that steam-aging can not reproduce exactly the effect of naturally atmospheric aging, and may not be the best artificial accelerating environment adopted.
Anion Exchange and Competition in Layered Double Hydroxides
Exchange reactions of anions, especially ferrocyanide and carbonate, with layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were investigated in relation to the origin of life on the early Earth. The effect on ferrocyanide exchange of concentration, pH, reaction time and cations are discussed. It was found that there were two different kinds of ferrocyanide species: one was that intercalated into the layered structure, occupying a site of D symmetry within the LDHs, while in the other, the ferrocyanide group retains full O symmetry. In addition, very low concentration, ferrocyanide associated with LDH will change its FTIR absorption shape. Carbonate was much more strongly intercalated than ferrocyanide into the LDHs, probably because of the strong hydrogen bonding.
Some Physical Characteristics and Heavy Metal Analyses of Cotton Gin Waste for Potential use as an Alternative Fuel
This study examines the waste of cotton gins as a potential alternative energy source, on account of its heat content, availability, and low emission rates. To confirm that this potential energy source meets minimum industrial fuel standards, this research has carried out an investigation of some important physical characteristics and toxic element analysis of cotton gin waste. Using cotton gin waste as fuel is an attractive solution to the problems of disposing of a surplus agricultural waste as well as supplementing fuel must meet both environmental emission standards and industrial fuel standards, the physical and chemical characteristics of cotton gin waste and its toxic element concentrations are important for its objective evaluation as a fuel. Constituent components, moisture contents, and ash contents of four separate parts of cotton gin waste were determined and evaluated closely following the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods. The three most toxic heavy metals, Arsenic (As), Chromium (Cr), and Lead (Pb), chosen for quantitative analysis were determined by using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and a microwave oven sample digestion method.
Studies of Layered Double Hydroxides
This work concerns some synthetic processes and basic properties of layered double hydroxides (LDHs). A series of LDHs, a family of newly developed materials found to have many potential uses in industry, were investigated in relating to the origin of life on early Earth. In this work, I successfully intercalated some inorganic as well as organic species. Ammonium, accompanied with ferrocyanide ion, can enter the layered space. It was found there were two kin go f intercalated ferrocyanide species: one is that exchanged with anions and became a part of layered double hydroxide, while the other is suggested to be related to ammonium ferrocyanide neutral species. Formaldehyde, ethanolamine and formate can also be involved into LDHs. To improve the crystallinity, homogeneous precipitation method, which used Urea and Hexamine, was employed. The results reveal the success in the case by Urea but not in that by Hexamine. Annealing could also be used for this purpose. However, it needs to be preocessed in its mother liquor; no improvement on the crystallinity if the material has been washed before annealing.
Studies of Solvent Displacement from Solvated Metal Carbonyl Complexes of Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten
Flash photolysis techniques were applied to studies of solvent displacement by Lewis bases (L) from solvated metal carbonyl complexes of Cr, Mo, and W. On the basis of extensive studies of the reaction rate laws, activation parameters , and linear-free-energy-relationships, it was concluded that the mechanisms of solvent displacement reactions depend on the electronic and steric properties of the solvents and L, as well as the identities of the metal atoms. The strengths of solvent-metal bonding interactions, varying from ca. 7 to 16 kcal/mol, and the bonding "modes" of solvents to metals are sensitive to the structures of the solvent molecules and the identities of the metal centers. The results indicate dissociative desolvation pathways for many arene solvents in (solvent)Cr(CO)_5 (solvent = benzene, fluorobenzene, toluene, etc.) complexes, and are consistent with competitive interchange and dissociative pathways for (n-heptane)M(CO)_5. Different types of (arene)-Cr(CO)_5 interactions were suggested for chlorobenzene (CB) vs. fluorobenzene and other non-halogenated arenes, i.e. via σ-halogen-Cr bond formation in the CB solvate vs. π-arene-Cr bond formation through "isolated" double bonds in solvates of the other arenes. The data also indicate the increasing importance of interchange pathways for solvent displacement from the solvates of Mo and W vs. that of Cr.
The Analysis of PCDD and PCDF Emissions from the Cofiring of Densified Refuse Derived Fuel and Coal
The United States leads the world in per capita production of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), generating approximately 200 million tons per year. By 2000 A.D. the US EPA predicts a 20% rise in these numbers. Currently the major strategies of MSW disposal are (i) landfill and (ii) incineration. The amount of landfill space in the US is on a rapid decline. There are -10,000 landfill sites in the country, of which only 65-70% are still in use. The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) predicts an 80% landfill closure rate in the next 20 years. The development of a viable energy resource from MSW, in the form of densified Refuse Derived Fuel (dRDF), provides solutions to the problems of MSW generation and fossil fuel depletions. Every 2 tons of MSW yields approximately 1 ton of dRDF. Each ton of dRDF has an energy equivalent of more than two barrels of oil. At current production rates the US is "throwing away" over 200,000,000 barrels of oil a year. In order to be considered a truly viable product dRDF must be extensively studied; in terms of it's cost of production, it's combustion properties, and it's potential for environmental pollution. In 1987 a research team from the University of North Texas, in conjunction with the US DOE and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), cofired over 550 tons of dRDF and bdRDF with a high sulfur Kentucky coal in a boiler at ANL. This work examines the emission rates of polychlorinated dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) during the combustion of the dRDF, bdRDF, and coal. Even at levels of 50% by Btu content of dRDF in the fuel feedstock, emission rates of PCDDs and PCDFs were below detection limits. The dRDF is shown to be an environmentally acceptable product, which could help resolve one of the …
Synthesis, structure and redox reactivity of Co₃(CO)₆(μ₂-η²,η¹-C(Ph)C=C(PPH₂)C(O)SC(O)) (μ₂-PPh₂)
The tricobalt cluster PhCCo₃(CO)₉ (1) reacts with the bidentate phosphine ligand 2,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)maleic thioanhydride (bta) with added Me₃NO to yield PhCCo₃(CO)₇(bta) (2), which upon heating overnight yields Co₃(CO)₆(μ₂-η²,η¹-C(Ph)C=C(PPH₂)C(O)SC(O)) (μ₂-PPh₂) (3). Cluster (3) has been isolated and characterized by FT-IR and ³¹P NMR spectroscopy. Structural determination of the cluster has been demonstrated by X-ray diffraction analysis. Cluster (3) is analogous to the cluster synthesized by Richmond and coworkers. The redox properties of (3) have been examined by cyclic voltammetry and the data are reported within.
Stoichiometry and Deposition Temperature Dependence of the Microstructural and Electrical Properties of Barium Strontium Titanate Thin Films
Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) was deposited on Pt/ZrO2 / SiO2/Si substrates using liquid source metal organic chemical vapor deposition. A stoichiometry series was deposited with various GrII/Ti ratios (0.658 to 1.022) and a temperature series was deposited at 550 to 700°C. The thin films were characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Both series of samples contained cubic perovskite BST and an amorphous phase. The grain size increased and the volume fraction of amorphous phase decreased with increasing deposition temperature. The electrical and microstructural properties improved as the GrII/Ti ratio approached 1 and deteriorated beyond 1. This research demonstrates that BST thin films are a strong candidate for future MOS transistor gate insulator applications.
Thermodynamic Properties of Nonelectrolyte Solutes in Ternary Solvent Mixtures
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the thermodynamic properties of nonelectrolyte solutes dissolved in ternary solvent mixtures, and to develop mathematical expressions for predicting and describing that behavior in the solvent mixtures. Thirty-four ternary solvent systems were studied containing either alcohol (1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, and 2-butanol), alkane (cyclohexane, heptane, and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane) or alkoxyalcohol (2-ethoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol) cosolvents. Approximately 2500 experimental measurements were performed. Expressions were derived from the Combined Nearly Ideal Multiple Solvent (NIMS)/Redlich-Kister, the Combined Nearly Ideal Multiple Solvent (NIMS)/Bertrand, Acree and Burchfield (BAB) and the Modified Wilson models for predicting solute solubility in ternary solvent (or even higher multicomponent) mixtures based upon the model constants calculated from solubility data in sub-binary solvents. Average percent deviation between predicted and observed values were less than 2%, documenting that these models provide a fairly accurate description of the thermodynamic properties of nonelectrolyte solutions. Moreover, the models can be used for solubility prediction in solvent mixtures in order to find the optimum solvent composition for solubilization or desolubilization of a solute. From a computational standpoint, the Combined Nearly Ideal Multiple Solvent/Redlich-Kister equation is preferred because the needed model constants can be calculated with a simple linear regressional analysis. Model constants for the Modified Wilson equation had to be calculated using a reiterative trial-and-error method. The C++ program for the Modified Wilson equation applied to ternary and heptanary solvent mixtures is attached.
Aluminum and Copper Chemical Vapor Deposition on Fluoropolymer Dielectrics and Subsequent Interfacial Interactions
This study is an investigation of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of aluminum and copper on fluoropolymer surfaces and the subsequent interfacial interactions.
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Polycarbocyclic Compounds
Part I. Diels-Alder cycloadditions of 1,2,3,4,9,9-hexachloro-1α,4α,4aα,8aβ-tetrahydro-l,4-methanonaphthalene (32) and 1,2,3,4,9,9-hexachloro-lα,4α,6,7- tetrahydro-l,4-methanonaphthalene (33) to 4-methyl- and 4-phenyl-l,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione [MTAD and PTAD, respectively] and to N-methylmaleimide (NMM) have been studied. The structures of several of the resulting cycloadducts were determined by X-ray crystallographic methods. The observed stereoselectivity of each of these Diels-Alder reactions was further investigated via application of theoretical methods. Thus, semiempirical (AMI) and ab initio molecular orbital calculations were used to calculate relative energies. Ab initio calculations were employed to perform frontier molecular orbital analyses of diene-dienophile interactions.
Interactions of Clean and Sulfur-modified Reactive Metal Surfaces with Aqueous Vapor and Liquid Environments : A Combined Ultra-high Vacuum/electrochemistry Study
The focus of this research is to explore the molecular-level interactions between reactive metal surfaces and aqueous environments by combined ultra-high vacuum/electrochemistry (UHV-EC) methodology. The objectives of this work are to understand (1) the effects of sulfate ions on the passivity of metal oxide/hydroxide surface layer, (2) the effects of sulfur-modification on the evolution of metal oxide/hydroxide surface layer, and (3) the effects of sulfur adsorbate on cation adsorption at metal surfaces.
Adsorbate-enhanced Corrosion Processes at Iron and Iron Oxide Surfaces
This study was intended to provide a fuller understanding of the surface chemical processes which result in the corrosion of ferrous materials.
Ligand Substitution Studies in the Tetracobalt Cluster Co₄(CO)₁₀([mu]₄-PPh₂) and Synthesis and Reactivity Studies in the Fe₂Pt and FeCo₂ Mixed-metal Clusters
The kinetics of ligand substitution for CO in Co4(CO)10(mu4-PPh2) , 1, have been investigated for the ligands P(OMe)3, P(OEt)3, PPh2H, P(0-i-Pr)3, P(n-Bu)3, PPh3, P(i-Pr)3, and PCy3 over a wide temperature range.
The Development of Predictive Models for the Acid Degradation of Chrysotile Asbestos
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting the acid degradation of chrysotile asbestos (Mg_3Si_2O_5(OH_4)) . Millions of tons of asbestos have found use in this country as insulative or ablative material. More than 95 percent of the asbestos in use is of the chrysotile variety. The remaining 5 percent is composed of various types of fibrous amphiboles. The inhalation of asbestos can lead to several diseases in humans. Asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma are the most common afflictions associated with asbestos inhalation, and they may occur up to 40 years after the initial exposure. It has previously been reported that if more than 50 percent of the magnesium is removed from a chrysotile sample its carcinogenicity is reduced to nil. Several inorganic acids were studied to determine their ability to leach magnesium from chrysotile. It was found that the ability to leach magnesium was dependent upon the acidic anion in addition to the concentration of the acid. The ordering of the efficiency of the acids in their ability to remove magnesium from chrysotile was found to be HCl > H_2SO_4 > H_3PO_4 > HNO_3. Predictive equations were developed to allow the calculation of the amount of magnesium removed under various acid concentrations as a function of time and acid species. The effects of temperature and dissolved spectator cations upon the degradation process were also examined. There was no major effect on the amount of magnesium removed as a function of spectator cation concentration. An infrared method was also developed to allow the determination of the percent degradation of a chrysotile sample directly. The shifts in the positions of three silicate stretching peaks (1068 cm^-1, 948 cm^-1 and 715 cm^-1) and one magnesium oxygen stretching peak (415 cm"1) as a function of the percent magnesium removed were …
Survey of the Solid State Conformation of Calix[4]arenes
The characteristics of seventy-six calix[4]arene crystal structures derived from the Cambridge Crystallographic Database are presented. This survey is a discussion of the inter and intramolecular effects on the solid state cavity shape and molecular recognition ability of the compounds. In addition to this survey, four new calix[4]arene crystal structures are presented. The conformational characteristics of these four calixarenes are determined by a complicated array of inter and intramolecular interactions in the crystal packing.
Spectrofluorometric and Solubility Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Hydrogen Bonded Binary Solvent Mixtures
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in binary solvent systems and determine and/or develop predictive mathematical expressions for describing solutions in which hydrogen-bonding occurs.
Solution Studies of the Structures and Stability of Mixed Lithium Alkoxide/Alkvllithium Aggregates
New one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques were used to elucidate the solution structures of these complex mixtures. The system, lithium tert-butoxide/tert-butyllithium, was studied as a model system with O/Li ratios varying from 0/1 to 1/1. It was found that at low O/Li ratios, a single mixed tetrameric aggregate was formed. At higher O/Li ratios, mixed hexameric species were formed. Two other systems, lithium isopropoxide/iso-propyllithium and lithium n-propoxide/n-propyllithium were also studied at low O/Li ratios.
Substitution Chemistry of the Cobalt Complexes [Co₂(CO)₆(PhC≡CR) (R=Ph, H) and PhCCo₃(CO)₉] with the Diphosphine Ligands [Bis(diphenylphosphino)maleic Anhydride (BMA) and (Z)-Ph₂PCH=CHPPh₂]. Reversible Chelate-to-Bridge Diphosphine Ligand Exchange, Phosphorus-Carbon Bond Cleavage and Phosphorus-Carbon Bond Formation
The tricobalt cluster PhCCo3(CO)9 (1) reacts with the bidentate phosphine ligand 2,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)maleic anhydride (bma) in the presence of added Me3NO to give the diphosphine-substituted cluster PhCCo3(CO)7(bma) (2). Cluster 2 is unstable in solution, readily losing CO to afford Co3(CO)6[(μ2-η2/η1-C(Ph)C=C(PPh2)C(O)OC(O)](μ2-PPh2) (3) as the sole observed product. VT-31P NMR measurements on cluster 2 indicate that the bma ligand functions as both a chelating and a bridging ligand. At -97 °C, 31P NMR analysis of 2 reveals a Keq of 5.7 in favor of the bridging isomer. The bridged bma cluster 2 is the only observed species above -50°C. The solid-state structure of 2 does not correspond to the major bridging isomer observed in solution but rather the minor chelating isomer. The conversion of 2 to 3 followed first-order kinetics, with the reaction rates being independent of the nature of the reaction solvent and strongly suppressed by added CO, supporting a dissociative loss of CO as the rate-determining step. The activation parameters for CO loss were determined to be ΔH≠ = 29.9 ± 2.2 kcal/mol and ΔS≠ = 21.6 ± 6 eu.
Combined Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy of Complexes and Supramolecules containing Bipyridyl and Other Azabiphenyl Building Blocks
A group of azabiphenyl complexes and supramolecules, and their reduced and oxidized forms when possible, were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electronic absorption spectroscopy. The oxidized and reduced species, if sufficiently stable, were further generated electrochemically inside a specially designed quartz cell with optically transparent electrode, so that the spectra of the electrochemically generated species could be taken in situ. Assignments were proposed for both parent and product electronic spectra. Species investigated included a range of Ru(II) and Pt(II) complexes, as well as catenanes and their comparents. Using the localized electronic model, the electrochemical reduction can be in most cases assigned as azabiphenyl-based, and the oxidation as transition metal-based. This is consistent with the fact that the azabiphenyl compounds have a low lying π* orbital. The electronic absorption spectra of the compounds under study are mainly composed of π —> π* bands with, in some cases, charge transfer bands also.
An Approach Towards the Total Synthesis of Clonostachydiol
The syntheses of the unsymmetrical 14-membered bismacrolides have been reviewed. A total synthesis of clonostachydiol, the latest to join this family, has been attempted using trimethylsilyl acetylene as the builiding block and palladium catalyzed reactions for the formation of key bonds. The alkyne groups were introduced by Stille coupling of trimethylstannylethynyltrimethylsilane with an acid chloride for one fragment and by addition of lithiotrimethylsilyl acetylene to an aldehyde for the other. Lactic acid derivatives were chosen as starting materials for both fragments, thus introducing two of the chiral centers. The remaining stereocenters were introduced using stereoselective reductions of ketones.
Synthesis and Study of Bioactive Compounds: I. Pyrethroids; II. Glutathione Derivatives
Part I: In the first study of pyrethroids, twenty-one novel pyrethroid esters bearing strong electron-withdrawing groups (e.g., halomethylketo and nitro groups) in the double bond side chain of the cyclopropane acid moiety have been synthesized and evaluated for insect toxicity. Rather than the usually employed Wittig reaction for these syntheses, the novel pyrethroid acid moieties were prepared by amino acidcatalyzed Knoevenagel condensations under mild conditions. In the second study of pyrethroids, fourteen pyrethroid-like carbonates were synthesized by condensation of a variety of alcohols and the chloroformates of the corresponding known pyrethroid alcohols.
Stabilization of Different Lead Compounds in Portland Cement
This research investigated the chemistries and mechanisms involved in lead-cement systems through the study of a larger number of lead compounds.
Spectroscopic Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
The fluorescence spectrum of many polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) depends upon solvent polarity. The emission spectrum of PAC monomers consists of several major vibronic bands labeled I, II, etc., in progressive order. Emission intensity enhancement of select bands is observed in polar solvents.
Kinetics and Mechanisms of Metal Carbonyls
Pulsed laser flash photolysis with both visible and infrared detection has been applied to the study of the displacement of weakly coordinating ligands (Lw) by strongly "trapping" nucleophiles (Ls) containing either an olefinic functionality (Ls = 1-hexene, 1-decene, 1-tetradecene) or nitrogen (Ls = acetonitrile, hydrocinnamonitrile) from the photogenerated 16 electron pentacarbonylchromium (0) intermediate. 5-Chloropent-l-ene (Cl-ol), a potentially bidentate ligand, has been shown to form (ol-Cl) pentacarbonylchromium (0), in which Cl-ol is bonded to Cr via a lone pair on the chlorine, and isomerize to (Cl-ol) pentacarbonylchromium (0), in which Cl-ol is bonded to the olefinic functionality on the submillisecond time scale. This process has been studied in both the infrared and visible region employing both fluorobenzene or n-heptane as the "inert" diluent. Parallel studies employing 1-chlorobutane and 1-hexene were also evaluated and showed great similiarity with the Cl-ol system. The data supported a largely dissociative process with a possibility of a small interchange process involving the H's on the alkyl chain. Studies were also carried out for various Cr(CO)6/arene/Ls systems (arene = various alkyl or halogenated substituted benzenes). The data indicated that for both C6H5R (R=various alkyl chains) or multi-alkyl substituted arenes (i.e. o-xylene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene) containing an "unhindered" ring-edge, bonding to the the Cr(CO)5 moiety occurs "edge on" via a partially delocalized center of unsaturation on the ring. The data indicated that both electronic and steric properties of the arenes influence the kinetics, and that an interchange pathway takes place at least, in part, through the alkyl chains on both the arenes and "trapping" nucleophiles. Moreover, halogenated arenes bond through the lone pair on the halogen for both CI- and Br- derivatives but "edge-on" for the fluorinated arenes. Finally, in the case of arene complexes without and "unhindered" ring-edge (i.e., 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylbenzene) bonding can occur either "edge-on" or through the ring …
Mobile Order Theory as Applied to Polycyclic Aromatic Heterocycles
Experimental mole fraction solubilities of benzil, thianthrene, trans-stilbene, thioxanthen-9-one, diphenyl sulfone and dibenzothiophene sulfone are determined in pure noncomplexing and complexing solvents. Predicted solubility values are calculated for benzil, thianthrene, trans-stilbene and thioxanthen-9-one using expressions derived from Mobile Order theory. Large deviations between experimental and predicted solubilities in alcohol solvents exist, therefore optimized solute - solvent association constants are determined. Previously measured thianthrene solubilities in five binary alkane + cyclohexane solvent mixtures are compared with values predicted from Mobile Order theory using the measured solubility in each of the pure solvents as input parameters. The experimental mole fraction solubility of benzil in eight binary alcohol + 1-octanol solvent mixtures are also measured and compared with predicted values.
Chemical Equilibria in Binary Solvents
Dissertation research involves development of Mobile Order Theory thermodynamic models to mathematically describe and predict the solubility, spectral properties, protonation equilibrium constants and two-phase partitioning behavior of solutes dissolved in binary solvent mixtures of analytical importance. Information gained provide a better understanding of solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions at the molecular level, which will facilitate the development of better chemical separation methods based upon both gas-liquid and high-performance liquid chromatography, and better analysis methods based upon complexiometric and spectroscopic methods. Dissertation research emphasizes chemical equilibria in systems containing alcohol cosolvents with the understanding that knowledge gained will be transferable to more environmentally friendly aqueous-organic solvent mixtures.
Solid State Diffusion Kinetics of Intermetallic Compound Formation in Composite Solder
The Sn/Pb eutectic alloy system is the most widely used joining material in the electronics industry. In this application, the solder acts as both an electrical and mechanical connection within and among the different packaging levels in an electronic device. Recent advances in packaging technologies, however, driven by the desire for miniaturization and increased circuit speed, result in severe operating conditions for the solder connection. In an effort to improve its mechanical integrity, metallic or intermetallic particles have been added to eutectic Sn/Pb solder, and termed composite solders. It was the goal of this study to investigate the growth and morphology of the two intermetallic phases (Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn) that form between a Cu substrate and Sn/Pb solder under different aging and annealing conditions.
Synthesis and Alkali Metal Extraction Properties of Novel Cage-Functionalized Crown Coronands and Cryptands
A novel crown ether precursor was developed in which a rigid 4-oxahexacyclo (,10.05,9.08,11) dodecyl cage moiety ("cage functionality") was incorporated.
Sulfur-induced Corrosion at Metal and Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces
Sulfur adsorbed on metallic and oxide surfaces, whether originating from gaseous environments or segregating as an impurity to metallic interfaces, is linked to the deterioration of alloy performance. This research dealt with investigations on the interactions between sulfur and iron or iron alloy metallic and oxide surfaces under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Sulfur was either intentionally dosed from a H2S source on an atomically clean metal surface, or segregated out as an impurity from the bulk to the metal surface by annealing at elevated temperatures.
A Quenchofluorometric Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Molecularly Organized Media
Detection, identification and separation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in environmental samples are of extreme importance since many of these compounds are well known for their potential carcinogenic and/or mutagenic activities. Selective quenching of molecular fluorescence can be utilized effectively to analyze mixtures containing different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Molecularly organized assemblies are used widely in detection and separation of these compounds mainly because of less toxicity and enhanced solubilization capabilities associated with these media. Feasibility of using nitromethane and the alkylpyridinium cation as selective fluorescence quenching agents for discriminating between alternant versus nonalternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is critically examined in several molecularly organized micellar solvent media. Fluorescence quenching is used to probe the structural features in mixed micelles containing the various combinations of anionic, cationic, nonionic and zwitterionic surfactants. Experimental results provide valuable information regarding molecular interactions between the dissimilar surfactants.
Kinetics and Thermochemistry of Halogenated Species
Gas phase kinetics and thermochemistry of several halogenated species relevant to atmospheric, combustion and plasma chemistry were studied using experimental and ab initio theoretical techniques.
Thermodynamic and Structural Studies of Layered Double Hydroxides
The preparation of layered double hydroxides via titration with sodium hydroxide was thoroughly investigated for a number of M(II)/M(III) combinations. These titration curves were examined and used to calculate nominal solubility product constants and other thermodynamic quantities for the various LDH chloride systems.
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