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Aberturas del dosel y espectro de la luz en el sotobosque de una selva nublada andina de Venezuela
Article on canopy gaps and understory light spectrum in a Venezuelan Andean cloud forest.
Crecimiento diamétrico de especies arbóreas en un bosque estacional de los Llanos occidentales de Venezuela
Article discussing the diametric tree growth in functional groups species in a seasonal forest of the Venezuelan western plains.
Fabrication of wide-IF 200–300GHz superconductor–insulator–superconductor mixers with suspended metal beam leads formed on silicon-on-insulator
This article reports on a fabrication process that uses silicon-oninsulator (SOI) substrates and micromachining techniques to form wide-IF superconductor–insulator–superconductor (SIS) mixer devices that have suspended metal beam leads for rf grounding. Aside from a description of the fabrication process, electrical measurements of these Nb/Al–AlNₓ /Nb trilayer devices will also be presented.
Geometrical dependence of the low-frequency noise in superconducting flux qubits
Article reporting on a study of a series of 85 devices of vary design using a general method for directly measuring the low-frequency flux noise (below 10 Hz) in compound Josephson-junction superconducting flux qubits. The results support the hypothesis that local impurities in the vicinity of the qubit wiring are a key source of low-frequency flux noise in superconducting devices.
Heterogeneidad estructural y lumínica del sotobosque de una selva nublada andina de Venezuela
Article discussing the understory of an Andean cloud forest in the Sierra Nevada National Park, Venezuela.
Indoor Propagation Modeling at 2.4 GHZ for IEEE 802.11 Networks
This paper discusses indoor propagation modeling.
Instrument, System and Method for Automated Low Cost Atmospheric Measurements
Patent relating to an instrument, system and method for automated low cost atmospheric measurements.
Internally shunted sputtered niobium nitride Josephson junctions with a TaNx barrier for nonlatching logic applications
This article reports on the growth, fabrication, and device characterization of NbN internally shunted Josephson junctions with a TaNx barrier.
Interrogating vertically oriented carbon nanofibers with nanomanipulation for nanoelectromechanical switching applications
Article demonstrates electrostatic switching in vertically oriented carbon nanofibers synthesized on refractory metallic nitride substrates, where pull-in voltages Vpi ranged from 10 to 40 V. A finite element model was also developed to determine a theoretical Vpi and results were compared to experiment.
Modelos de interacción humano-ambiental: el enfoque de la Biocomplejidad
Article discussing models of human-nature interactions and a biocomplexity approach.
Modelos de Simulación a Diferentes Escalas de la Dinámica del Bosque Tropical. Reserva Forestal Imataca. Sector Central.
Thesis submitted to the National Experimental University of Guayana as partial requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science. This thesis discusses simulation models at different scales of tropical forest dynamics.
Probing Noise in Flux Qubits via Macroscopic Resonant Tunneling
Article on the characterization of noise in a flux qubit using macroscopic resonant tunneling between the two lowest lying states of a bistable rf SQUID. Analysis of these results indicates that the dominant source of low energy flux noise in this device is a quantum mechanical environment in thermal equilibrium.
Propuesta metodológica para el control de calidad de datos de precipitación
Article discussing a methodological proposal for the quality control of precipitation data.
Relaciones alométricas y patrones de crecimiento para especies de árboles de la reserva forestal Imataca, Venezuela
Article discussing allometric relations and growth patterns for tree species in the Imataca Forest Reserve, Venezuela.
Simulación de la dinámica de un bosque tropical en los Llanos occidentales de Venezuela
Article discussing the simulation of the dynamics of a tropical forest in the Western Llanos of Venezuela.
Synchronization of multiple coupled rf-SQUID flux qubits
Article demonstrating a practical strategy for synchronizing the properties of compound Josephson junction (CJJ) radio frequency monitored superconducting quantum interference device (rf-SQUID) qubits on a multi-qubit chip.
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