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The Strategic Defense Initiative: Issues for Phase 1 Deployment
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The Strategic Defense Initiative: Issues for Phase 1 Deployment
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Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): Mission Objectives for Directing the Program
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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Military Manpower Policy
This issue brief will discuss issues dealing with military manpower policy and the AIDS virus, including the level of the AIDS infection or HIV infection rates in the military; efforts to control the spread of AIDS to and among military personnel; and AIDS in the context of military personnel stationed overseas.
Strategic Defense Initiative: Selected References, 1986-1988
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The Iran-Iraq War: Implications for U.S. Policy
This report discusses the Iran-Iraq conflict at its present state, which has become a war of attrition with neither side capable of achieving a decisive military victory over the other in the short term. U.S. policy concerns currently are threefold: first, that Iraq, despite moves to sustain its economic and military capacities, ultimately might suffer a destabilizing defeat to the detriment of U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf region; second, that future instability in Iran could open opportunities for Soviet exploitation; and third, that the conflict might expand beyond its present confines to threaten friendly regional states and the availability of their vast petroleum resources.
The Reagan Administration Posture Toward the ABM Treaty - Possible Implications
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The Reagan Administration Posture Toward the ABM Treaty - Possible Implications
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The Persian Gulf and the U.S. Naval Presence: Issues for Congress
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The Strategic Defense Initiative: Program Facts
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The Strategic Defense Initiative: Program Facts
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Terrorism: U.S. Policy Options
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Arms Shipments to Iran
This report provides background and examines key questions in regards to the shipments of arms to Iran and the subsequent diversion of funds to Nicaraguan guerrillas by the Reagan Administration.
Standby Draft Registration
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Space Policy and Funding: Military Uses of Space
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War Powers Resolution: Presidential Compliance
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Yellow Rain and Related Issues: Implications for the United States
The United States has charged that the Soviet Union is implicated in the use of chemical weapons in Afghanistan and of chemical and toxin weapons, including the toxin known as "Yellow Rain," in Laos and Kampuchea (Cambodia). These charges raise two significant sets of issues: First, issues surrounding the evidence that has been presented to show: (a) that such weapons have been used and (b) that the Soviet Union is implicated in this use. Second, issues connected with the implications of Soviet involvement, if proven, in chemical and toxin warfare.
Selected Articles and Bibliography on the Military Uses of Space
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NATO Nuclear Forces: Modernization and Arms Controls
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Martial Law in Poland
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Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START)
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Nuclear Freeze: Arms Control Proposals
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Women in the Armed Forces
Women have become an integral part of the armed forces, but several issues remain. One is whether to reduce, maintain, or expand the number of women in the services as the total forces are being reduced. A second question is to what extent women should continue to be excluded from some combat positions by policy. A third question is whether or not women should be included if the draft is reinstated? Would national security be jeopardized or enhanced by increasing reliance on women in the armed forces? Should women have equal opportunities and responsibilities in national defense? Or do role and physical differences between the sexes, the protection of future generations, and other social norms require limiting the assignments of women in the armed forces? Opinion in the United States is deeply divided on the fundamental issues involved.
U.S.-Soviet Negotiations to Limit Intermediate-Range Nuclear Weapons
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Technology Transfer And National Security Issues
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The START Proposal: Verification Issues
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President Reagan's START Proposal: Projected U.S./U.S.S.R. Ballistic Missile Forces
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Civil Defense and the Effects of Nuclear War
This Info Pack contains material on nuclear weapons and on the anticipated physical, economic, and social consequences of nuclear attacks on the United States, basic information on the civil defense program, and material discussing some of the arguments, pro and con, surrounding the civil defense issues.
Nuclear Weapons Freeze Movement: Issues for National Debate
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United States/Soviet Military Balance
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The MX Basing Debate: The Reagan Plan and Alternatives
This report discusses the Reagan MX basing plan, and the FY82 Defense authorization bill.
U.S./Soviet Military Balance: Statistical Trends, 1970-1980
No Description Available.
Military Manpower Policy and the All-Volunteer Force
No Description Available.
Chemical Warfare: A Primer on Agents, Munitions, and Defensive Measures
The recent Department of Defense proposal to develop a capability to modernize and expand the current U.S. chemical warfare munition stocks with binary nerve agent munitions has focused attention on the subject of chemical warfare. This paper provides a brief introductory discussion of modern chemical warfare, describing the types of agents, delivery methods, and defense against chemical agents. It does not discuss policy, strategy, tactics, or disarmament aspects of chemical warfare. These issues w i l l be covered i n CRS Issue Brief IB 8l08l .
Afghanistan: Soviet Invasion and U.S. Response
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan has raised a number of serious issues and choices for the United States. The train of events seem likely to have an important influence on overall American foreign policy in the 1980s. Reassessment of Soviet motives and of U.S. roles in the world are already in progress. Emerging American attitudes, in turn, will shape more specific policy decisions on several issues, which this issue brief discusses.
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