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A Late Volcanic Eruption in Northern California and its Peculiar Lava
Synopsis: The Lassen Peak, Volcanic Ridge, which connects the northern end of the Sierra Nevada in California with the Coast Range and separates the upper portion of the Sacramento Valley from the great interior basin, is composed chiefly of lavas from many volcanic reuptions.
The Viscosity of Solids
Preface: This bulletin is a second contribution to the general investigation of the physical contents of rocks, the experiments concerning which follow a general plan devised by Mr. Clarence King.
The Relations of the Traps of the Newark System in the New Jersey Region
From introduction: This contribution is a summary of the more complete results of a systematic study of the relations of the traps of the Newark system in New Jersey and New York
On the Thermo-Electric Measurement of High Temperatures
From preface: The present publication is the first contribution to a research on the physical constants of rocks; the experiments of which are to follow a general plan devised by Mr. Clarence King, former Director of the U. S. Geological Survey.
Types of the Laramie Flora
From explanatory remarks: I have in preparation a work on the flora of the Laramie group, in which will be described and figured a very large number of fossil plants, most of 'which were collected by myself in the seasons of 1881 and 1883 and the elaboration of which has occupied most of my time since the latter date.
Correlation Papers: Cambrian
From outline: This work is a review, by one who is working in the Cambrian field, of the work of his predecessors, and of the results they and he have thus far obtained as he interprets them. It thus becomes historical and descriptive, and is a general statement of the principles upon which the correlations have been made in establishing the group.
Correlation Papers: the Newark System
From outline: The aim of this paper is to review the progress of our knowledge concerning a well defined system of rocks on'the Atlantic border, named the Newark system; to summarize the present state of information concerning it, and to discuss the bearing that its study has on principles of correlation.
The Geology of Nantucket
Letter of transmittal: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the geology of the island of Nantucket. This report embodies a portion of the work which I have done in connection with the general study of the Atlantic coast line. Although part of a much more extended inquiry, it seems well to publish the results contained in this memoir in advance of my general report for the reason that the region constitutes a distinctly bounded field and also because the problems considered in this report have an important bearing on work which is in the bands of other divisions of the Survey.
The Volume Thermodynamics of Liquids
From preface: In the following chapters, I have commenced a serious study of the volume thermodynamics of liquids and solids. The work is, as yet, confined to volume, pressure, and temperature. Questions involving entropy and energy are also in active progress, but can not be included in the present bulletin.
The Moraines of the Missouri Coteau, and their Attendant Deposits
Introduction: It seems important that several general facts should be stated for the full understanding of terms used and allusions made in this report. The field considered is the region lying between the Missouri and James rivers, and between the latitudes of Jamestown, N. Dak., and Huron, S. Dak. 1. As has been stated in papers published by Chamberlin, Upham, myself, and others, several more or less distinct moraines have been observed in the Mississippi Valley. It has been found convenient to distinguish the outermost three by special names. President Chamberlin has named them, beginning with the outermost, Altamont, Gary, and Antelope moraines, from localities south of Big Stone Lake, and these names have been quite generally adopted. Upham and others have named them the First, Second, and Third, and as the outermost two are the more prominent, they have also been called the Outer and Inner moraines. Each of these, especially the First and Second, has subordinate divisions, which mark the borders of the different lobes into which the margin of the ice sheet was often divided. 2.) It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the generally recognized features of drift formations, such as the undulating topography and the series of drift deposits, covering an area with successive layers of till in a manner which might be compared to a nest of spoons of assorted sizes, the smaller lying inside the larger. Of these spoonshaped deposits, the moraines form the outer rims. 3.) As the moraines are the most conspicuous features of the drift formations, we may take them as the basis for dividing the subject. Not only are they the most conspicuous features of the topography, but they mark culminations of glacial activity. We therefore propose reviewing our subject under the following heads: I.) The First …
The Cambrian Rocks of Pennsylvania
From introduction: In his report on the Geology of Pennsylvania,' Professor Lesley summarizes his opinion upon the geology of the South Mountains and Formation No. 1. In this, Formation No. 1 is referred to the Upper Cambrian, and a detailed description is given of its occurrence along the South Mountains and across the State to the Delaware. The superjacent limestone, No. 2, is referred to the Ordovician.' Fuller reference will be made to Professor Lesley's descriptions in speaking of the rocks of York County.
Correlation Papers: Archean and Algonkian
From outline: This hook is a review of the present state of knowledge of the general structure of the pre-Cambrian rocks of the United States and Canada. The material contained in the historical chapters is of two kinds: Summaries of all articles pertaining to the subject considered, and summaries of the conclusions which appear to be established. The first represents the substance of the literature; the second brings together the important ascertained structural facts, and often times becomes a more or less extended discussion. The final chapter covers the same grounds as the historical chapters for the various pre-Cambrian in general successions proposed by different authors, and also contains a discussion of results and the principles upon which they are based. Within the chapters, individual districts or regions are given separate sections, and the summary of literature for each is arranged in chronological order.
A Gazetteer of Kansas
From letter of transmittal: SIR: I beg to transmit herewith, for publication as a bulletin, a gazetteer of Kansas.
A Geographic Dictionary of New Jersey
From letter of transmittal: SIR: I have the honor to. transmit herewith a geographic dictionary of New Jersey.
Results of Primary Triangulation
From introduction: The triangulation of the U. S. Geological Survey is executed solely for the primary control of topographic work upon scales not exceeding 1: 62500. The extreme of accuracy has therefore not been sought, but only such a degree of accuracy as to insure that the maximum accumulated error be imperceptible upon the maps.
The Ancient Volcanic Rocks of South Mountain, Pennsylvania
From introduction: In December, 1892, as the result of field work on the part of Dr. G. H. Williams in the northern and of the writer in the southern portion of South Mountain, there appeared a preliminary description of two of the rock types, in which their identification as ancient volcanics was announced. In this bulletin it is proposed to substantiate that identification with more detailed proof. It is further proposed to show that these ancient igneous rocks were, at the time of their consolidation, identical in character with their recent volcanic analogues, and that their present differences are due to subsequent changes, chief among which has been devitrification. It is also proposed to recognize these facts in the nomenclature.
The Paleozoic Section in the Vicinity of Three Forks, Montana
From introduction: The Three Forks sheet of Montana includes the area lying between the parallels of 450 and 460, and extending from longitude 111 to 1120. The three forks of the Missouri river unite in the north central portion of this area about 5 miles south of the northern line of the map.
Geology of the Big Stone Gap Coal Field of Virginia and Kentucky
From introduction: In presenting this paper the writer has two objects in view. The first is to add to the general knowledge respecting the geology of this central district [Appalachian coal basin]. The groups determined in this region will be carried over the adjoining territory if they can be distinguished and they afford a type-section of the Coal-measures where they are probably best developed. The results are not put forth as final, but as representing the most probable conclusions from the observed facts.
The Colorado Formation and its Invertebrate Fauna
From preface: The following review of one of the Upper Cretaceous faunas as developed in the interior region of the United States has grown out of the study of a collection of fossils found by me in Huerfano park and adjacent localities in southern Colorado. This collection, the greater part of which was obtained during the summer of 1890, proved to be especially interesting because it afforded data for the closer correlation of certain Cretaceous strata in Utah with those east of the mountains, besides adding a considerable number of new species to the fauna of the Colorado formation. Dr. C. A. White, under whose direction the field work was done, generously assigned these fossils to me for study with a view to publishing the results, and I am greatly indebted to his sympathetic aid in every phase of the work.
A Geological Reconnoissance in Central Washington
From introduction: An examination of the country described in this paper was ordered by the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey at the request of persons interested in the development of the state of Washington, for the purpose of ascertaining how far the geological structure of the arid portion of the state favored the hope of obtaining artesian water for irrigation.
Correlation Papers: Neocene
From outline: This paper, after discussing general principles connected with the study and description of the Tertiary or Cenozoic rocks and fossils contained in them, takes up the Neocene deposits of the United States in particular. A chapter is devoted to a summary of what is known in regard to the Neocene of the eastern coast of the United States, each State in geographical order being separately considered, beginning at the north.
Correlation Papers: Cretaceous
From outline: The primary object of this bulletin is the presentation of a summary of our present knowledge of the North American Cretaceons and a discussion of the system as it is developed on this continent, discussion of or direct reference to the details of the system as it is developed in other parts of the world being omitted.
Geology of the Castle Mountain Mining District, Montana
From preface: This memoir is a general study of the region described, and not a detailed report. The field work upon which it is based formed a part of the work of mapping the areal geology of the Little Belt Mountains sheet of the Geological Survey. The topographic map, made in 1882 by the Northern Transcontinental Survey, is too small in scale and too general in character to warrant more detailed work; but as the facts obtained are of interest, and the region is one of economic importance, it has been considered worthy of a special treatment.
A Dictionary of Geographic Positions in the United States
From introduction: For several years the Division of Topography of the United States Geological Survey has been engaged in compiling positions determined within the United States which are believed to be of sufficient accuracy for use in the preparation of its maps. This compilation has been found extremely useful in the office, and it is believed that its usefulness will be greatly extended by placing it before the public. This list comprises between 9,000 and 10,000 positions. To publish it in extenso, with descriptions of the stations, their latitudes and longitudes, the distances and azimuths to neighboring stations, and the methods of determination, would extend this bulletin beyond all reasonable limits. To avoid making too bulky a volume, it has been decided to publish merely the latitudes and longitudes, with abbreviations indicating the authority, and references to the publications in which other data relating to the positions may be found.
Some Lava Flows of the Western Slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
From introduction: The field relationships of the rocks described in the following paper were studied during the summers of 1895 and 1896, while I was engaged in geologically mapping portions of the Sonora and Big Trees quadrangles, under the direction of Mr. H. W. Turner.
High Temperature Work in Igneous Fusion and Ebullition, Chiefly in Relation to Pressure
Preface: In the following bulletin I have brought together the more important results of experiments in high temperatures, made since the publication of my bulletin on the thermoelectric measurement of high temperatures.' Chapter I, in addition to pointing out certain inherent relations between metallic vapor tensions, has a direct bearing on pyrometry. Chapters 11 and ii are of geological importance, and the work was done for Mr. Clarence King. Chapter ii shows that in case of the igneous fusion of basic magma, the passage from liquid to solid is one of contraction, and measures the difference of specific volumes at the solidifying temperature. Chapter iii contains a full account of the thermal capacity of the same rock under the same conditions, and by aid of Chapter it leads to a numerical value for the relation of melting point to pressure, for silicates.
The Glaciation of the Yellowstone Valley, North of the Park
From outline: The present paper gives a detailed account of the glaciation of the Snowy mountains and of the upper valleys of the Yellowstone, whose deposits show an unusual phase of alpine glaciation. The evidence thus far gathered shows that a large body of ice, originating in the ice sheets of the Yellowstone National Park, pushed northward, filling the upper valleys of the Yellowstone and extending down that stream 36 miles north of the park boundary.
The Potomac Formation in Virginia
From introduction: The object of this memoir is to give some account of the geology of the lower Potomac formation in Virginia, where it is perhaps most typically developed.
The Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania and New York
Introduction: By way of introduction a section will be described across the Devonian of the northeastern part of Monroe County, Pa., along the line of Brodhead Creek and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The base of this section will rest on the Corniferous limestone well exposed in a railroad cut a mile south of East Stroudsburg and the termination will b6 in the Pocono, as exposed on the Pocono Mountains, from Mount Pocono to the ridge northwest of Tobyhanna.
The Disseminated Lead Ores of Southeastern Missouri
From letter of transmittal: The results contained in this report are the product of investigations conducted during the past three months. These investigations were in extension of the work on which was based my report, as State geologist of Missouri, on the lead and zinc deposits of the whole State.
The Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks on Pigeon Point, Minnesota, and Their Contact Phenomena
From preface: The preparation of this paper is due to the fact that the eruptive rocks occurring on Pigeon point, Minnesota, may be taken as types of similar eruptives found so widely spread over the Huronian and Keweenawan areas surrounding Lake Superior, and to the peculiar nature of the alteration these have superinduced in the fragmental rocks through which they have broken.
A Geographic Dictionary of Rhode Island
A paper designed to aid in finding any geographic feature upon the atlas sheets of Rhode Island published by the U. S. Geological Survey. It contains the names given upon those sheets.
On the Form and Position of the Sea Level
A report about sea level change and problems and methods pertaining to measuring it.
The Trap Dikes of the Lake Champlain Region
A paper pertaining to the trap dikes of the region around Lake Champlain.
The Geology of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and Vicinity: Kansas
A report about the Fort Riley Military Reservation's geology in Kansas.
Earthquakes in California in 1896 and 1897
A report that contains the records of all the shocks observed or felt on Mount Hamilton and all those reported to the Lick Observatory by letter, as well as newspaper reports of such earthquakes.
Catalogue and Index of Contributions to North American Geology 1732-1891
A bibliography of geologic literature published in North America, and such literature on North America wherever published. It contains publications from 1732 to those received prior to the close of 1891.
The Educational Series of Rock Specimens
This report was prepared with 29 specimens of rock which are described in this report.
A Biographic Index of North American Carboniferous Invertebrates
A bibliographic list which catalogs the researches among the Carboniferous faunas of North America.
A Graphic Dictionary of Connecticut
This report aids in finding any geographic feature upon the atlas sheets of Connecticut published by the U.S. Geological Survey.
A Geographic Dictionary of Massachusetts
A report designed to aid in finding any geographic feature upon the atlas sheets of Massachusetts which are published by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Earthquakes in California in 1893
A report about recorded shock waves observed or felt on Mount Hamilton, and all those reported to the Lick Observatory by letter, as well as newspaper reports of such earthquakes that occurred in California during that year.
Earthquakes in California in 1892
The following report contains all of the shocks observed or felt on Mount Hamilton in 1892, and all those reported to the Lick Observatory by letter, as well as newspaper reports of earthquakes.
Latitudes and Longitudes of Certain Points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico
A report about the latitudes and longitudes which were determined by the telegraphic method with respect to the observatory of Washington University.
Notes of the Geology of North California
A report about a complex group of mountain ridges in Northern California and Oregon. It discusses the geology of North California.
Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime
A report which provides information about American phosphate of lime deposits.
A Mineralogical Lexicon of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties Massachusetts
This report provides a brief history of each mineral species occurring within the area of the three river counties in Massachusetts.
Bibliography of Clays and the Ceramic Arts
A bibliography of information about various clays, kaolins, and the ceramic arts.
The Compressibility of Liquids
A report about certain researches on the thermodynamics of liquids in progress at the laboratory.
A Report of Work Done in the Washington Laboratory During the Fiscal Year 1883-84
A report about the rocks, clays, and other geologic sediments analyzed by the Washington laboratory during 1883 to 1884.
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