Search Results

90-208, Voyager

Description: Light shades of pinkish grays create the background juxtaposed with linear pattern and layered with small multi-hued geometric shapes and a linear drawing of a ship and silhouettes of two figures.
Date: 1990
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: The background of this painting consists of gradations of red, orange, pink and gray hues layered with lines created by many dots of paint. Overlayed are images of running dogs and small geometric shapes.
Date: 1992
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Black background with linear patterns created by many small dots of paint. Many small, multi-hued circles float across the surface and dotted lines follow the background linear zigzag pattern.
Date: 1993/1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Black painting with zigzag linear pattern created with many small dots of paint and layered with many gray circles of various patterns and sizes.
Date: 1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Light gray painting with linear pattern with many small gray circles spread across the surface.
Date: 1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Vertical gray painting with repeating linear white lines spreading from two centers, one in the upper half and one in the lower half of the painting. Many circles of various gray hues float across the surface.
Date: 1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Vertical black painting with linear pattern and many gray circles floating across the surface.
Date: 1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Vertical painting in gray shades with white linear pattern and circles of various shades of gray float across the surface.
Date: 1994
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: This vertical painting consists of a highly detailed patterned background across which are scattered various sized circles.
Date: 1995
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Vertical painting consists of horizontal bands of black and reddish brown and floating on surface are red circles and half-circles.
Date: 1995
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Dark painting with horizontal and vertical stripes create a plaid pattern of red, blue, and black. Multi-hued circles float on the surface and linear, thin, dark lines create another pattern of zigzag.
Date: 1995
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

A 97-1

Description: Large black brushstrokes fill background with small, multi-colored circles floating on surface.
Date: 1997
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

E 97-5

Description: Vertical painting with horizonal brown brushstrokes with four gradation motifs on the top half of the painting.
Date: 1997
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

L 97-12

Description: Vertical painting with vertical yellow and brown brushstrokes. Floating in the center of the painting a black to white gradation motif consists of horizontal brushstrokes.
Date: 1997
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

S 98-7

Description: Loose brown, white and black brushstrokes scraped and smeared with a gradation from white to black motif floating in the center of the canvas.
Date: 1998
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

AA 99-6

Description: Painting consists of white, black, and tan brushstrokes, smeared and scraped. Two gradation motifs float vertically in the center of the canvas.
Date: 1999
Creator: Falsetta, Vincent
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Ab Initio Calculations and Kinetic Modeling of Halon and Halon Replacements

Description: Paper for the 1996 Halon Options Technical Working Conference (HOTWC). This paper discusses ab initio calculations and kinetic modeling of halon and halon replacements.
Date: May 7, 1996
Creator: Paige, Harvey L.; Berry, Rajiv; Schwartz, Martin; Marshall, Paul; Burgess, Donald R.; Zachariah, Michael Russel, 1957- et al.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
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