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Su gli argini del Piave, dove maestosa si erge la Storica e millenario Venezia, l'orgoglio Unno trova certo tomba per l'eroismo delle legioni alleati : On this side of the Piave, where the beautiful and ancient City of Venice stands, the haughty Huns will surely meet death from the hands of the Heroic and Allied Legions.
Color poster depicts a battle scene with the British, American, French and Italian forces on one side of the river and the enemy on the other side. In the background there is a view of the buildings of Venice. A female figure wearing a crown and draped in a red skirt hovers over the scene holding an Italian flag and a sword. A large yellow star shines behind her and over the city. At her feet are the words, "Da qui non si passa" ("They shall not pass"). At the upper left hand corner are small portraits of "Generale Diaz" (Armando Vittorio Diaz of Italy), "Presidente Poincare" [sic] (Raymond Poincaré, President of France), "Vict. Emm. III." (Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy), "Re Giorgio" (King George V of England), and "Pres. W. Wilson" (Woodrow Wilson, President of U.S.A.). Beneath Wilson's portrait flies a bird bearing a banner, "Per la libertà dei popoli" ("For freedom of the peoples").
Your production : beat your promise.
Illustration of a giant boot about to crush caricatures of Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and a caricatured Japanese soldier (probably representing Hideki Tojo).
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