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An Evaluation of the Bowie Secondary School Bowie, Texas
This thesis presents findings of an examination conducted on the Bowie, Texas secondary school to discover the characteristics of the school.
Methods of County Financing in Relation to County Government in Texas
This study aims to show the relation of the methods of county financing in Texas to the present form of county government. It argues that the present form of county government in Texas is antiquated and inadequate to meet the requirements of efficient administration of county financing.
Evaluation of the Public-Relations Program of Bowie Public Schools for Two Years
The purpose of this study is to make a survey over a period of two complete school terms of the public-relations program of Bowie Public Schools, Bowie, Montague County, Texas.
A Comparison of the Socio-Economic Status with the School Status of the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth-Grade Pupils of the Montague, Texas, Public Schools
The purpose of this study is a comparison of the socio-economic status with the school status of the seventh, eighth, and ninth-grade pupils of the Montague, Texas, public schools. In this study the socio-economic status is interpreted as meaning the position that the individual, or family, occupies with reference to average standards based on the home status indexes.
A Study to Determine the Soundness of the Gilmer-Aikin Plan of Financing the Public Schools of Montague County, Texas
The problem of this thesis is to examine the Gilmer-Aikin plan as it will affect the Montague County, Texas, schools in order to ascertain whether present inequities, if any, will be corrected, and to present additional remedial proposals if needed.
A Study of Juvenile Delinquency in Montague County, Texas, from 1942 to 1946, Inclusive
The problem of this study is two-fold: (1) to determine the nature and extent of juvenile delinquency in Montague County, Texas, for a five-year period from 1942 to 1946, inclusive; and (2) to ascertain the factors which contributed to juvenile delinquency during this period.
Analysis of Age-Grade and other Indices of Pupil Progress in the Primary Grades
The problem set forth in this study is to determine the causes of delay in school progress in the Bowie, Texas, elementary schools, and in which grade or grades the delay occurs.
An Evaluation of the Saint Jo Elementary School and some Recommendations for Improvement
The problem in this study is to present as accurately as possible the status of the Saint Jo Elementary School in Saint Jo, Texas, and to suggest recommendations for the improvement of this school.
The Role of the Administrator in the High School Guidance Program
This study was proposed to determine to what extent guidance is actually being practiced in the schools selected and to determine a plan for more comprehensive use of guidance. This plan will emphasize the role the administrator should play in the guidance program.
The Adequacy of the School Transportation Systems of Montague County, Texas
In this study an attempt is made to determine the adequacy of the school transportation systems of Montague County, Texas.
A Study of the Home Experience Phase of the Vocational Homemaking Program in Saint Jo High School
There seemed to be an urgent need for the improvement of attitudes toward home experiences from the viewpoints of both homemaking teachers and homemaking pupils. Also, there appeared to be a need for the improvement of procedures used in planning, reporting, and evaluating home experiences. Because of these needs this study was made during the 1961-1962 school year in the Saint Jo High School, Saint Jo, Texas.
Ecological Distribution of the Herpetofauna of Montague County, Texas
The purpose of this study was to make a preliminary study of the herpetofauna of Montague County in relation to ecological distribution. Also taken into consideration were the zoogeographic relationships of the various species.
An Analysis of Community Attitudes Toward the "Bowie News" as a News-Advertising Medium
This study measured attitudes of newspaper staff members, advertisers, subscribers, and power structure members toward the Bowie News as a news and advertising medium. Three hypotheses were tested: that members of the power structure would have a more favorable attitude toward the Bowie News than other readers; that the Bowie News would play an active role as an instrument of the power structure; and that all four publics would differ in their perception of the newspaper's role in getting information to the community. The hypotheses were tested by a t test and rejected. Publics' attitudes were homogeneous. It was concluded that the Bowie News reflects consensus opinion within the community and is a trusted news source.
An Evaluation of the Health and Safety Education of Montague County, Texas, Schools
Health is a primary objective of modern education. It was named as the first of the seven cardinal principles of education. Over a period of years the health and safety of the school children have gradually become more firmly fixed as a part of the school program. Modern schools, when adequately staffed and administered, provide experiences in healthful daily living, an opportunity to become acquainted with good health services, a chance to learn something about the care of ones own body, the maintenance of health, and the prevention of disease. Thus the schools have come to contribute to community health through their planned programs of health service and through cooperation with other health and safety agencies.
A Study of Juvenile Delinquency in Montague County, Texas, During 1947-1948
The problem of this study was to analyze the following five factors related to juvenile delinquency in Montague County, Texas, during 1947 and 1948: first, causes and control of juvenile delinquency; second, personal data about thirty-three juvenile offenders; third, their offenses; fourth, disposition made of the charges by the judge of the juvenile court; and fifth, the present behavior status of the offenders.
Electricity in Rural Areas of North Texas
"This study shows three things: (1) a precedent for the expenditure of public funds to teach electricity in our public high schools has already been established by the school system in the larger school systems of Texas, (2) the rural families living on electrified farms in the North Texas area want instruction of this type given to the boys and girls in their communities, and (3) both the rural people and the professional people of the North Texas area believe that instruction dealing with the use of electricity and electrical equipment had spread until by 1935 more than twenty-one million homes, about eighty percent of the total in America at that time, were electrified, only eleven American farms out of every 100 had central-station electricity. More than five million American farms lacked electric service. "--leaf 50.
Effecting a Guidance Program in the Nocona, Texas, High School
This study is a reflection of the efforts made by faculty members of the Nocona, Texas High School, with the aid of two outside evaluating committees, to set up a workable and practical plan for executing personnel problems and policies in the school. The major portion of this investigation centers around the evaluations made of the guidance service in 1940 and 1942 and the re-evaluation made in 1947.
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