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The strike of the United Farm workers organizing committee in Delano, California. 1968
This report presents a chronology of UFWOC activities and briefly discusses some of the legislative issues raised by the Committee's action.
Key Facts on the Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled Public Assistance Program of the Social Security Act
This report details information on people who were receiving aid through the Permanently and Totally Disabled Public Assistance Program through the social security act in 1968. Also includes how many people in each state received funding and how much federal funding was given to each state.
The problems of Presidential transition: A selected bibliography. 1968
This report is an attempt to bring together the major references to material written in this area.
Assessment of the Middle East Arms Race
This report is categorized into three categories: (I) Regional Problems and the Arms Race, (II) Outside Powers and the Arms Race and (III) Difficulties in Comparing Military Strength of Middle Eastern Countries.
Congressional Delegation of Administrative Discretion to the Executive Branch: The Separation of Powers
This report was written in response to the Congressional action of delegating the power of implementing regulations that have the force and effect of law to members of the Executive branch such as federal agencies. The report collects and evaluates material pertinent to a wide range of questions in the area of the legislative practice of imposing criminal sanctions for violations of the administrative regulations which are a product of legislation.
The KU KLUX KLAN. 1968
This report is about KU KLUX KLAN.
A National President Primary? Presidential Primary Legislation in Congress: 1945-1968
This report documents various ways presidential elections have changed over the years and how it has effected voters in the country.
Fair Trial and Free Press
This report discusses the two constitutional rights, right to a fair trial and right to fair press, which collides with various degree of intensity and urgency primarily in the area of publicity before and during a criminal trial, and discusses some recent major cases, regulations and some proposed solutions.
Federal Government Termination of supervision over the American Indian
This report contains references related to American Indian.
Summary of Major Military Reserve Laws Historical Backgrounds: 1948-1968
This report outlines certain laws that require military action within the United States. It also recalls on back wars to investigate how those actions effected the present time.
Local Welfare Administrators' Comments On the "Welfare Crisis."
This report discusses local welfare and it points out a wide range of opinions and proposals reflected in the discussions of proposals for improving or changing the exiting system.
The Refugee Problem in the Arab-Israeli
This report documents the start, consequences, and outcomes of the Arab-Israeli situation in Palestine.
Diplomatic recognition with emphasis on U.S Policy. 1969
This report consists of selected list of references.
The president pro tempore of the U.S senate; the Historical Development of the Office, and a Synopsis of its Duties and Responsibilities. 1969
This report is about the development of office and a synopsis of its duties and responsibilities.
Migratory Agricultural Labor: References to Federal Publications, Studies and Reports, 1959-1968
This report contains references to publications related to Migratory Agricultural Labor.
Capital Punishment: Selected References
This report provides some of the selected references on Capital Punishment
The Federal Role in Coal Mine Safety
This report is about the The Federal Role in Coal Mine Safety.
Student unrest on the campus; Selected Reference
This report discusses the selected references of student unrest on the campus. It is categorized into two categories: (I) General and (II) Supplementary.
Chemical and Biological Warfare: Some Questions and Answers
This report provides some Questions and Answers regarding Chemical and Biological Warfare.
Hunger and Malnutrition in the United States
This report discusses some readily available sources and also shows congressional action and interest in the area of hunger and malnutrition.
Federal Involvement in Day Care
This report chronicles federal involvement in daycare for children. This includes resources for working mothers, a history of federal involvement in daycare programs, federal daycare standards, and daycare problems and proposals to amend them, as well as a summary of legislative proposals for daycare and related programs.
Selected Federal Programs in Which Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Schools and Children may Participate
This report contains descriptions of Federal programs in which nonpublic schools and children may participate.
India: Situation Report
This report categorized into three category: (I) Political Affairs, (II) The Economy, and (III) Foreign Relations of India.
United Sates and the Soviet Rivalry in Space: Who is Ahead, and how do the Contenders Compare?
This report is about United Sates and the Soviet Rivalry in Space.
Nuclear-Powered U.S. Naval Vessels: Authorizations policy and problems
This report is categorized into three categories: (I) Previous authorizations of nuclear-powered naval vessels, (II) Present Policy toward nuclear-powered naval vessels and (III) CESA and naval nuclear populsion.
Information Concerning Speakers of the House of Representatives
This report contains statistical information about the 45 men who have been elected speaker of the House of Representative since 1789.
The Continental Shelf and The Deep Ocean Floor: A Brief Survey of United States Jurisdiction and Control Under International and Federal Law
This report discusses the ideas of what parts of underwater lands is owned/claimed by what legal powers.
Comecon and Soviet Economic Integration of Eastern Europe
This report is categorized into four category:(I) Attempted Soviet Economic Integration, (II) Economic Factory in Integration, (III) Renewed Pressures for Integration and (IV) Some Consideration.
A Summary of Task Force Report: Organized Crime
This report addresses the Organized Crime Task Force and a summary of the basic report.
Summary of Major Federal Consumer Protection Laws, 1906-1968
This report provides brief summary of the main provisions of the principal Federal consumer protection laws enacted from 1906 to 1968.
History and Development of Water Resources: A Select Bibliography
This report is a bibliography on History and Development of Water Resources.
International prohibition of the use of chemical and biological weapon: A survey of United states policy. 1969
This report is about the U.S Policy on chemical and biological warfare before world war 11.
Powers of the President
This report is about the powers of the President.
Rent Supplements: A Brief Survey of the Federal Program with Pro and Con Arguments.
This report is a Brief Survey of the Federal Program with Pro and Con Arguments regarding Rent Supplements.
The military-industrial complex. A current reading list. 1969
This report consists of list of the military-industrial complex.
Bibliography on Environment and Natural Resources
This report is a Bibliography on Environment and Natural Resources
Migratory Agricultural Labor: References to Books, Periodicals, and Films, 1959-1969
This report and bibliography contains references to books, documentaries, and magazine articles that study migrant workers. It also contains information on specific issues that affect migratory agricultural workers, such as the Bracero program, the California grape strike, education, health, housing, and welfare, income, and more.
The Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service
This report is on Legislative Background of Federal Food Aid Programs
The Selective Service Act of 1969
This report is the summary of changes in existing law.
ABM: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography about ABM.
United Arab Republic: Political and Economic Developments
This report is about the Nile River and the civilization and its development
The Republic Of China: Political and Economic Development, 1969
This report
Powers of the President in the Field of Foreign Policy
This report is categorized in four categories: (I) Power as Commander-in-Chief, (II) Power to appoint and receive Ambassadors,(III) Power by and with the consent of the Senate to make Treaties and (IV) Power as chief Executive.
The Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service
This report is a brief description of Family Assistance Act of 1969
School Desegregation-The new mandate
This report is regarding the Alexander V. Holmes county- Board of Education
Thailand: A Bibliography 1969
This report is a bibliography on Thailand.
India: A Bibliography
This report is a Bibliography about India.
Statements by President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers and Secretary of Defense Laird on the Subjects of United States Troop withdrawal and Vietnamization.
This report includes Statements by President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers and Secretary of Defense Laird on the Subjects of United States Troop withdrawal and Vietnamization.
The Recall or Withholding of U.S Ambassadors to influence other governments or express disapproval of their actions: Some specific cases
This report discusses the cases that the united states sought to influence another government or to express disapproval of its actions by recalling the U.S. ambassador or by delaying the appointment or accreditation of a new one.
The Federal Budget Process: A selected Bibliography.
This report has Books, pamphlets, Govt. publications and periodical articles
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