Search Results

The Control of the Alfalfa Weevil.
Pamphlet describing the characteristics of the alfalfa weevil, the damage it causes, and methods of control.
Disease-resistant and hardy oats for the South.
Describes winter-hardy and disease-resistant oat varieties, and best practices for growing them.
Good proportions in the diet.
Provides advice for planning meals and buying the appropriate amount of food for a family that does active, but not hard muscular work.
Homes for birds
Describes various types of birdhouses, where to place them, how to maintain them, and how to protect them against enemies of birds.
Ladino white clover for the northeastern states.
Describes the importance of Ladino white clover on the farm, and how to successfully grow it in the northeastern United States.
Production of Maple Sirup and Sugar.
Pamphlet describing the process of growing maple trees, obtaining syrup from them, and how to market the syrup.
Using 2,4-D safely.
Describes the chemical broadleaf herbicide 2,4-D, and methods of applying it to prevent damage to farm crops, animals, and humans.
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