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Primary view of 3e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale, Crédit Lyonnais : souscrivez.
Faivre, Abel, 1867-1945.
Primary view of An die deutschen frauen!
Auguste Viktoria, Empress, consort of William II, German Emperor, 1858-1921.
August 6, 1914
Primary view of Eat more corn, oats and rye products-- ... : eat less wheat, meat, sugar and fats, to save for the Army and our allies.
Britton, L. N.
Primary view of Comptoir National D'escompte de Paris : Emprunt National 1918 : pour hâter la Victoire, et pour nous revoir bientôt, souscrivez!
Leroux, Jules Marie Auguste, 1871-1954.
Primary view of Food will win the war : you came here seeking freedom, you must now help to preserve it : wheat is needed for the Allies, waste nothing.
Chambers, Charles Edward, ca. 1883-1941.
Primary view of Why is it necessary to eat less meat and less wheat bread?
United States Food Administration
Primary view of War rages in France: we must feed them.
Primary view of "Good bye, Dad, I'm off to fight for Old Glory, you buy U.S. gov't bonds" : Third Liberty Loan.
Harris, Lawrence S.
Primary view of Keep it coming ... : waste nothing.
Illian, George, 1894-1932
Primary view of Fight or buy bonds : Third Liberty Loan.
Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873-1952
Primary view of Sure! We'll finish the job : Victory Liberty Loan.
Beneker, Gerrit A. (Gerrit Albertus), 1882-1934.
Primary view of Et maintenant tressons des couronnes pour ceux que nous attendons et aussi pour ceux qui ne reviendront plus.
Abel-Truchet, Louis, 1857-1918.
unknown creation date
Primary view of Students ... set the pace ... unanimous [giving] for universal service : clear over the first day.
United War Work Campaign, Inc.
Primary view of Pour la France, versez votre or : l'or combat pour la victoire.
Faivre, Abel, 1867-1945.
Primary view of [Red Cross]
Cappiello, Leonetto, 1875-1942.
Primary view of To Berlin: S O S.
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Su gli argini del Piave, dove maestosa si erge la Storica e millenario Venezia, l'orgoglio Unno trova certo tomba per l'eroismo delle legioni alleati : On this side of the Piave, where the beautiful and ancient City of Venice stands, the haughty Huns will surely meet death from the hands of the Heroic and Allied Legions.
Petronzio, G.
Primary view of L'Emprunt de la Libération.
Faivre, Abel, 1867-1945.
unknown creation date
Primary view of Le Cardinal Mercier protège la Belgique.
Fouqueray, Charles, 1869-1956.
Primary view of Pour le triomphe, souscrivez à l'emprunt national : les souscriptions sont reçues à Paris et en province à la Banque Nationale de Crédit.
Primary view of 4e Emprunt de la Défense Nationale : les souscriptions sont reçues sans frais à la Banque Privée ....
Falter, Marcel, b. 1866.
Primary view of Pour que la France soit victorieuse! : souscrivez au 4ème Emprunt de la Défense Nationale, Crédit Français, 52_54, rue de Châteaudun, Paris.
Scott, Georges Bretin, 1873-
Primary view of Emprunt de la Libération : on les a : souscrivez à la London County & Westminster Bank (Paris) Ltd.
Bouisset, Firmin.
Primary view of Feed a fighter : eat only what you need-- waste nothing-- that he and his family may have enough.
Morgan, Wallace.
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