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Internet: An Overview of Key Technology Policy Issues Affecting Its Use and Growth
The growth of the Internet may be affected by issues being debated by Congress. This report summarizes several key technology policy issues that were under consideration by the 106th Congress.
Internet: An Overview of Key Technology Policy Issues Affecting Its Use and Growth, May 31, 2002
This report summarizes several key technology policy issues such as Internet privacy, computer and internet security, broadband internet access, electronic commerce, spam, internet's domain name system, and e-government.
An Analysis of STEM Education Funding at the NSF: Trends and Policy Discussion
This report analyzes National Science Foundation funding trends and selected closely-related STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education policy issues to provide fiscal and policy context. It concludes with an analysis of potential policy options.
Internet Voting
No Description Available.
Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs
This report discusses the "digital divide," a term that has been used to characterize a gap between those Americans who use or have access to telecommunications technologies (e.g., telephones, computers, the Internet) and those who do not. It particularly discusses one important subset of the digital divide debate concerns high speed Internet access or broadband.
Electric-Drive Propulsion for U.S. Navy Ships: Background and Issues for Congress
This report provides background information and discusses issues for Congress regarding the use of electric-drive propulsion technology (as opposed to traditional mechanical-drive technology) on U.S. Navy ships. As a result of technological developments over the last few years, electric-drive technology has matured to the point where the Navy has selected it for use on its planned next-generation DD-21 land-attack destroyer and is considering it for use on other kinds of Navy ships as well.
America COMPETES Acts: FY2008 to FY2013 Funding Tables
The 2007 America COMPETES Act (P.L. 110-69) is designed to “invest in innovation through research and development, and to improve the competitiveness of the United States.” This report tracks accounts and activities authorized by the 2007 and 2010 COMPETES Acts during each act’s authorization period. It includes only those accounts and activities for which the acts provide a defined (i.e., specific) appropriations authorization.
Internet: An Overview of Key Technology Policy Issues Affecting Its Use and Growth
This report gives an overview of key technology policy issues of the internet affecting its use and growth.
Internet: An Overview of Key Technology Policy Issues Affecting Its Use and Growth
This report gives an overview of key technology policy issues of the internet affecting its use and growth.
United Sates and the Soviet Rivalry in Space: Who is Ahead, and how do the Contenders Compare?
This report is about United Sates and the Soviet Rivalry in Space.
China’s Space Program: An Overview
This report gives an overview of China's Space and the contents include China's SPace Launch Activities, funding programs, military space activities, and international cooperation.
Navy Network-Centric Warfare Concept: Key Programs and Issues for Congress
No Description Available.
Broadband Internet Regulation and Access: Background and Issues
This is one part in the series of reports that provide a background and analysis, and most recent developments regarding broadband or high-speed Internet access. The report starts out by answering questions; what is broadband and why is it important? This report also discusses broadband technologies, the status of broadband deployment and the related policy issues, as well as the legislation in congress.
Internet Commerce and State Sales and Use Taxes
State governments rely on sales and use taxes for approximately one-third (33.6%) of their total tax revenue - or approximately $179 billion in FY2002 .' Local governments derived 12.4% of their tax revenue or $44 .1 billion from local sales and use taxes in FY20012 Both state and local sales taxes are collected by vendors at the time of transaction and are levied at a percentage of a product's retail price. Alternatively, use taxes are not collected by the vendor if the vendor does not have nexus (loosely defined as a physical presence) in the consumer's state . Consumers are required to remit use taxes to their taxing jurisdiction . However, compliance with this requirement is quite low. Because of the low compliance, many observers suggest that the expansion of the internet as a means of transacting business across state lines, both from business to consumer (B to C) and from business to business (B to B), threatens to diminish the ability of state and local governments to collect sales and use taxes . Congress has a role in this issue because commerce between parties in different states conducted over the Internet falls under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.' Congress can either take an active or passive role in the "Internet tax" debate. This report intends to clarify important issues in the Internet tax debate .
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