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Congressional Proposals Dealing With National Emergency Strikes
This report describes how national emergency strikes have been dealt with under the Labor Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act) and the Railway Labor Act. The report also describes bills being put into the House and the Senate that deal with strikes, and information about each.
The Family Assistance Act and Other Income Maintenance Proposals
This report discusses various welfare reform proposals which were introduced in Congress regarding family assistance and income maintenance programs and excerpts of articles regarding welfare reform.
Apollo Goals and Accomplishments: The United States Project to Explore the Moon
This report is categorized into five categories: (I) What is Project Apollo? (II) Brief History, (III) Apollo Technology, (IV) Apollo Flight Plan, (V) The Apollo Future.
Apollo Goals and Accomplishments: The United States Project to Explore the Moon
This report provides an overview of the Apollo space program to explore the Moon. Topics covered include the purposes of the program, its history, technology, flight plans, successes, and future missions.
Innovative Federal Legislation in the Field of Conservation 1900-1969
This report provides a list of federal legislation which established new or significant departures in the management, development, and administration of natural resources from the years 1900-1969.
Innovative Federal Legislation in the Field of Conservation 1900-1969
This report provides a listing of significant federal legislation related to conservation from 1900 to 1969.
New Approaches to Income Maintenance
This report discusses income maintenance programs and various proposals to reform the system.
New approaches to income maintenance
This report
A Legislative Scene
This report is a descriptive list of selected newsletters, journals, and other periodical publications covering congressional activities
The Code of Conduct: Basic Questions Regarding Its Applicability to Contemporary Prisoner of War Experience
This report discusses the executive order known as the "Code of Conduct," which describes responsibilities of military service members when engaging the enemy and addresses how the Code relates to modern warfare.
History of seniority system in the senate
This report is about the history of seniority in the senate.
The Library of congress, legislative reference service ,1970
This report helps to answer the numerous and diverse questions that come to the legislative reference services in the library of congress.
Indonesia: A Bibliography 1970
This report is a bibliography on Indonesia.
Methadone and its use in the treatment of narcotic drug addiction
This report is selected references
Agencies Licensed for Inter-Country Adoption
This report provides a a listing of licensed foreign adoption assistance and liaison groups.
Government and business
This report is a selected bibliography regarding government and business, featuring citations for books and monographs, periodical articles.
The Philippines: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography that cites the information related to the Philippines; its General and Historical content, Government and Politics, Economy, and Foreign Relations.
Voting Rights and the "Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1969" (H.R.4249): A Review
This report addresses the Voting Rights Act of 1969.
President's science advisory committee
This report is a brief description and individual biographies
Selected Bills Recently Passed by the Congress on Environmental Quality and Productivity
This report
Air Pollution (A brief Summary of Federal Activities)
This report is a summary of federal-mandated research on air pollution in the United States, its impact on health, how to control it, and better techniques to maintain air quality.
Australia: A Bibliography, 1970
This report is on Australia's Bibliography in 1970.
Taiwan: A Bibliography 1970
This report is a bibliography on Taiwan.
Burma: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography that cites Burma's General and Historical content, Government and Politics, Economy and Foreign relations
Mexican-United States Relations Since the Beginning of the Good Neighbor Policy
This report discusses The Good Neighbor policy instituted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and its effects on U.S. relations with Mexico as well as contemporary issues in Mexican-American relations such as immigration, drug smuggling, and trade regulations.
Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography that cites information of Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim, and includes three major contents related to them: General Works; Government, Politics, Economy; and Foreign relations.
Singapore: A Bibliography 1970
This report is a bibliography on Singapore
Biafra: A Chronology of Events July 15, 1969 - January 12, 1970
No Description Available.
Environmental Policy and Law: Bibliography of Reference Works and Government Documents and Bibliography of Legal Periodicals
This report provides an annotated bibliography of resources related to environmental law and policy and divided by material type.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190): Bibliography
This report provides a bibliography of resources outlining the legislative history of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
Solid waste disposal
This report is a brief summary of federal programs
Black Africa: The Challenge of Development
This report addresses some general observations on the nature of Black Africa's development challenge considering some limitations.
Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmament in the United States
This report is about the Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmament in the United States.
Federal Programs Related to Environment
This report provides a compilation and brief description of the purpose, functions, and activities of federal agencies having programs that are significantly related to environmental concerns. Federal Departments, independent agencies, and selected boards, commissions, and committees are included in the listing.
An Analysis of Laws Related to the Bounty on Wolves in the United States
This report includes an analysis of laws related to the bounty of wolves in the united states.
Comparative Data on the Federal Government Budget Estimates Originally Submitted to Congress and the Final Budget Conditions Realized, Fiscal Years 1921-1971
This report provides a listing comparing the amount of the federal budget request for each fiscal year to the final budget. It covers fiscal years 1921 to 1971.
Literacy tests As Qualifications For Voting
This report includes a compilation of statutes of the fifty states and the District of Columbia.
Property Taxes and Urban Development: Selected References.1967,1969, 1970
This report includes selected references from 1967-1969 to property taxes and urban development.
The Library of Congress legislative reference service
This report
Greece Since the Coup D'etat of April 1967, 1970
This report addresses the coup d'etat in Greece in April of 1967.
The Peace Symbol
This report explains "peace symbols" through an example of British pacifist groups campaigning for nuclear disarmament. The report also describes how symbols are interpreted and used by different groups of people.
Air Pollution: A Brief Annotated Bibliography
This report is a bibliography on air pollution.
Afganistan: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography on Afganistan.
New Zealand: A Bibliography
This report is a bibliography on New Zealand.
Fluoridation: A modern paradox in science and public policy
This report contains information on Fluoridation, dental care issues, scientific studies related to fluoridation, and related information.
Dissent Within the Military, Past and Present: A Select Bibliography
This report data within the military from the past and present.
Federal Legislation Relating to Corrections
This report addresses federal legislations regarding corrections.
Federal legislation relating to corrections
This report presents information about grants to assist states in rehabilitating handicapped individuals so as they prepare and engage in gainful employment.
Legislative Reference Service << publisher, not title & record does not follow guidelines
This report is Summary of Developments Since the Unilateral Declaration of Independence(UDI) November 11,1965-1969
Major Natural Disasters in the United States: 1959-1969
This report provides a listing of major natural disasters in the United States between 1959 and 1969. It lists the name of the event, the estimated costs of damage, and fatality numbers for each disaster.
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