Search Results Homepage of The New Iraq
The Coalition Provisional Authority, called CPA, is the name for the temporary government of Iraq. It is composed of a coalition of more than 40 nations from around the world which represent every continent and race on earth. All of these countries are united in the purpose of achieving a free and stable Iraq which respects the rights of its citizens and is at peace with its neighbors. Once a constitution is in place and democratic elections are held, the CPA will have accomplished its mission and will go home, leaving behind it, God willing, an Iraq that is a decent place for peace-loving citizens to live and exercise the freedoms given to all men by their creator.
IT Dashboard
This website contains tools and statistics about government IT programs; the homepage states: "The IT Dashboard is a website enabling federal agencies, industry, the general public and other stakeholders to view details of federal information technology investments. The purpose of the Dashboard is to provide information on the effectiveness of government IT programs and to support decisions regarding the investment and management of resources."
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
This website contains information about the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (JSC), a bipartisan committee charged with authoring a recommendation on how to reduce the U.S. deficit by $1.5 trillion over ten years. It includes information about the rules of the committee, the members, and press releases.
Lincoln Bicentennial 1809-2009: Live the Legacy
This website contains information about the life and work of Abraham Lincoln, including resources and events about Lincoln and the bicentennial of his birthday.
Millennial Housing Commission
The mission of the Commission is to identify, analyze, and develop recommendations that highlight the importance of housing, improve the housing delivery system, and provide affordable housing for the American people, including recommending possible legislative and regulatory initiatives.
Minerals Management Service
This website contains information about the Minerals Management Service (MMS) which manages resources on the outer continental shelf (OCS) including natural gas, oil, and other minerals. The pages include information about the programs administered by the MMS, links related to the Deepwater Horizon incident, and other resources related to the work of the agency.
Multidistrict Litigation 2179 Trial Documents
This website is a compilation of court documents from the trial related to the BP oil spill (Multidistrict Litigation 10-2179, In re: Oil spill by the oil rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010; Civil Action 10-2771, In re: The Complaint and Petition of Triton Asset Leasing GmbH, et al.; Civil Action 10-4536, United States of America versus BP Exploration and Production, Incorporated et al.). The files include date of creation and brief description for each one.
The Naming Commission
Website documenting the work of the Naming Commission, including their final report and recommendations regarding Department of Defense assets (e.g., names, symbols, displays, monuments, or paraphernalia) that commemorate the efforts of the Confederate army and any costs associated with changing them.
National Assessment of Vocational Education
The National Assessment of Vocational Education (NAVE) is a congressionally-mandated evaluation of the 1998 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act and of the implementation and outcomes of vocational education in the United States. This page provides access to various NAVE reports and related resources.
National Atlas of the United States
This is the website for the National Atlas, which provides a comprehensive, maplike view into the enormous wealth of geospatial and geostatistical data collected for the United States. It includes many detailed, interactive maps of the nation on a wide variety of subjects such as the environment, history, government, population, and climate, as well as fully documented digital cartographic datasets and articles. The website was removed from service on September 30, 2014.
National Bankruptcy Review Commission
An independent commission established to investigate and study issues relating to the Bankruptcy Code, solicit divergent views, evaluate proposals, and submit a report to the President, Congress and the Chief Justice.
National Bioethics Advisory Commission
Home page for the National Bioethics Advisory Commission.
National Biological Information Infrastructure
This website contains information about the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) which is a collaborative program to increase access to data and information about biological resources in the United States, including databases, informational resources, and analytical tools. This site organizes relevant resources based on regions and subjects, as well as grouping together tools for particular needs.
National Civil Aviation Review Commission
The National Civil Aviation Review Commission was established by Congress to make recommendations on how best to finance and reform the budgeting ofthe NationÂ’s aviation programs. The CommissionÂ’s purpose, in part, is to developa consensus on how much funding is actually needed over several years for development and operation of the NationÂ’s air traffic control system, the safety and security programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as airport capital development, and how best to secure a dedicated, stable, and adequate source of funding for these programs.
National Commission on Children and Disasters
This website contains information about the National Commission on Children and Disasters and its findings, including the final report, "2010 Report to the President and Congress," published in October 2010. The commission was formed to conduct a study to examine specific needs for children regarding disaster preparation, response, and recovery; to identify and evaluate existing legislation and programs which address those needs; to identify and evaluate information from past disasters; and to report to the President and Congress about the findings.
National Commission on Hunger
This website describes the history and activities of the National Commission on Hunger in the United States, created in 2014 by legislative mandate. It includes documentation and a final report that addresses the Commission's goal to address issues of food insecurity and to provide resources for those who need them while reducing the need for government nutrition assistance programs.
National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service
This website describes the history and activities of the National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service along with their final report from June 25, 1997.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.
National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Spill and Offshore Drilling
This website is for the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil SpilUnited States. Office of Fossil Energyl and Offshore Drilling, established by President Barack Obama on May 21, 2010. The Commission examined the relevant facts and circumstances concerning the root causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and developed options to guard against, and mitigate the impact of, any oil spills associated with offshore drilling in the future. This included recommending improvements to federal laws, regulations, and industry practices. The website contains detailed information about each of the commission's meetings, the commission's final reports, and other related resources.
National Education Goals Panel
The National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) is a unique bipartisan and intergovernmental body of federal and state officials created in July 1990 to assess and report state and national progress toward achieving the National Education Goals. Under the legislation, the Panel is charged with a variety of responsibilities to support systemwide reform, including: reporting on national and state progress toward the Goals over a 10-year period; working to establish a system of high academic standards and assessments; identifying actions for federal, state, and local governments to take; and building a nationwide, bipartisan consensus to achieve the Goals.
National Gambling Impact Study Commission
Congress authorized The National Gambling Impact Study Commission ("the Commission") on June 3, 1996 by Public Law 104-169. The Commission is subject to the standards and requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, with respect to meetings, hearings, and availability of Commission records, and other matters. The implementing statute for the Commission establishes it as an independent commission which is not under the auspices of any executive agency, nor specifically controlled by the legislative or judicial branches of government. The Commission must conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling on (1) federal, state, local, and Native American tribal governments; and (2) communities and social institutions including the individuals, families, and businesses which compose them.
The National Invasive Species Council
This website contains information about the purpose and work of the National Invasive Species Council, including its plans to prevent and manage invasive species, educational materials, budgetary and organizational documents of the Council, and other related resources.
National Invasive Species Information Center
This website contains information about invasive species including news stories, legislation, information about how to prevent or control invasive species, and other resources.
National Mathematics Advisory Panel
The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences, hosted the first National Math Panel Forum on October 6-7, 2008. This page documents the Forum activities, which brought together various organizations and other interested parties.
National Prison Rape Elimination Commission
The National Prison Rape Elimination Commission was a bipartisan commission created by Congress as part of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), 42 U.S.C. § 15601, et seq. The Commission was charged with studying federal, state and local government policies and practices related to the prevention, detection, response and monitoring of sexual abuse in correction and detention facilities in the United States. Upon its creation, the Commission undertook a comprehensive legal and factual study of the impact of prison sexual assaults on federal, state and local government functions and on the communities and social institutions in which they operate. The Commission presented its final Report and proposed Standards on June 23, 2009. The information and resources on this Web site were compiled between 6/04 and 6/09.
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
Website documenting the work of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, including their final report regarding recommendations for advancement and national security related to "artificial intelligence, machine learning, and associated technologies."
NDPC (National Drought Policy Commission) Home
The National Drought Policy Commission was established under the National Drought Policy Act of 1998, P.L.105-199. The Act charged the Commission with conducting a thorough study of drought and its impacts and submitting a report on its findings discussing the feasibility for creating a national drought policy. The NDPC report and accompanying materials is posted on this website and can be downloaded by the public.
NOAA Habitat Restoration Monitoring
This website provides a collection of data -- overhead imagery, photographs, metadata, reports, briefings, etc. -- related to monitoring selected NOAA-sponsored restoration projects. It includes an interactive map to organize the information [note that these features may not always function properly in the archived version].
NOAA Marine Debris Clearinghouse
This website is "an online resource empowering the marine debris community to discover, explore, and apply knowledge in their efforts to sutdy and mitigate ocean debris and its impacts" (homepage). The clearinghouse includes documentation collected by the NOAA Marine Debris Program with interactive components to search by specific criteria or view debris on a map [note that these features may not always function properly in the archived version].
Office of Consumer Affairs
The Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) seeks to promote a better understanding between businesses and consumers, to help businesses improve the quality of their services, to educate consumers to make wise purchasing decisions, and to provide the consumer viewpoint in the development of policy. The office: assists consumers with marketplace issues and educates them about resources that are available to help them; publishes guides to help businesses respond to consumer needs; and represents and coordinates the Department's consumer affairs activities with consumer groups, other Federal, state, county, and municipal government agencies, and international organizations.
Office of Human Radiation Experiments
This website is the result of a project started in 1994 by the Department of Energy's Office of Human Radiation Experiments. The purpose of the group was to research experiments done to test the effects of radiation on humans and to compile documentation (including photographs, oral histories, declassified documents, and audio/visual clips) about the projects, making them available online in a single place. In addition to the different documentation that was cataloged, the group also published a report discussing the process and result of their research.
Office of Independent Counsel Donald C. Smaltz in re Secretary of Agriculture Alphonso Michael Espy
This is the web site of the Office of Independent Counsel in the investigation and prosecutions involving matters relating to former Secretary of Agriculture, Alphonso Michael Espy. Donald C. Smaltz was appointed Independent Counsel by the Special Division of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on September 9, 1994, to "investigate to the maximum extent authorized by [law]" whether Secretary Espy "committed a violation of any federal criminal law . . . relating in any way to the acceptance of gifts by him from organizations or individuals with business pending before the Department of Agriculture." He was also given jurisdiction to investigate "other allegations or evidence of violations of any federal criminal law by organizations or individuals developed during the course of the investigation of Secretary Espy and connected with or arising out of that investigation." The purpose of this web site is to give the public access to public information that defines and explains the investigation.
Office of Technology Applications
In keeping with President Clinton's priorities to create a government that works better and costs less, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) launched a comprehensive evaluation of the agency's organizational structure in May of 1997. We did this because our future depends on delivering quality services quickly, working with our transportation partners in the common goal of building the finest transportation system in the world. Yet, as many companies and agencies across the nation have discovered, what were good business practices yesterday may no longer be effective today. Some changes were necessary. In our review, we looked at ways to streamline FHWA's field organization and enhance the program delivery role of our division offices, which work directly with our partners and customers in each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Office of Technology Assessment (OTA)
The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) closed on September 29, 1995. During its 23-year history, OTA provided Congressional members and committees with analyses of the scientific and technological issues that were increasingly relevant to public policy and legislative action. The agency's legacy is found in the many items of legislation it influenced and in the channels of communication its staff helped foster between legislative policymakers and members of the scientific, technical, and business communities. The Office's legacy is also found in its hundreds of publications, gathered for the first time in electronic form on the set of 5 CD-ROMs: The OTA Legacy, 1972-1995. This Web site presents the complete contents of the five CD-ROMs with additional enhancements and features that facilitate access and retrieval.
Official Site of America's 400th Anniversary
This website is for the commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the settling of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Jamestown 2007, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, worked with local, state and national groups to stage the commemoration of America’s 400th Anniversary. The commemoration began in May 2006 and continued through 2007 with a series of national and international signature events commemorating aspects of the Jamestown story. Some of the events included were the 2006 Godspeed Sail, the Virginia Indian Conference, the 225th Anniversary of the Victory at Yorktown, the Jamestown Live! webcast, the Jamestown: 400 Years in Retrospect panel, and America's Anniversary Weekend. The website contains recaps of all the events that took place during the celebration, photo galleries, press releases, published reports on all the events, and other additional resources.
Overseas Basing Commission
The Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States is charged with implementing Public Law 108-132 Sec. 128 by conducting a thorough study of matters relating to the overseas military facility structure of the United States. See also the Commission's Amended Charter and the Original Charter.
Payment Accuracy
This website contains information about: (1) Current and historical rates and amounts of improper payments, (2) Why improper payments occur, and (3) What agencies are doing to reduce and recover improper payments (from "About This Site").
The Power of the Internet for Learning: Final report of Web-Based Education Commission
This website contains the final report of the Web-Based Education Commission covering their study on how the Internet affects teaching, learning, and educational research including positive aspects and potentials as well as barriers and concerns.
Presidential Commission on Holocaust Assets in the US
To present a thorough historical record of the collection and disposition of the assets of Holocaust victims that came into the possession or control of the Government of the United States. The Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States (PCHA), established by the U.S. Holocaust Assets Commission Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-186), is charged with conducting original research into the fate of assets taken from victims of the Holocaust that came into the possession of the U.S. Federal government; reviewing research done by others regarding assets that came to private collections and non-Federal government organizations (especially state governments and financial institutions); and advising the President on policies that should be adopted to make restitution to the rightful owners of stolen property or their heirs. The primary goal is to develop an historical account of those valuables that came into the hands of the Federal government. Original research is conducted in the areas of art and cultural property, gold, and non-gold financial property by teams of researchers headed by experts Jonathan Petropoulos, Marc Masurovsky and Helen Junz.
President's Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry
The Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry was created by President Clinton to "advise the President on changes occurring in the health care system and recommend such measures as may be necessary to promote and assure health care quality and value, and protect consumers and workers in the health care system."
President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
On January 7, 2005, President Bush announced the establishment of a bipartisan panel to advise on options to reform the tax code to make it simpler, fairer, and more pro-growth to benefit all Americans. The Advisory Panel will submit to the Secretary of the Treasury a report containing revenue neutral policy options for reforming the Federal Internal Revenue Code as soon as practicable, but not later than November 1, 2005. These options should: simplify Federal tax laws to reduce the costs and administrative burdens of compliance with such laws; share the burdens and benefits of the Federal tax structure in an appropriately progressive manner while recognizing the importance of homeownership and charity in American society; and promote long-run economic growth and job creation, and better encourage work effort, saving, and investment, so as to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the global marketplace.
President's Commission on Improving Economic Opportunity in Communities Dependent on Tobacco Production while Protecting Public Health
Executive Order 13168, dated September 27, 2000 established the President's Commission on Improving Economic Opportunity in Communities Dependent on Tobacco Production While Protecting Public Health (Commission). The purpose of the Commission is to provide advice to the President on changes occurring in the tobacco farming economy and recommend such measures as may be necessary to improve economic opportunity and development in communities that are dependent on tobacco production, and protect consumers, particularly children, from hazards associated with smoking.
President's Commission on Moon, Mars and Beyond
The mission of the Commission shall be to provide recommendations to the President on implementation of the vision outlined in the President's policy statement entitled "A Renewed Spirit of Discovery" and the President's Budget Submission for Fiscal Year 2005 (collectively, "Policy"). The Commission shall examine and make recommendations to the President regarding: a) science research agenda to be conducted on the Moon and other destinations as well as human and robotic science activities that advance our capacity to achieve the Policy; b) The exploration of technologies, demonstrations, and strategies, including the use of lunar and other in situ natural resources, that could be used for sustainable human and robotic exploration; c) Criteria that could be used to select future destinations for human exploration; d) Long-term organization options for managing implementation of space exploration activities; e) The most appropriate and effective roles for potential private sector and international participants in implementing the Policy; and f) Methods for optimizing space exploration activities to encourage the interests of America's youth in studying and pursuing careers in mathematics, science, and engineering; and g) Management of the implementation of the Policy within available resources.
President's Commission on the United States Postal Service
The Commission's objective was to advise the President on the state of the United States Postal Service, prepare a report articulating a vision for the future of the United States Postal Service, and recommend the legislative and administrative steps necessary to enact reform needed to ensure the viability of postal services. Much has changed since the nation last revisited its mail system in 1970, most notably the rise of the Internet as a faster and more affordable communications alternative. Accordingly, the Commission final recommendations aim to tailor the Postal Service to the modern mail needs of the country and focus the institution on "best execution" in all aspects of its operations. The report concluded that a revitalized 21st century Postal Service-one that makes best use of every resource it has and takes full advantage of private-sector partnerships and new technologies-can serve as a prime example of how to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of operations throughout the Federal government.
President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
President George W. Bush established the PresidentÂ’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in April 2002 as part of his commitment to eliminate inequality for Americans with disabilities. The President directed the Commission to identify policies that could be implemented by Federal, State and local governments to maximize the utility of existing resources, improve coordination of treatments and services, and promote successful community integration for adults with a serious mental illness and children with a serious emotional disturbance.
Public Interest Obligations Advisory Committee Home Page
By Executive Order No. 13038, President Clinton established the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters (PIAC). The Committee studied and recommended the public interest responsibilities that should accompany the broadcasters' receipt of digital television licenses. NTIA serves as the Secretariat for the Advisory Committee.
Website for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, a non-partisan, non-political agency established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) intended to provide information and oversight related to the distribution and spending of Hurricane Sandy funds. It contains information about the board's activities, as well as funding data and information for funding recipients.
Return to Flight Task Group
On June 13, 2003 the NASA Administrator appointed two vetereran astronauts to lead an external task group in an independent assessment of the agency's "Return to Flight" efforts and to help the nation return the Space Shuttle safely to flight. On August 17th, 2005, the task group completed its work with the delivery of a final report to the NASA Administrator.
Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee
This website contains information about the Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee including their final report from October 2009. Acourding to their "About" page, "[t]he "Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans" is to examine ongoing and planned National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) development activities, as well as potential alternatives, and present options for advancing a safe, innovative, affordable, and sustainable human space flight program in the years following Space Shuttle retirement."
Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina
On September 15, 2005, the House of Representatives approved H. Res. 437, which created the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. According to the legislation creating it, the Select Committee was charged with conducting "a full and complete investigation and study and to report its findings to the House". Accordingly, the Select Committee presented its final Report on February 15, 2006, regarding-- (1) the development, coordination, and execution by local, State, and Federal authorities of emergency response plans and other activities in preparation for Hurricane Katrina; and (2) the local, State, and Federal government response to Hurricane Katrina.
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