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House Committee Jurisdiction and Referral: Rules and Practice
This report briefly discusses the factors that determine House committee jurisdiction and more specifically House Rule X.
House Committees: Assignment Process?
This report briefly discusses House Committee assignments, examining the process and assessing its effects.
Nationwide Permits for Wetlands Projects: Permit 26 and Other Issues and Controversies
Nationwide permits of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers authorize certain types of projects in wetlands and other waters and are a key means of minimizing the regulatory burden on landowners This report discusses the nationwide permits reissued in 1996, focusing on one of the most controversial permits (number 26), and a July 1998 proposal to modify nationwide permit 26 further. The revised permits and a federal court decision that invalidated certain Corps' regulations could be impetus for congressional activity. This report will be updated as developments warrant. Also see CRS Issue Brief 97014, Wetland Issues in the 105th Congress.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Its Rise, Fall, and Current Status
No Description Available.
Sponsorship and Cosponsorship of House Bills
No Description Available.
State Regulation of the Initiative Process: Buckley v. American Constitutional Law Foundation, Inc., et al.
No Description Available.
Year 2000 Problem: Chronology of Hearings and Legislation
No Description Available.
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