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Developments in Asia 1971: A Summary and Chronology of National and International Events of Import to United States Policy
This report is a summary and list of events that occurred in Asia in 1971 that may have had a level of importance to United States policy with the affected countries.
The Independent Nations of Africa: Leaders, Means of Accession, Parties, Population, and Area
This report provides data on the leaders, political parties, and government types of all of the independent African nations. It also provides the population size and area of each country, as well as the nation that formerly governed the area during colonial rule.
Rhodesia: A Summary of Developments Since July 1969
This report discusses Rhodesia's declaration of independence from Britain in 1969 and ensuing negotiations between Britain and Rhodesia to bring about a formal recognition of Rhodesian independence by Britain and to ensure the rights of the majority black population in the new government of Rhodesia.
Political Fact Sheet for the Nations of Latin America
This report provides data on the leaders, political parties, and government types of Latin American countries. It also includes population numbers and the area of each country.
The People's Republic of China: Internal Situation
This report discusses the internal political, social, and economic conditions in China following the Cultural Revolution.
The Policies of the Soviet Union and the European Members of the North Atlantic Alliance Toward NATO
This report discusses the policies of the Soviet Union and the major European members of NATO towards the organization and evaluates the commitment levels of the European members of NATO.
The India-Pakistan War of November-December 1971: Background, Causes, and The Role of American Diplomacy
This report discusses the November and December 1971, war between India and Pakistan over the persecution of Hindus by the West Pakistani army fighting East Pakistani rebels in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and their refusal to allow East Pakistan to become independent. The war ended with India's defeat of the West Pakistani army in East Pakistan and the recognition of the new country of Bangladesh. U.S. policy towards India and Pakistan is also discussed.
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