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Hong Kong 2005: Changes in Leadership and Issues for Congress
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has recently recovered from an economic downturn and the SARS virus outbreak of 2002-2003 which crippled trade and tourism. There has also been a major change in the top government personnel, with the former Chief Executive, Tung Chee-Hwa, being replaced by Donald Tsang as the new Chief Executive of Hong Kong. The next major the issue to be addressed in Hong Kong is the pace of further democratization and the the extent to which the next elections for the Legislative Counsel will be based on direct elections of all seats or a larger portion thereof.
Afghanistan: Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
Presidential elections were held on October 9, 2004, with heavy turnout and minimal violence. Karzai won with about 55% of the vote. In a climate of escalating insurgent violence in Afghanistan, parliamentary and provincial elections are to be held on September 18, 2005; district elections are put off until 2006. See CRS Report RL30588, Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy.
Afghanistan: Presidential and Parliamentary Elections
Presidential elections were held on October 9, 2004, with heavy turnout and minimal violence. Karzai won with about 55% of the vote. In a climate of escalating insurgent violence in Afghanistan, parliamentary and provincial elections are to be held on September 18, 2005; district elections are put off until 2006. See CRS Report RL30588, Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy.
Moldova: Background and U.S. Policy
This report provides information and analysis on Moldova, including its political and economic situation, foreign policy, and on U.S. policy toward Moldova.
Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance
No Description Available.
Ukraine's Orange Revolution and U.S. Policy
In January 2005, Viktor Yushchenko became Ukraine’s new President, after massive demonstrations helped to overturn the former regime’s electoral fraud, in what has been dubbed the “Orange Revolution,” after Yushchenko’s campaign color? The “Orange Revolution” has sparked a great deal of interest in Congress and elsewhere. Some hope that Ukraine may finally embark on a path of comprehensive reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration after nearly 15 years of half-measures and false starts. Others are interested in the geopolitical implications of a pro-Western Ukraine in the former Soviet region and in relations between Russia and the West. Some analysts detect a new wave of democracy sweeping the post-Soviet region.
Cambodia: Background and U.S. Relations
This report provides historical context, discusses political and economic developments, and raises policy issues in Cambodia that affect U.S.-Cambodian relations. These issues include human rights, bilateral trade, U.S. foreign assistance to Cambodia, terrorism, HIV/AIDS, the Khmer Rouge tribunal, and Cambodia’s relations with its southeast Asian neighbors and China.
Israel: Background and Relations with the United States
No Description Available.
Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance
No Description Available.
Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses
Report discussing the most recent updates regarding concerns surrounding Iran, including the potential support they offer to terrorist organizations, as well as detailing the measure that the U.S. took in order to peacefully discuss these matters. The report also details major concerns the U.S. has relating to Iran's human rights practices, limits on democracy, and violence against the U.S.-led Middle East peace process.
The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview
This report examines the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), which is a program designed to promote political, economic, and educational development in the Middle East. This report provides an overview of the MEPI program, its perception in the Middle East, and its role in the debate over U.S. efforts to promote democracy in the Arab world.
Honduras: Political and Economic Situation and U.S. Relations
Honduras faces enormous challenges in the areas of crime and human rights and improving overall economic and living conditions in one of the hemisphere’s poorest countries. The United States has a close relationship with Honduras, characterized by significant foreign assistance, an important trade partnership, a military presence in the country, and cooperation on a range of transnational issues. Honduras signed the original U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in May 2004 and an expanded U.S.-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) in August 2004. The Honduran Congress approved the agreement on March 3, 2005, by a vote of 124-4. The Bush Administration views DR-CAFTA as a means of solidifying democracy in Honduras and promoting safeguards for environmental protection and labor rights in the country
Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy
The United States and its allies are helping Afghanistan emerging from more than 22 years of warfare, although substantial risk to Afghan stability remains. Before the U.S. military campaign against the orthodox Islamist Taliban movement began on October 7, 2001, Afghanistan had been mired in conflict since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The defeat of the Taliban has enabled the United States and its coalition partners to send forces throughout Afghanistan to search for Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters and leaders that remain at large, including Osama bin Laden. As the war against remaining Al Qaeda and Taliban elements winds down, the United States is shifting its military focus toward stabilizing the interim government, including training a new Afghan national army, and supporting the international security force (ISAF) that is helping the new government provide security.
Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy
The United States and its allies are helping Afghanistan emerging from more than 22 years of warfare, although substantial risk to Afghan stability remains. Before the U.S. military campaign against the orthodox Islamist Taliban movement began on October 7, 2001, Afghanistan had been mired in conflict since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The defeat of the Taliban has enabled the United States and its coalition partners to send forces throughout Afghanistan to search for Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters and leaders that remain at large, including Osama bin Laden. As the war against remaining Al Qaeda and Taliban elements winds down, the United States is shifting its military focus toward stabilizing the interim government, including training a new Afghan national army, and supporting the international security force (ISAF) that is helping the new government provide security.
Liberia’s Post-War Transition: Key Issues
This report discusses the political situation in Liberia after it ended the second civil war, the current humanitarian and security situation, as well its relations with United States.
Islamist Extremism in Europe
Although the vast majority of Muslims in Europe are not involved in radical activities, Islamist extremists and vocal fringe communities that advocate terrorism exist and reportedly have provided cover for terrorist cells. This report provides an overview of Islamist extremism in Europe, possible terrorist links, European responses, and implications for the United States.
The Law of Church and State: Selected Opinions of Justice O'Connor
This report offers an examination of Justice O’Connor’s opinions interpreting the Establishment Clause reveals that she employed different tests depending on the type of government activity at issue. The decisions show that O’Connor believed that these cases should all be examined carefully with particular attention given to the facts of each, and that the Court should refrain from tying itself to a single test for evaluating Establishment Clause cases.
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