Search Results

The Relationship of Individual Choice Status to Severity of Personal Problems
The present study is intended to be, as far as possible, an exhaustive examination of sociometric status groupings in regard to the way in which members of the group rate themselves and the others in their groups concerning happiness, problems and worry.
A Comparison of Physics and Psychology Majors on FIRO-B Variables
It is the basic assumption of this study that a relationship exists between the interpersonal needs of inclusion, control, and affection and occupational choice as indicated by college major. Studies in the area of vocational choice have largely dealt with people who are practicing the vocation, leaving doubt as to whether people are attracted to the vocation as a result of need-satisfaction behavior, or whether the people determine their orientation by practicing the occupation. The need for further clarification of these questions was recognized, and this study was an effort to add to the evidence for or against the validity of the concept of interpersonal need satisfaction as a factor in vocational choice.
A Study of Personality Patterns of Aspirants to the Ministry of the Episcopal Church
It is the purpose of this study to investigate the personality patterns of a group of applicants who have been under the auspices of the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and have received a psychiatric and psychological evaluation. The various aspects of their examinations will be investigated to determine what personality types have been more acceptable in this diocese and subsequent success in their vocation.
A Comparison of Empathic Ability between Business and Psychology Majors
This study was undertaken in the belief that students of psychology possess a significantly greater degree of empathic ability than do students of other college majors. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any significant difference in empathic ability between psychology students and business students as a group.
The Effects of Group Discussion on Some Dimensions of Personality
It is the basic hypothesis of this study that there exists a relationship between personal attitude and value changes and participation in group discussion. The purpose of this study will be an attempt to assess how some personality variables change as a result of group discussion.
Increasing the Social Interaction in a Fifth-Grade Class: a Sociometric Study
The purpose of this study is to change the structure of a fifth-grade class in order to increase the social interaction of the group.
The Influence of Rural and Urban Residence on Friendship Choices as Measured by a Sociometric Technique
This study will be concerned with evaluating the degree of acceptance of rural students in an urban school. Because of increased interaction between the two groups on account of better modes of transportation, consolidation of schools, and a general trend in creating a more homogenous environment between the two groups the following null hypotheses have been formulated: 1. That there will be no significant difference in acceptance between the rural and urban pupils. 2. That there will be no significant differences in the number of cross-sex choices given or received by the two groups. 3. That there will be no significant discrimination between rural and urban school mates in clique formation.
Group Dimension Measurement in a Southern Baptist Church
The purpose of this study is to get some concrete evidence that group principles can be applied to church groups in an effective manner. The more immediate purpose is to improve the relations in the individual classes so that they will have a feeling of belongingness, relatedness, or close affiliation. It is the purpose of this experiment to help these individuals find the fulfillment of their personal needs that can be supplied in the Sunday School class.
Some Factors Related to Normal Personality Functioning
The intent of this study was to supply more data to further potential investigations in the systematic study of the normal personality as described in previous paragraphs.
A Study of the Relationship Between Democratic Values, Intelligence and Temperament in Elementary and Secondary Teacher Population
This study is concerned with the assessment of the values held by elementary and secondary teachers. The values measured are those which underlie the American democratic culture. In addition, the effects of intelligence, temperament and sex upon the subject's system of values, will be ascertained. The values measured in this study are the traditional concepts of American democracy and are embodied in the Constitution. The following phrases illustrate these concepts: Belief in human rights; Freedom of choice; Equality of opportunity; Respect for the individual; Individual initiative as opposed to the status quo; Flexibility--the ability to adapt to permit further development in the light of new discoveries; Belief in law; Sovereignty of people; Allowance of differing attitudes and philosophies.
Relationships of Sociometric Inconsistencies with Negativism in a Child Care Institution
Since there has been an abundance of research concerning high and low social status and little on inconsistents, the present study intends to shed some understanding of this group by comparing their feelings and attitudes to the highs and lows. Four principle areas are emphasized: family relationships, attitude toward sex, interpersonal relationships and self concept, with sub-areas lending added data.
Creativity as Related to Social Perception, Anxiety and Self-concept
The purpose of this study was to investigate further the nature of the relationship between creativity and some factors previously found to be involved in creative expression and to explore the possible relationship of some other factors to creativity.
The Relationship between Creativity and Factors Associated with Personal and Social Adjustment
The present study will be concerned with the relationship between personal and social adjustment and creativity in a college population.
Self-Ratings on Traits Associated with Creativity as Related to Performance on Two Tests of Creative Ability
The first objective of this thesis was to determine the relationship between scores on the AC Test of Creative Ability and scores on the Cree Questionnaire. This task was undertaken as a response to the scarcity of comparative data among the few objective measures of creative ability which are currently available. The second objective was to construct a self-rating scale of personality traits shown by past research to be associated with creativity. The third objective was to investigate the relationship between scores on each of the two standardized measures of creative ability and scores on the self-rating scale of traits related to creativity.
A Study of the Concurrent Validity of the AC Test of Creative Ability in a College Situation
The purpose of this study is twofold. First, it is to obtain further evidence of the concurrent validity of the AC Test of Creative Ability. Further, and more specifically, it is concerned with the generalization of previously indicated validity of the AC Test to a college situation.
The Effects of Verbal Praise and Reproof on the Level of Aspiration of Institutionalized Mental Defectives
The study to be reported was designed to investigate the effects of verbal praise and reproof, from persons in authority, on the LOA and subsequent performance of institutionalized defectives.
Intra-test Scatter on the Shipley-Hartford Abstraction Scale and Its Relationship to Schizophrenia
The present study will be concerned with the reliability of the Shipley-Hartford Abstraction Scale as an instrument for diagnosis of schizophrenia and personality disorders.
Levels of Psychological Health Related to the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Test
The purpose of the present study is to develop an operationally defined standard of psychological health which will be proposed as: 1) one of the goals of psychotherapy; 2) a device for aiding in the evaluation of psychotherapy, and 3) a tool for screening those individuals in the general population who are in need of counseling in order to maintain their mental health.
An Analysis of Retention of Factual Material Presented in Song and Story Form
The purpose of the present study is to determine if music is effective in increasing the learning and retention of meaningful, verbal material with emotionally disturbed children of normal intelligence.
A Comparison of Delinquents and Nondelinquents Using the IES Test
Many of the causes for delinquency are known, but more investigation is needed in the prediction of future delinquent behavior. It was in this area of delinquency that this study was concerned. The problem was to compare scores made on the IES Test by a group of nondelinquent males with those made by a group of delinquent males to determine if the IES Test would discriminate between these two groups.
A Comparison of Performance and Levels of Aspiration of High and Low Anxious Males and Females
The present study was concerned with the relationship between level of aspiration and anxiety. Level of aspiration is a term used for goal setting behavior. In other words, if a person sets his goals high it is said that he has a high level of aspiration. Anxiety, for the purpose of the present study is assumed to possess drive properties. Theoretically, at least, a highly anxious person has a high drive level. This assumption may be warranted in terms of physiological unrest--causing an effort toward equilibrium or homeostasis; or it can be defended psychologically as the need to achieve or the need to prove one's abilities to himself. However, the present paper was not concerned directly with the current controversy of anxiety as a drive mechanism. Rather it was the general purpose of the study to determine whether or not highly anxious college students set their goals higher, in response to previous experimental success or failure experiences than low anxious students. To be more specific the purpose was to determine whether or not highly anxious subjects differ significantly from low anxious subjects with respect to responses on a level of aspiration task. The particular response measures or scores investigated on the level of aspiration task were those shown between performance on one trial and the stated hoped-for- score, expected score, and the minimal-acceptable-score on the succeeding trial.
Motivational Differences between High and Low Normal Groups
The need for a concise definition of the normal, healthy personality prompted a study of high normal and low normal students enrolled at North Texas State University. Such a definition would facilitate the activities of several areas of applied psychology--psychotherapy, quantification of objective means of rating the general health of an individual's personality, the development of criteria against which to measure the success of mental health clinic programs.
A Study of Ordinal Position and Social Introversion in Small Families
The purpose of the present study is to attempt to ascertain whether ordinal position is an indicator of social introversion as measured by number of organizations joined in families of a maximum of three children.
The Experimental Draw-a-Group Projective Technique for Measuring Interpersonal Responsiveness
The purpose of this study is to present an exploratory investigation into the possibility of developing a projective technique for measuring interpersonal responsiveness. The projective technique explored here is a form of drawing analysis based on the drawing of a group made by each subject in a tested population.
The Functioning of Immediate Verbal Feedback in Paired Associative Learning with Normals and Retardates
The central purpose of this study is to ascertain the function of immediate verbal feedback after each response on learning a paired associative task with normal and retarded subjects.
A Comparison of the Relative Ego Strengths of Two Prison Groups and a Non-Prison Group as Measured by the IES Test
This study was concerned with the differences between two types of prisoners on a personality dimension and differences between these prison groups an a non-prison population. The impetus for this study stemmed from the development of a new test designed to scientifically measure the Freudian concept of the personality structures, the id, ego, and superego.
An Analysis of the Relationship between Performance on the Revised Bender Visual-motor Gestalt Test and Scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
The primary problem of this study was to determine the relationship between BGT performance, as indexed by the Developmental Scoring System of Koppitz, and performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
A Study of the Personality Makeup of both Medically and Functionally Sterile Couples
It is the purpose of this study to investigate three questions which, if answered, should bring about a better understanding of the factors contributing to functional or psychogenic sterility. The questions under investigation are: 1. Does there exist a measurable difference between the personality patterns of functionally sterile and medically sterile married women? 2. Does there exist a measurable difference between the personality patterns of functionally sterile and medically sterile married men? 3. Does there exist a measurable difference between the interaction of the personality patterns of functionally sterile couples and medically sterile couples?
The Effect of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine on Social Dominance Behavior
This thesis analyzes the differences in social domination for test subjects treated with epinephrine, norepinephrine, and non-injection.
Interrelationships among Religious Orientation, Church Attendance, and Certain Personality Variables of Female Neuropsychiatric Patients
This study investigates the interrelationships among religious orientation, church attendance, and certain personality variable of female neuropsychiatric patients.
Running Speed in the Long Path of a Single Choice Maze as a Function of Frustration in the Short Path
The purpose of the present study was to further investigate the effects of frustration on the reward value of a goal object. Under the assumption that animals will learn to take the shortest path to a goal and that the reward value of an object will increase as effort increases, the following hypothesis was proposed: If rats are frustrated in the short path of a single choice maze (experimental group) then the experimental group's running time for the long path will be less than that of a control group not frustrated in the short path.
The Effects of Degree of Structure of Paradigm and Reinforcement on Awareness and Verbal Operant Conditioning of Hospitalized Children
The present experiment is designed to test certain hypotheses made concerning the nature of conditioning in a verbal operant paradigm, and the relationship of such conditioning with awareness of contingencies.
Interrelationships between Measures of Personal-social Adjustment and Measures of Improvement in a Hospital Setting
The purposes of this study were (1) to explore the possibility that sociometry can be a valuable prognostic method in milieu therapy, and (2) to investigate the validity of the "Draw-a-Group" (DAG) projective technique for measuring interpersonal responsiveness.
An Investigation of the Self-concept of Children with Low Levels of Intelligence
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between intelligence and self-concept of children with low levels of mental maturity. In order to get a clearer picture of this relationship, the self-concept of children at various levels of mental deficiency was investigated.
Pupil Classroom Sociability and Teacher Mode of Interpersonal Interaction
The present study was designed to provide data bearing directly on the question of the influence of the preschool experience, and specifically, teacher behavior, on pupil social behavior.
The Relation between the Self-concept and Values of Parents with Their Children
In accordance with theories of Carmichael (19), Lecky (41), and Rogers (55), which suggest that adolescence is a time of redefining conceptions about one's self in relation to values, groups, and institutions in one's environment, the following hypotheses were proposed to be investigated in this study: 1. The difference between mothers' and fathers' self-concept scores is nonsignificant. 2. Parents have higher self-concepts than their children. 3. Parents of children with high self-concepts will differ significantly from parents of children with low self-concepts with respect to their values.
The Relationship between Empathy and Supervisors' Ratings of Student Nurses
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between a measurement of empathy and performance of psychiatric student nurses.
Test Anxiety, Low Self-esteem, and Conformity
The present study has a threefold purpose. First, it will attempt to investigate whether the presentation of the bogus group norm is effective to exert influence on an individual subject to modify his original response in the direction of the norm. Secondly, it will investigate relationships between the subject's level of test anxiety and his conformity behavior in the simple judgmental situation. Thirdly, it will further explore whether test anxiety, as measured by a questionnaire, and low self-esteem, as measured by feelings of personal inadequacy, are comparable constructs.
The Use of a Sentence Completion Survey as a Prognistic Indicator of Response to Marriage Counseling
The purpose of the present study was to explore the usefulness of an objectively scored self-rating sentence completion test in the development of objective prognostic statements regarding marital counseling.
A Comparison of Responses Between Unwed and Married Pregnant Women on the MMPI
The purpose of this study will be to compare unwed mothers with married pregnant mothers on the Depression, Psychopathic Deviate and Hypomania scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The major hypothesis is that the scores of the unwed mother will reflect more psychopathology which will be taken to indicate that the unwed mother's problems antedate their pregnancy. (The term, "psychopathology," as used herein is defined as any maladaptive behavior which is a result of inadequate personality development.)
The Relationship between Incongruency, Dogmatism, and Social Desirability in College Students
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between the concepts of incongruency, dogmatism, and social desirability. It was assumed that high scores of social desirability would be related to low incongruity scores while high dogmatism scores would be related to high incongruity scores. The relationship between social desirability scores and dogmatism scores was also investigated.
A Study of the Relationship between Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Scores and Koppitz's Human Figure Drawing Test Scores for Mentally Retarded Children
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether Koppitz's developmental scoring techniques of mental maturity are applicable to mentally retarded children ages 5 to 12.
Validity Studies on the "Draw-a-Group" Projective Technique for Measuring Interpersonal Responsiveness
As with all psychodiagnostic tests, before the "Draw-a-Group" can be considered a valuable instrument to the clinician, some basis for validity must be set. Although some research has been done on the "Draw-a-Group," sufficient validity has yet to be established. It is the purpose of this research to attempt to further establish the validity of the "Draw-a-Group." A related purpose is to attempt to further clarify which factors are related to interpersonal responsiveness.
A Behavioral Approach Toward Strengthening Self-concept in Mental Retardates
The objective of this study was to systematize a method of strengthening self-concept in mental retardates through the use of operant conditioning techniques. This objective was pursued by investigating the effect of rewarding positive responses about self.
Comparison of the Verification Sales of a Self-rating Sentence Completion Method for Evaluating Marital Difficulties and the MMPI Validity Scales
This study is a comparison of the verification sales of a self-rating sentence completion method for evaluating marital difficulties and the MMPI validity scales.
The Effect of Item Distance on Organization in the Free Recall of Words
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of item distance, which is defined as the absolute number of words separating a single item from the other items of the category, upon clustering of the removed items. By studying clustering, psychologists hope to gain knowledge of the effect of organization on memory.
The Effect of Motivation and Anxiety on Weight Discrimination
This study was an attempt to determine if subjects differing in anxiety, motivation and stress evidence differential weight discrimination performance. The judged difference in weight discrimination will be affected by a preceding series of discriminations.
Effects of a Preschool Program on Psycholinguistic Abilities of Culturally Deprived Children
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the psycholinguistic abilities which the disadvantaged child brings with him to the preschool setting, and the growth in language development made during his participation in the program.
The Effects of Anxiety, Hostility, and Depression on Responses to the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank
The present study is an attempt to determine the effect of anxiety, hostility, and depression on responses to the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank when it is scored according to the manual instructions. Whether the score fluctuates or not will have implications on how psychologists should use this test as a diagnostic tool.
Facilitation of Social Behavior in Group Psychotherapy with Geriatric Patients
The purpose of the present study was to attempt to use the principles of behavior therapy and group psychotherapy to enhance social adjustment of the geriatric patients in an institutional environment. There are several factors positively related to satisfactory adjustment to old age such as educational level, marital status, employment history, religion, health, and membership in groups.
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